The Eyes of the Robber | Teen Ink

The Eyes of the Robber

June 8, 2016
By YamaE BRONZE, Brookline Ma , Massachusetts
YamaE BRONZE, Brookline Ma , Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Becoming a robber was interesting, you know? I’m actually wanted in the United states. I’ve robbed pet shops, hotels, and even clubs. The only thing that I thought  was hard was robbing a bank. That means more pressure and more work for me… I mean I guess I can handle it. Hey! They even call me the “She-Devil”. I think that’s what Robbers have, they have nicknames.. Right? Anyway, everyone inside were on the ground, the bank owners, young children, teenagers, and even old people… I think. It was kind of funny because their was one that looked like a pimp, I think.. But you should have looked in his eyes because he was terrified.
I had the teller at gunpoint, it was AK47 gun; the one that I love. There was 7 bullets, one for anyone who tried me. I now had 1 min and 2.5 secs to get the money and get the hell out of here.
“ I-I'm sorry” the teller cried. SHe was stashing the money in the bag as quickly as possible. I mean that’s what robbers do right? They yell at the person who is doing their dirty work right?
She reminded me of me two years ago, how I seen my whole family die in front of me. How my father, mother, and brother were killed in an invasion that this bank had planned because they kepted withdrawing money for charity and had assumed that my father who was incharge of the entire bank, had stole money from the bank now and then to add to his bank account. My father couldn’t had done that, and I knew it because I would be in his office work on my homework while he tried to plan more and more events that would lead people to come to this bank. I didn’t realize that night it was the last to see him or the last time I would have dinner with my family together laughing and getting along. I was the last to see my brother, he said he loved me and will always watch over me. He left me to help my father, but it was too late. Now I came back to seek revenge. But I did, didn’t I tell you? I’m also wanted for murder too, just for attempted murder to the owner who sent that invasion up… Relax, I didn’t kill his family like he did to mine, but I had him beaten up by a group  people I knew that owed me a favor. Mind you long story short, I got them tickets to see Britney Spears; my oh my they had their time of their lives. Anyways, after the beatings I  shot him in the leg and hanged him upside down for torture and then shot him again in his arm so he can feel the pain when my family was taken from me. I watch him, like he watched my family die. I laughed it off and went about my day after. Next thing you know my picture was on the news 24/7, they were saying they were looking for me. Now being a robbers is a hard thing know, you practically famous everywhere. People can’t get enough of you so they want more of you. But hey at least I cute I guess because they are now calling me, “Ms. Spicy-assassination”. I think I like that now.  Anyways I snapped out of my memories  and went back to what I was doing. This mission needed to be done.

I had a huge black bag that could fit as much money and supplies that I wanted. Like isn’t that how its suppose to be? I need to get a big bag to fit in everything; I’ve seen it in the movies you know. My getaway car was a few streets down so when I was done I would run down the alley in the back and jet straight to the car. Next thing you know, switch my car that was down another street which had an alleyway where my change of clothing was. I timed myself everyday for a whole week, by dissing myself so nobody will recognize me. This whole procedure should take about 5 to 7 minute. After all this I should be on my way out the country.
“ Here! P-Please just go!” said the teller.
“ I WILL LEAVE WHEN I WANT!” I yelled. I think I got the hang of this, it’s too fun. Matter of fact, I actually had to go because I heard the sirens and cars coming so she was actually right.
Time was up! I had ten seconds To leave before the police, swat team, FBI, Bomb squad, news channels came.
“ BYE PEOPLE! It’s been nice knowing ya, but I gotta go!” I said in a british accent laughing.
BANG BANG! I shot two bullets up to the ceiling so my enterance to leave was fire and then shot I shot three bullets to the cameras I had seen so no will trace it back to me. I mean even though that didn’t make sense because they know it was me regardless, but that doesn’t matter. I heard screams and cries.
“ Oh Shut uuup! It’s just a gun damnit, haven’t you seen one before. Y’all are a terrible crowd like next time at least loosen up.” I said sarcastically.
I looked at my watch, “ Oh SHOOT! Gotta run! Bye” I smiled.
I ran past people who were crying, saying their last goodbyes to each other and people who thought I was gonna kill them. I ran through the back. Hoped in the getaway car, drove through another alley way, changed into my clothing that I packed. I had gotten into the second runaway car that I planned to leave the country with and I left.  I put my money in the passenger seat like it was my treasure  and I driven off to my destination. I mean that’s what robbers do right?...

The author's comments:

I hope that readers enjoy this piece and look at how this character find out alot about herself. 

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