Fate by Books | Teen Ink

Fate by Books

June 8, 2016
By MacKieH BRONZE, East Amherst, New York
MacKieH BRONZE, East Amherst, New York
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The pain of his fate was going to kill him, literally. Although he knew he deserved what he got, he didn’t want to die this way. He should’ve listened to his mother. She was right. And now he was sorry. He was just so cold, and the van looked so warm and inviting, friendly almost. Who would’ve known the person it belonged to was nothing like that. He’s always heard the horror stories of the young girls hitchhiking, getting into random cars and never being seen again. He never knew it could happen to a boy, especially him. The only thing he had in common with the hitchhiking girls would be his age. If he was a girl, then this would be like any other missing girl scenario. Now like the many girls who were taken, he experienced an immense amount of fear, probably the same fear those girls had. Those four missing girls. All around the same age. Sixteen, eighteen, seventeen, and twenty. The news told everyone that all girls should be safe. Even the FBI confirmed it, it wasn’t his fault for not knowing he would end up like them.
He sat in the backseat, tied up like a hog.
He was sobbing. Sobbing like a child who lost their mother at a supermarket. It had now occurred to him that he would never seen his mother again, he would never see his sister enter the first grade, he could never ask out the cute waitress who works at the local town diner. He would never walk the small rubbish?? stage at graduation. He would be dead. No one would find his body. No one would look for his body. Every one would think that he ran away after getting in a huge fight with his mother about her drinking problem. But even if he was to die, he wanted to take back those last words he said. Replace them with an “I love you mom” or an “I care about you, please take care of yourself”. But without knowing what happened to her son, that would kill her. It would just be another heartache on top of the one she already has. After his father’s death ten months ago, she was a wreck. And now with this, she’d be destroyed. Stuck in a dark abyss, no way out. Just dark, only black. His mother would cry out at night, “Evan! What happened to my beloved Evan?” Everyone would spread rumors, talk about him. They would whisper, “What happened to Evan Daniels?” His sister would hate him as she grew up, thinking he ditched town because of their mother, leaving her to clean up the mess he left behind. Evan, you left me here to rot with mother. I will always hate you. The only person who would know the truth about what happened to him, would be the man that smelled like trash and beer, driving the van.
“Please sir,” Evan cried, “I’m suppose to graduate this year.” The man only laughed psychotically.
“I don’t care.” He spoke after his fit of laughter. “All I care about is adding you to my list.” He smiled widely with his orangish yellow teeth.
Evan’s teeth started to chatter and he broke out into a cold sweat, out of fear as the man turned onto a gravel driveway. Evan know knew no one could save him but himself. No one was was there, no houses for miles, no one but him and this man. The man got out of the car and Evan watched nervously through the passenger window. It was a few minutes after he heard the man behind the car, where he was. He tried pulling his hands apart, hoping to stretch the ropes to wiggle his hands free. However, it was no use, they were way too tight. The man opened the back door, his wide eyes scanning of Evan. A two inch pocket knife in his hand.
“I wouldn’t hurt you,.” hHe said coming into the back where Evan was. Evan was frozen, too scared to move. The man took his knife and cut Evan’s feet free before flicking the knife closed and it into his pocket. He took ahold of Evan’s arm and guided him out of the back, almost gently. For a man who just kidnapped him, he gripped him softly. As if he thought grabbing him harder would break his arm.
He started to drag Evan to a broken down shack. The door creaked loudly as the man opened it. He tugged Evan into the darkness with him. The ground was nothing but dirt. It looked like any other shed, except for the carpet laid out. Evan knew what this had to mean. The man tug the rug up from the ground where it had laid. Underneath it was a door, he opened it before pushing Evan in. Not giving it a second thought. Evan let out a scream when he fell on it, a sharp pain shooting up his leg. It was his ankle, it was surely broken. The man then threw down some objects. It was too dark to see what they were, but Evan grabbed them in an instant. One water bottle, a flashlight, and bread. If he’s giving him food, then is he planning on keeping Evan?
“Be ready for the morning,.” hHe said with a straight voice before closing and latching the door. If he doesn’t want to kill him, then what does he want?
“So, he got another huh?” Evan heard a weak voice behind him, making hims jump.
“Looks like it.” Another voice called out. Evan scrambled to turn on his flashlight. Once it was on he pointed it directly at the source. It was a boy, around his age.
“Hey do you mind!” He shouted at Evan. A girl moved the flashlight so it was out of the boys eyes. Evan was shocked, he shone the light in a circle, there were about fourteen kids including himself.
“Wh-what’s going on?” Evan stammered out.
“He got you, that’s what’s going on,.”  aA young girl called out.
Evan looked at the girl closely, as if she looked familiar, that’s when it clicked. “You were on the news. You were one of those girls!” He almost shouted.
“Oh look! He’s a genius!” She said sarcastically.
“Shut up Hillary. He’s just been kidnapped, give him a break.” An older guy spoke in an annoyed tone.
“Can someone please tell me what’s gonna happen to me?” Evan asked quietly.
One of the boys snickered. “Well you see, you’re the final piece to his game.”
“His game?”
“Yes, you see he’s into a lot of books. At least that’s what I picked up on when he kidnapped me. I was the first one. When I was in the back of his car I saw that he had read all of The Hunger Games, Divergent, and Maze Runner series. The books were everywhere. I didn’t think much of it until about five other people were down here with me. That’s when I realized he’s trying to recreate those books.” Evan’s jaw dropped as he heard the news. “He told me it would happen in two weeks. You’re the fourteen kid he picked up. He grabbed one kid everyday. When he was saying to be ready, he was talking to everyone. Not just you.”
“So we fight tomorrow?” Evan asked.
“You might wanna fight us. But we are all going straight to the source.” He spoke almost excitedly.
“You’re gonna take him out?” Evan asked.
“Listen kid you can’t keep asking questions when I give you the straight answer.” He groaned. “We aren’t playing his game. We are taking him out. Are you in?” The boy stuck his hand out.
Evan looked at it, he was hesitant. They could all die together. They didn’t know what this guy was capable of. They could be shot, stabbed, poisoned, eaten, anything. But he then remembered his little sister and his mother. He knew what he had to do.
Evan took his hand, “I’ll do it.” He said while shaking his hand.
“I’ll do it.”

The author's comments:

This story is of a boy who tries to persuad his way out of his death. With no results he thrown into a wirl wind, in which you deside his fate. 

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