Boogeyman | Teen Ink


June 6, 2016
By Anonymous

    In a sleepy town,during the early afternoon. A group of long-time [Bobby Hunt Ethan and Martin] friends were walking around thinking of something to do. Until one of  thought of the bright idea of going to the hills. The hills are a series of mountains connected in which there is a mine-shaft,which was abandoned years ago. In fears of there was a monster causing so many cave in’s and killing a countless number of miners in the process. The  monster was believed to be furry and scaly, and parents used this to their advantages. At night or when the children were disobedient, they would tell the children “Hilly Henry would be coming for you.” The often result were extremely obedient children who stayed at home and listened to their parents until they were near teenage age. As the four friends were trekking rough terrain Matin asked: “is this really a safe idea I mean what if hilly henry really exists?”
“Really martin that's a myth!” replied Bobby
“I know right I can't believe you still believe in those childish horror stories,” said Hunt
Ethan was just quiet he was on the fence he couldn't decide whether he should reply or remain quite. `little conversation the boys continued on their adventure and begin within the range of the mine shaft.
“Look there's the sign of the old’ Little Biggy Benny the Mine,” said Ethan.
“Looks creepier up close,” said Bobby.
“I know right,” said Ethan as he broke his silence.
“So, did anyone bring flashlights? Hm anyone at all?” asked hunt
“Where’d martin go off to?” asked bobby
“Probably ran away from the mine and to his mom for some cookies and a good afternoon kiss” answered Bobby.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” screamed the other three boys
As the boys fell to the hard hot sand there was a rattle. And all the boys stood still,wondering what it could’ve been.
“Was it a rattle snake?” asked Ethan
“No it's too hot for them at the moment” answered hunt
“So what was it?”
“Only one to find out” yelled bobby as he ran into the Deep dark mineshaft.
The other three boys reacted naturally as their bodies would. Run into the shaft after bobby.
“Bobby?” asked Ethan.
“Where did you go bobby?” demanded hunt.
When suddenly there was a loud banging noise and the boys ran to investigate the noise only the find multiple pickaxes on the floor.
“What could’ve done this?” asked Ethan
“Certainly not Hilly Henry.” replied hunt
When suddenly they heard a loud and almost high pitch scream, immediately followed by a deep roar. The boys ran back outside and started wondering if that could’ve been bobby who screamed.
-Meanwhile deep inside the mineshaft-
“Good work shortly, that atta teach ‘em to obey their parents,” said Hilly Henry
“Sure will. But how will they know it in here with you” asked bobby
“I know you can go back to the surface and tell ‘em yourself but give ‘em a good scare goody?”
“Alrighty” replied bobby

The author's comments:

i was forced to do this.

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