A Small Task | Teen Ink

A Small Task

May 15, 2018
By Anonymous

People have always told me that “Unexpected events always happen at the most unexpected times.” Everytime someone would tell me this, I would always wonder about what that meant. But on the day of April 17, 1864 I finally figured it out. I woke up early that morning to a loud noise that seemed to be coming from under my bed. It was a very frightening noise, so I got up to see what it was. When I looked under the bed, I saw nothing. I went back to bed, but as soon as I fell asleep I heard it again. After the noise had been going on for what seemed like forever, I got up and grabbed a flashlight. I shined it under the bed, and found something horrifying.
         Under my bed, I found a creature that resembled a raccoon; except for this raccoon had long fangs and glowing red eyes. When I shined the flashlight onto him, and he started staring viciously at me, I knew there was only one thing I should do. Run! I ran quickly down the stairs, and ran until I was out of the door. When I got outside I found a note that read: Do not be alarmed. Every year the raccoon goes under one child's bed, and this year it is your turn. In order to get this creature to leave, you will have to complete one task. Go to the forest of the West and get a golden coconut. After you get this coconut.return home and feed it to the raccoon. After the raccoon is finished eating the coconut, say “Be gone, be gone,’’ and the raccoon will be gone. This sounded like a simple task, but I quickly realized that it was going to be anything but that.
          After a long two hours of walking, I finally made it to the forest of the West. When I arrived, I was shocked. “This forest is way bigger than I expected it to be,” I said to myself. After a long 3 hours of searching through every tree, I finally found the golden coconut. The coconut was very close to the ground, which was an amazing thing to see after all of the walking and searching. I grabbed a branch close to the ground and stood on top of it. Then I securely grabbed the coconut and jumped down from the branch. After I completed the mission of getting the coconut, I ran home excitedly.
         When I finally got home, I walked upstairs and went to my bed. I knelt down, and found the raccoon in the same place it had been before I left. Slowly, I put the coconut in front of it and I watched the raccoon slowly eat the coconut. After it was done eating the coconut, I said the words: “Be gone, be gone,” and the raccoon disappeared before my eyes.
      This experience was very terrifying, but I learned many valuable lessons. I learned that even though a task may seem hard, nothing is impossible. I also learned that I can never give up, especially when there is a goal I am trying to accomplish. But most importantly, I learned what people meant when they said:“Unexpected events always happen at the most unexpected times”.

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