the worst birthday a person can have | Teen Ink

the worst birthday a person can have

May 26, 2016
By Anonymous

Latron went out for his birthday. His girlfriend which is trey's mom took him out to dinner and then went to the bar. They were there for about 2 hours. But five minutes later a good day turned into a terrible birthday. He and his girlfriend were having a good time until he accidentally bumped into someone. The dude began to look at him oddly for a  period of time. Tron sat down wondering what the man was doing. He wondered if he knew him. Tron began to party and have a good time, But five minutes later, it all took a turn. The stranger that was looking at him began to open fire at Tron. The shooter shot a total of 13 times. The first shot hit Tron in his stomach. Then Tron turned around holding where the bullet entered his body. Then he got shot 12 more times. one hit him in his left leg, one in his left knee, one in his lower back, one in his pelvic area. two in his back, two in his right shoulder, two in his left butt cheek, one in his lower neck, one in his left thigh. Tron instantly fell face first to the ground, in pain with his eyes barely opened.
The next day he woke up 1:30 in the hospital. He woke up not knowing what happened till the doctor came in. e was  dizzy a little bit but he still heard everything the doctor was saying. The doctor said,” you were shot 13 times, we have on1y been able remove 11 bullets.’’ Tron could not feel anything even tho he knew that he was shot. The dude that had shot him went to jail. Till this day Tron is till in the hospital.
Tron was in the hospital fighting for his life. He was bleeding all over the place. He was being rushed into emergency surgery. Tron was put to sleep so they could do surgery on him to removed the bullet from his body. Tron was laying down on a flat platform being worked on. The surgeon gently dug a knife with a hook at the top of it into the bullet holes. What the surgeon is trying to do was get the bullet out the holes by scraping them out. The surgery was going well untill they found out that pieces of the bullets were broken off when it entered his body. Now there are bullet fragments everywhere. Now the surgeon has to cut open his body to remove the pieces. The surgeon carefully and slowly cuts open his stomach. The surgeon dug into his body to find all the bullet fragments. Twenty  minutes later the surgeon is all done. He has all the bullets and the bullet fragments in this silver bowl. Now the surgeon has to stitch the stomach and all the bullet holes up. Tron was gently pushed back to his room so he could rest.  
  The next day, Tron was woke. He was really sore from surgery. His girl friend comes to see him. She brought him flowers and a balloon saying get well. He can barely talk. Doctors comes into the door closes it. The doctor says,” I have good news and bad news. The good news is that u are not going to die.” Tron’s girlfriend gives a sigh of relief that he's not gonna die. Then the doctor said,“ the bad news is that u might not be able to walk again.” The room gets really quite. It was so quiet you can hear the squeaking in the hallway. Tron’s girlfriend just sat there with a weird look on her face. Then the doctor says,” But it's possible he might be able to. We might be able to strengthen up your legs so u can walk. But you have to go to physical therapy every day.” His girlfriend say’ss okay.
  The next day, tron went to see a physical therapist. He got a lady named Ms.vick, who was super nice. As of right now tron is in a wheelchair. He gets out the wheelchair and is laid on the floor. Ms.vick was doing stretches on him. Ms.vick helps him of the floor and tries to let him walk but he can't so she helps him limp to the treadmill. She told him to hold on to the bar so he doesn't fall. She turned the treadmill on to walking speed. He began walking. He did it for about 35 minutes then got off. He gently gets laid on the floor. She began stretching him out again. Every day he had to do this so he could walk again.                     
  Five months later, a miracle happened. Tron is able to walk again. He worked day and night so he would be able to. He was still in a wheelchair but he could walk again. Tron was crying. “Why are u crying”, Girlfriend asked. Tron replied “ I am crying because I thought I would never be able to walk again. I prayed every night and it finally came true”. From this point on tron had a good life.  

          The end

The author's comments:

its  real

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