The Dragon | Teen Ink

The Dragon

June 8, 2016
By Anonymous

I was five years old, scared, and didn’t know what to expect. I strolled up to the towering figure, and hid behind my mom in fear. My brain knew what to do, but I just couldn’t perform the action with my body. As I peeked out from behind my mom I stared into the cold, dead eyes of the green dragon roller coaster. This dragon could not have been more frightening. The orange and gold flames coming off of the back, the flames making me sweat even more than I already was. Just seeing his green, scaly skin made me feel like I was touching a wet fish. His teeth were the scariest of all, they jutted out from the sides of the coaster like branches from a tree. For me getting anywhere near them seemed like my certain demise. His black eyes bored a hole straight through me, as I was slowly turning to stone. He stared back into me with no remorse from scaring a five year old in what would soon be a traumatizing moment. This roller coaster was nothing more than a few hills, and one small drop at the end, but to me it seemed like climbing up mount Everest and coming back. As I showed the roller coaster operator that I was tall enough to get on the ride, I took the final, agonizing steps to the giant green dragon.
As if conquering my fears, and actually walking up to face the dragon unarmed was not enough, I had to saddle up, and attempt to enjoy a ride on this winged beast. The coaster was huge compared to my barely five foot tall body. I needed help just to get onto the dragon. I protested and protested, but my mom forced me to get on the ride. I saved a place for her to sit next to me right in the front, but when I looked to my left she was nowhere to be found, and I looked to my right a stranger who I had never met before. I was frantically searching for my mom when I found out she had abandoned me, and went to the back of the roller coaster. She had left me all alone with a random person, and an empty spot next to me. I could not conquer this dragon without the strength of my mom, I tried to jump off of the dragon, but it already had me pinned down with the giant bar. I was trembling in my seat close to tears. As the dragon flew up the first mountain, I started to scream. I was telling the operator to stop the ride, and save me from the beast as it was taking me to somewhere I did not want to be. I couldn’t fight back against the dragon, and it overpowered me. The torture continued as it shot down the mountain at speed not known to humans yet. I flailed my arms trying to get the attention of the conductor. Telling him to hit the big red button and get me off of this wild animal. As we came around full circle, I went eye to eye with the conductor, and pleaded forcing him to stop the ride. I sprinted off of the dragon, and cursed for the first time ever, I thought this was the end of my life. I was a mess on the floor in the middle of the park crying, and throwing a fit trying to get my family to leave the park and never come back to the green dragon ever again. Since that time, I have not been on a roller coaster, and I don’t plan on going on a roller coaster ever again, especially one that looks remotely like that dragon.

The author's comments:

This was inspired by my fear of roller coasters.

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