The Perfect City | Teen Ink

The Perfect City

December 7, 2017
By Anonymous

     Once there was a mayor who created a city name Pearl Moon. Pearl Moon was located in the coast of France. The mayor name was Veronica Moon. She wanted to have her own city for people to start fresh in life. It was also a gifted place where there was these special stones that was found inside the Moon lake. Veronica parents were like superhero in till they past away and gave their city to their youngest daughter. Everyone said, her parents and her oldest sister died from a car crush but that wasn’t really true. Veronica parents and her big sister had many secrets that Veronica never knew about.
Long ago, from the coast side of France. Veronica was only fifteen when she was in a car with her older sister Sam. While Sam was driving they heard on the radio that the courthouse was on fire. Sam drove to the courthouse as fast as she can and Sam told Veronica to stay in the car. Sam ran into the courthouse to find their parents. After Sam ran into the courthouse there was an explosion. Veronica was crying with tears. When the firefighters came they seen Veronica and took her to a safe place. Veronica stood in a small room in till her grandma came and pick her up. After all of that had happen no one had seen Veronica for eight year. The people who lived in Pearl Moon started to make rumors all around the city. There was no mayor in till Veronica come to age. Everyone bad side started to come out and there will be no more goodness in them.
After eight year later, Veronica comes out from hiding and seen the city destroyed. The city had trash on the street; there was graffiti on every wall in the city. Veronica was ready to become the mayor once and for all. That morning, Veronica went to the city hall and made a speech to tell everyone that, ‘‘ just because the past didn’t turn out like you wanted it to be doesn’t mean your future can’t be better than you imagined’’. The people started to talk but Veronica said that she was the next mayor in line and that everyone here will rise up and start fresh and to help clean up the city.
  That night, when Veronica went home and made dinner. After, she was done she found something that was old, rusted, and had gold spots. She She grabs it and seen her dad name on it. she was confused but she didn’t want to worried about it so she places it on the table. When she was eating the little thing started glow. When she touches it, it made a little vehicle. She was scared but when she went in it, it took her to the future. Veronica was screaming her head out until she arrived back to her house. She was confused when she was walking down the stairs. She seen a guy in the living room and she told him what he was doing in her house. He turns around and said, “there’s no time to explain, we have to fix your future!” He told Veronica to look out the window, when Veronica looked out the window she seen the people all chained up and all the  fancy rich people was holding their chains. They were treating them like animals. She looked at the guy and said “how did this happen?” The man said “there was a time that you had a meeting with the president and when you came out you were rude and you also changed the law that all the rich people would have slaves and all the poor people that didn’t have money will work for it by becoming slaves. Veronica felt bad what the future has become. Veronica grabs the time turner and told the man goodbye and thank you. Veronica ran into the car and then she was gone. The man said, ‘‘goodbye mom’’.
The next morning, Veronica arrived back to her house on time before the meeting. Veronica ran to the City Hall and sat down at the long table. Veronica saw the president waking into the room. She remembers that the guy told her that something was going to change. The president sat down and took out a bottle. The president told Veronica that her city was big and was a perfect society. The president said that he wanted to only have rich people living there. Veronica told him no! The president gave her two choices. The first choice was to drink from the bottle or chance the law. She chooses to change the law.
  The next day, Veronica went to the old courthouse and had told everyone that she was going to change the law. Veronica said, she was going to change the one that every family should only have one stone. The president was angry and told Veronica that wasn’t the deal. Veronica said, ‘‘that we only made a deal to change one of the laws and you never told me which one to change and what I should hanged it to. The president was angry and told Veronica that wasn’t the deal they made. Veronica said, that we only made a deal to change one of the laws and you never told me what should I change it to. The president walk out and left the city for good. Everyone clap and Veronica said that each family member would have a stone so there would be more family joining together. Our city would be the perfect city.
Five year later, Veronica grandma told her all the secrets that her parents and her sister where time traveler. Veronica was happy to know and became one of them. She got married and had a son named Damon.

The author's comments:

This pices inspred me of how citys can change so fast and how it can effect our future when we make one mistake. When the reader reads this story they will know that the goverment can do anything to change something. This story is base on the real wrold because are county can't do anything right.

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