Where am I? | Teen Ink

Where am I?

May 20, 2016
By LitleDaley62 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
LitleDaley62 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Where am I? I let myself think. This seems like jail but a very old jail. There is something walking above me, oh gods help. SLAM. Oh gods, a body. I look up and see a man looking down at me from the skylight. He has a helmet on, I can’t see his face. He just watches me for a moment and then leaves me. I stand up.
I go to the body and pick up a key, it was on a necklace. The man had the mark, he is undead. I am too. This cursed mark. I am unable to die, even though I am dead I never truly die. The curse goes like this; if you lose motivation you will turn hollow and destroy all in your path. You will kill those who you love, friends will die and so will innocents.
Looking up at the cell door, I place the key in the hole and it turns. It unlocks. Slowly opening the door, moss and rocks fall from the ceiling. I back up so I don’t get hit with any of it, then I see the others.
Most of them are out of their cells while some are trapped and dead. Several bodies lay on the ground. One of the undead was smashing his head on the wall, black blood flowing from his wound. One was just sitting there, sobbing and screaming. The other was staring at me. I slowly walked forwards, trying to get his stare off me. I passed the two who didn’t realize I was there. I got up to the undead man and he just gazed at me with such hate. I smiled slightly, I don’t know why.
He grabbed me. I widened my eyes and he got close, too close for comfort, his hands burn. “Help me!” He shouted, I couldn’t. He shook me slightly and stared at me, fear and hate in his eyes. “Run, you must run away! There is danger here, the curse. Don’t get the curse!” He screamed. Instinct, I saw a broken sword on the ground and somehow picked it up. I stabbed him, his eyes wide. I was panting and he was just looking at me, slowly blood dripped from his mouth. His mouth shook and a tear came from his eye, slowly burning his skin. He smiled in shock and fell to the ground, his blood getting on my hands and began to scar me.
Slowly walking away, the other undead just looked over at the body. Their faces blank and empty. I ran out, not wanting to be attacked again. I walked out a door and saw a pile of rock with a sword sticking in the ground. I looked around to see if there was anybody nearby by, but nothing. On the ground next to the fire was a match. I stalked towards it, waiting for something to happen but nothing did. Picking it up I lit the fire and the warmth emitted from it.
I sit down and settle, letting myself become warmer and breath slowly. I open my eyes and see a large set of doors before me, closed. Getting up to my feet, I waltz towards the doors and check my broken sword. The black blood was hard and began to chip off. I sighed and braced myself, large steps echoed above me and below me.
Opening the doors, I walk inside. There was nothing in there, just empty space. I feel something above me stop, I get scared. Going into the large room further, the thing drops. I hear it break the ceiling and drop down on the ground. It crushes me and I hear a snap, my wrist. I scream and nothing comes out, I try to cry but no sound. The thing steps off me and growls a low chuckle, his weapon is enormous. I stand up and hold my wrist, pain shocking through my body, I could barely see straight. The monster comes towards me and picks up his hammer, spikes decorate it with blood of all colors drip off.
I widen my eyes, fear taking over, I can’t move. He raises it higher into the air, a murderous smile on its face, it comes down. The hammer slams into my side, the spikes puncturing my ribs and a lung, my arm and leg break. I smack my head on a spike and a huge wound breaks my skull.
I’m flung to the wall and slide down to the floor. I try to keep my eyes open and could feel the world fade away, the thing laughing in the background. Pain sparks through my body and black blood spills from my wounds. I close my eyes.
When I open them once more, I’m back at the bomb fire. I look around confused and see the doors closed. Sighing, I stand up and repeat the task once more.

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