My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

March 1, 2019
By stannc BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
stannc BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The name Cally reflects a golden yellow tone. Like the first glow of dawn as it lights the sky.  Smooth, almost as if one is writing calligraphy. Flows calmly like a river. Sounds happy and whimsical like a child on Christmas Day. It reminds one of the Callalily flower. Firm petals, bright colors. Unique and beautiful all on its’ own. Stands out in a group.

It is the nickname of my grandpa’s favorite aunt. Caroline. My grandpa treasured her dearly. He looked up to her. Went to her for advice. He admired her hard work and accomplishments. Cally was genuine. A strong woman. Owned and operated a beauty salon called, “Cally’s”. I never met her, yet here I am named after her.

Do I like the name? Yes. It is different. It is uniquely spelled. However, I do wish my name was longer. Caroline would have been fine, as well as something else. It would have to be visually pleasing with my last name.

I envy those who have multiple nicknames. A lot of people call me Cal, which I like a lot better than Cally due to the more distinct pronunciation. Cally can easily be turned into Kailey or Allie with a simple misinterpretation.

The truth is, I am not like an Allie or a Kailey. I am shy, yet outgoing. Like a kitten in a clowder of lions. Quiet, yet the life of the party. Woman of few words, yet have strong beliefs. Like a refrain that reoccurs throughout the song. My ideas are usually out of the ordinary. Similar to the albino in a pack of wolves.

I am Cally. Also known as Cal. Unique, not common. Like a child born with two different colored eyes. Known for strong beliefs, eccentric ideas. Which correlates to a superstitious person. Goal orientated, hard working, treasured by family. Born years later, yet not so different from my namesake. The single bright yellow Callalily in the center of a colorful bouquet.


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