Nothing | Teen Ink


December 14, 2021
By sarahahsbrown SILVER, Lousiville, Kentucky
sarahahsbrown SILVER, Lousiville, Kentucky
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tears rushing down her face as she stares at the body she once loved. Thoughts running free throughout her worried mind.

“Why!” she screams

“Why!” she says, every time her voice diminishes more.

Tears run miles down her face destroying the masterpiece she made. Whipping her head to the sound of a knock across the door.

“I’m fine” she barely whispers trying to break the stream of tears

“I’m fine” she barely whispers questioning herself with the words she just spoke

The knock quickly fades away leaving her alone with herself. Slowly turning her head slightly to see the same number flashing her in the face. 142.5. Not thinking, she finds a source that can ease the pain and help her be happy.

Black. All she sees is the color of nothingness. She finally feels weightless, the reality she always wanted finally coming true.

The author's comments:

This is a flash fiction written for my creative writing class.

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