Killer | Teen Ink


October 10, 2016
By Anonymous

 “Yo Ricky can I come over,” remarked JoJo. “Yeah the door is unlock.” I hurry into my room, I put my stash underneath my bed. Sometimes you can’t JoJo, He can be very untrustworthy. He slowly opens the door. The door had a loud “creak” his facial expression was very scared. I didn’t want to scare him so I slowly walk out of my room and said “there's  food in the cabinet.” I didn’t hear a response. My heart starts beating, thinking bad is about to happen. I felt my stomach turning like a rollercoaster it was really bad.

Heading downstairs making sure he didn’t steal anything while I was gone. I check my safe, I repeat in my head “1, 2, 3, 4.” Those numbers were the safe combo. I slowly open the safe. With happiness and confusion I had all my weed and drugs. But a little of my worries why did he come down here. Still thinking, I heard a monstrous crash like  something huge fell on the ground. I rush upstairs, to come and find out everything upstairs was destroyed. The damage looked like he was looking for something, like maybe my weed. I went to my room, checking on my stash and sadly it was gone. My room was a mess my posters ripped. My bed flipped, clothes everywhere, it looked like a tornado hit the room a thousand times.
Thinking that JoJo left, I heard noise coming from downstairs. Knowing the only thing that’s be downstairs would be the weed and the money all in the safe. Just to make sure I took my gun and slowly pointed the gun at the stairs. Still hearing noise, my heart beating even faster. Any faster and my heart would go out of my chest. My friend is in the basement looking for my weed, Thinking, you can’t trust anyone these days. JoJo was my brother I treated and gave him so many of my things, but he can’t steal my weed. I need that, to pay back one of my dealers. I couldn’t kill me friend, we have been through everything, rough times and good times. But he is stealing my weed, I need that badly.              
I’m heading downstairs, with my heart beating really fast. I saw JoJo opening up my safe with no hesitation I sprinted towards him and tackled him. I didn’t want to hurt him really bad but I had no other choice. I leap and hit JoJo in the head with my gun, I slowly set him down on the ground. He lies there with blood oozing out of his head I sit there with blood all over my body and it wasn’t right.

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