Make it big | Teen Ink

Make it big

May 27, 2016
By MikyeStubblefield BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
MikyeStubblefield BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 “Bro this serious .Our family is in danger because of you selling pot. Said Jalen

“Jalen shut up I’m your big brother making big moves. I got the money while your still in school. Yea you can play basketball I can’t So I do my things in these streets” .Said Ray

“Ok but ray you are putting a target on us with all this gang stuff, others are going to want to kill you and therefore they are coming for us to”. Said Jalen

“See your thinking too hard .I have a pistol in my car, on me, and under my pillow. There are no worry’s” .Said Ray

“Jalen and Ray shut your mouths NOW”! Mom yelled


“No don’t mom me. I hate when you two argue come on. I know I hate ray in the streets too but he putting money on the table. Ray if Jalen make’s it to the league we can get out of this place so both of you work together”. Mom yelled

“Ray I’m sorry for acting in a rude way”. Jalen said

“Yea Jalen I’m sor……




2 weeks later

“Jalen turn on the Tv please”. Mom said

“Local Indy basketball star’ Jalen Montel Taylor will enter the draft. Being 17 and going to the draft out of high school this kid is on the rise”. Said the news anchor

“Good job baby I’m so proud of you”. Mom said cheerfully


“Police open up”

“How may I help you sir”. Jalen said

“Jalen Montel Taylor you are under arrest for the shooting of Ray Doral Taylor”. Police men said

“Wait no this does not make any sense”. Mom said

“That is not what Ray. Ray says Jalen and himself was in a huge argument and Jalen got really mad, so he pulled out a gun and pulled the trigger’. The officer responds

“Excuse me sir the gun shots came from outside, also my brother is in gang related activity’. Jalen says

“Well let’s go to the hospital and find out”. The officer responds

While on the way to talk to Ray, Jalen was thinking, why would Ray say I shot him? Jalen has a chance to go to the league but he is trying catch a case on me, Therefore I could end up in the pin. I hope he tells the truth, because if not I can’t go to the NBA and I will have a felony.



“Jalen noo… Come on baby it’s gonna be ok.  911 help my son has been shot on 38th and Emerson and hurry come fast “. Momma cried ‘

“So Doc how is he doing”. Mom says

“Ma’am your son is in a coma, and we don’t know how long he will be I the coma he could die “. Doc says
“And also ma’am he is paralyzed in his right arm”. Doc sadly says

After weeks past my son sits here in a coma while I’m here not knowing when he going to wake up. But finally after two months he gratefully wakes up.

“Oh my God baby you’re awake thank the lord”. Mother said cheerfully

“What do you mean mom, I don’t remember anything”. Confused Jalen said

“Well son you were in a coma for almost three months”. Mother responded

“OH well hello Jalen it is good to know you are up and awake. Jalen sir I’m afraid we have some bad news to feed to you, Bad enough to hear Jalen the bullet wound made your right paralyzed I’m sorry”. Sadly Doc said
“No, No, No what the hell. This is all Ray fault. Because of his action I have no right arm, all because of him I have type of NBA career, Because of Ray there is no way I can leave this non-safe city”. Jalen cried

“We will have you in a rehab center in up to a week or two” Doc said

“Well will this fix my damn arm?” Jalen yelled

“No sir it ……”

“I don’t care If it does not help I don’t want it period ‘. Jalen yelled

“Mr. Taylor you have to take it to learn how to use your body”. Doc responded

“Learn how to use my body, if so I lost a part of my body and mind. Just leave me alone and let me think.  You know what I will take it just leave me alone”. Jalen again yelled

“Yes indeed sir just sign these papers”. Doc said

“Hand them to my mother”. Jalen said

“No you have to do it”. Doc said

“What did I say”? Yelled Jalen 

“Yes sir had them to your mother”. Freighted said Doc

I did not know what to do, cry or maybe be angry. Cry because I have lost my arm and I can’t be in the draft. Angry because I have let my family down, and felt my own brother has set me up to be killed.

Three weeks have passed and this rehab center is tearing me apart. The Fact that almost everyone says “what happen to Jalen aka JM2”.  I’m really starting to hate my life. Every minute, “Jalen you need help, Jalen you need this, Jalen you need that…..” Like no! Leave me alone

“Jalen you need help getting dress”. Mother shouted

“No I don’t need help with anything dang ok”. Jalen yelled

“Jalen Montel Taylor II who in God’s name are you talking to? I am your mother don’t raise ypur voice at me”. Mother yelled

“Sorry mom”. Jalen said fearfully

“No don’t sorry me stay in your place”. She yelled again

I had gotten used to the rehab and it began to be fun I met new people and learned new things about my body and how to use it. But still I had nothing to do with my life, so what now? I tried to apply for jobs, but they say I am not fully functional. So I just sit and wait.

“Hay baby you ok”? Mom asked

“Yea I’m just tryna find something to do with my life”.  Jalen said 

“Yea I’ve made some calls, and would you like to join the Special Olympics”? Mother asked

“Mom of course”! Jalen shouted

“Ok I will make some calls and tell them you are n board”. Mom said

After years I’ve been training for the NBA. But now I’m in something bigger. I have joined the Olympics. I have made my family happy as I intended to do. I am truly proud. I hope my brother is feeling better but also behind bars. I am an Olympic winner and a big star.

The author's comments:

In this short story i wanted to show that gangs are not something to play with. Waht inspired me was what is happening this days how young black kids are getting shot that have good grades and a future in front of them and have nothing to do with gangs

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