I'll be right back | Teen Ink

I'll be right back

May 11, 2018
By PattyMcaxel BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
PattyMcaxel BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
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The summer was hot in Paola Kansas. Paola is full of people you would see in Hallmark movies. Everyone knew each other and are dedicated to work, family and being kind. Like every city there is a “ghetto” part, and Sophie says her quiet, peaceful, and welcoming neighborhood was the ghetto of Paola. She did have a crazy neighbor a mile or few away, like all the farms were. I never see him. Just hear his dogs screaming and barking like they were fighting to the death. Sophie has a  driveway about ½ a mile long made of rocks that you  see in a pile on construction sites. When you first turn into the driveway, on the right is a fence with a cute shabby barn and a  tree that shaded the pen. Her horse lives in there, and on the left side is her barn by an orchard in a huge field, with trees that outlined the acres of Woods. Driving up further until her home is visible, are  giant dogs the size of small polar bears, Annie and Sadie. I feel bad for the chickens because they live in a pen right next to the dogs. And behind the  home, is fresh calming woods.
          I wanted to go explore those woods. I was with Sophie, my best friend, her sister Grace ,a year younger than my 12 year old sister, G. We’re bored from the fun of yesterday and ran out of things to do. I asked if we could go into the woods, but there was always an accuse. Because we were bored from nothing to do, Sophie gave up finally said “Sure, why not.” I was excited because the woods were beautiful and I wanted to take some pictures of it.I got a camera on my birthday, and Sophie has the same camera, but hers is green and mine is blue. We put on rain boots because there’s a creek that runs inside of the woods that looks mystical. The boots I borrowed were huge on me. Some of the creek water was deep that it would reach your stomach. Luke, Sophie’s youngest brother tagged along with all of us. The heat hit us as we got outside.
          We went down a path-like thing that led to the deep woods. We had bug spray on to avoid ticks and mosquitoes. I  put a jacket on so none of the thorn plants got me. There’s a lot of spiderwebs so I carried a stick in front of me. Sophie led us all like a camp group. We all carried sticks, even Sophie. She didn’t mind a small spider, but I was scared straight of any size spider! We went alongside the creek so we wouldn’t get lost. I tripped a little stepping over a plant with a hidden stick in it.  The air felt humid due to the heat and cold steam bouncing from the creek water. Sophie knew the woods like the back of her hand, while if anyone else in the family went alone, they would get lost. I needed to use the restroom, so I asked Sophie if she could walk me back to the house.  Sophie waltzed  in the water while I tried anything to not to. Krill in the water swam away with every one of her steps. My head felt hot as the sun poked at it through the treetops causing my scalp to sweat a bit, making me uncomfortable. In the water, we came across a big dinner plate sized flat grey rock in the water in the shape of a heart. We took turns carrying it back to the house due to it having a heavy weight.
     We finally got to the house and after I stood on the front patio and sat in the shade for a second,then walked to her. “Ugh, I’m sorta glad that we finally get time alone to talk.” I said. “Yah, I feel like everytime I try to talk with you, even on the phone, the world starts to annoy me!” she said. I liked this. Talking to her in real life felt like we are sisters. “Can we go see the horse?” I asked “We should  take the golf cart up there.” I suggested with a sly smile. Sophie and I step  into the muddy cart and Sophie went full speed up with the pedal flat  to her horse. Dust kicked up the rock driveway and made us cough. Wind flew ripped through our hair causing a relief from the country heat. We screamed and parked the cart beside the pen. We went up to her horse’s pen, pet it a bit, and got back into the cart. My turn to drive this time. It needed to be turned around to go back, so I pushed the pedal down and went into the orchard field in a straight line. Plot twist: I turned as sharp and fast as I can and I felt  cart tip over, We laughed it off, and stopped to feed the chickens.
      Sophie and I had a very deep, meaningful conversation that we never get the chance to do much on the phone or in real life either. The conversations we usually had were over random things that were funny, embarrassing, stuff about school, family etc. In the chicken pen, we sat on the ground and fed chickens. I moved my leg, due to spread out chicken food, the crumbs would make a mark on my leg. We were so deep in our conversation that we forgot everything about Grace, G and Luke being in the woods. An hour passed by.  I told them we would come back when I left. I was a little worried so I told Sophie. “They’ll be fine.”she said carelessly. It was really really hot out and they didn’t have water to drink. That scared me a little bit, honestly. I reminded her again  hour of deep conversation. I finally convinced her to go look for them with me.
          I turned my camera on and started to record Sophie and I walking toward the woods. I  acted annoying and  turned the camera to me. “We have to go look for Grace G and luke in the woods! Their probably dead!” Then I turned the camera to face the woods. “ Literally Finding dory.”  Then we heard really loud talking and saw the lost group stumbling tired and breathing hard. G walked up to me huffing.
       “Why they hell did you take that long? You literally told us you were going to come back!” she spoke quietly so that Luke wouldn’t hear and repeat the word “hell” aloud in front of Sophie’s parents.
        “Well, Sophie and I decided to see the horse, then we sat and talked and played with the chickens.” I said. Grace looked at us and her jaw dropped. Luke even was done with our nonsense and said, “We got lost and I started to cry, we could have never come back out of the woods!” G and Grace looked at each other and smiled. Grace walked up to us and whispered, “We told him we got lost, we weren’t really lost, but we were a little lost.” Sophie knew something that they didn’t know what Luke would do. “Grace! Now he’s going to tell mom and we’ll be in so much trouble!” Sophie yelled in a whispered voice. On their faces was instant regret. “Oh, I didn’t think about that..” Grace said lost in thought.  G was ready for water, and done with our talking. “Whatever, I’m getting water.” She said, starting to walk up a small hill up to Sophie’s house. “Same.” Grace said, and walked up there with Luke trailing behind her. Sophie and I followed them.
         Later on, Sophie’s Mom gave all of us a little talk about how Sophie needs to lead the group at all times and if someone needs to go and do something, to bring everyone else too. Luke sat there and watched us looking dramatically hurt with angry looking facial expressions. Her mom wasn’t happy with us but she got over it an hour later. She was mostly mad at the fact Luke cried, and they got lost, and that we didn’t have water, and that Sophie and I didn’t go back to look for them. The funny thing is, Grace and G never had their secret get out on telling Luke they were lost.... I could only imagine that if Sophie’s mom found out...

The author's comments:

it's great

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