Anonymous | Teen Ink


May 13, 2016
By Melanie_Zambrano BRONZE, Lafayette. Co, Colorado
Melanie_Zambrano BRONZE, Lafayette. Co, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

                 On a early afternoon on a Friday, Vanessa was just chillin at her house. Her parents were about to leave on a 3 weekend getaway, but it was for work obligations that the parents children could not attend. Vanessa signed up for babysitting later in the day. “Mom! Dad! The taxi is waiting” As they were heading out they stopped at the front door to say goodbye. “We're gonna miss you so much” Said my dad. “Remember that Elliott will come at 6:00 and he leaves until Sunday at 6:00 pm” Said my mom. “Don’t worry about me, I’ve done this a bunch of times. Just enjoy your trip”  It hit 6:00 pm and 5 minutes later Elliot is at the door. I knew it was Elliott because his mom always drops him off and leaves without saying hi or the stuff he can and cannot eat. But Elliott is a smart 8 year old,  who technically takes care of himself. After we organized his stuff on our guest room, we ordered pizza for dinner and then later just watch a movie. “Vanessa I’m supposed to go to sleep at 9:00, can you read me a story before I go to sleep?”
“Well why not, you choose the book” Elliott put on his pajamas and had a short story on his hand.
“I wrote it” said Elliot
“Did you? Let's see what it’s about”
“It’s about a babysitter taking care of a little boy and then she leaves him. Are you gonna leave me?” said Elliot ‘DING’
“Um you know what I will read you the book tomorrow I need to talk to my friend” as I said holding my phone. “Goodnight” I turned off the light and closed the door. I went across the hallway where my room was so I could talk to my friend. “Hey Bri what’s up?” “Hey girl I'm having a last minute party tomorrow and it starts at six.” “Aw man maybe another time, I'm stuck babysitting for 2 days and I can't bring an 8 year old to a party you throw.” “You can’t miss it I invited someone for you and it was really hard for me to get someone like Nick to come” I had a major crush on a guy who’s name was Nick. “I’ll try to make it, maybe I can find someone to take care of Elliott.” I went back to the room to see if Elliott was still awake, because I felt bad that I didn’t get to read him his story. When I entered the room he was just sitting there like if he was waiting for me. “You really want me to read your story right?”
“Once a upon time there was a little boy who spend much of his time with his friend. One day all of a sudden, where they met she didn’t show up, the end”
“Did you like it Vanessa?” he asked.
“You were making a big deal about a story that was only a paragraph long” I said.
“What’s a paragraph?” He asked.
“Go to sleep” I covered him in his blanket and turned on the night light.
“Are you gonna leave me?”
“Why do you keep asking that?”
“Because I like to be with you. Goodnight”
“Goodnight Elliott.” It was morning, I woke up and on my ceiling I put a clock there because ever since I could remember I was always lazy to check my phone. The clock read 7:14:01  I thought that I could start calling people wishing that somebody or anybody could take care of Elliott for me for at least 3 hours. 7 calls later all saying that they all are also going to Bri’s party and not wanting to miss it. I got up from my bed went to the living room and saw the clock that read 8:8:98. I decided to start breakfast hoping that Elliott would wake up by then. All he likes is scrambled eggs with ham mixed, and a side of a bagel. I got the juice from the refrigerator and heard someone coming down stairs, it was Elliott. “Hey Vanessa what are we doing today”
“Is there anybody that you know that could watch you for like 3 or 4 hours”
“Because I have an emergency errand to run and there can’t be kids because it’s not age appropriate for you.”
“I'm sorry it’s just that a lot of people were also busy and you were the only one that said yes to take care of me for two days.” Right after we ate breakfast I have decided to go to the party because I really wanted to see Nick and this was the only chance I could get for right now. I couldn’t decide wether on going with jeans or a skirt or a dress or shorts. This kinda felt like a date, but at the same time I was kinda excited because it’s been 4 weeks now that every time I would see him in the hallways we would always make eye contact. When I wasn’t looking at him at the corner of my eye I could see that he was looking at me. I also had him in one of my classes which was gym and never got a chance to talk to him. I decided with something simple, shorts and a flannel. I got 3 more chances on calling a person to see if they can at least watch him. I was praying at least somebody can at least an hour. 3 calls later no babysitter except for me. I thought that maybe if I went there and Elliott could wait in the car and if I see a friend just to watch him. It was 6:00:31 I got a bag full of toys that Elliot could use meanwhile I was at the party. I saw a black large truck knowing it was Nick’s car. I got butterflies in my stomach, “Hey Elliot I need to find someone that can watch you just for a quick hour, so come with me so that you don’t be alone”
“Wait but you said you wouldn’t leave me..”
“Hey Caleigh! Do you think you could watch Elliot for me just for like an hour, and i’ll pay you”
“Nah dude i'm here to have fun not to work” she said.
“Vanessa!” someone said behind me recognizing the voice and my heart dropped to the floor. I turned around and it was Nick.
“Oh hey Nick what’s up?”
“Nothing, do you want to grab a drink”
“Yes I would love to but first I need someone to watch Elliot for me just while I'm here.”
“Oh okay then I’ll meet you by the punch bowl”
“Okay” I said.
“Hey do you need me to watch the kid for you?” a guy’s voice said to me. “Um yeah but do I know you? You seem familiar” I asked.
“Yeah we're in the same math class” he said.
“Oh i'm sorry I forgot, but um remind me your name again?”
“Oh well um my car is open and you can stay in there and this is Elliot he already ate and I just need you to watch him”
“Sounds great and you’re paying me right?”
“I guess I have to, alright um here is my number call me when you need anything and please give me your’s so if I need to find you” 
“No worries I love kids and you know your mom and my mom were friends when we were like 5.” “Right I know we were friends I just forgot that you were still in the same high school. Alright Elliot I'm gonna be talking to someone really quick, and you have to be good. Okay?” He nodded his head and held Isaiah’s hand and walked to the snack table to get some juice. On the corner of my eye I saw Nick waiting for me. I didn’t wanna seem to anxious or excited to talk to him. “Hey” I said.
“Oh hey I thought you were gonna take longer”
“Oh no one of my old friend is watching him for now.” I turned away for a second and could see my friend Bri making funny faces and doing heart signs which were making me blush.
“Anyways so are you seeing anybody right now?” He asked. I was screaming inside in my head and trying not to say that I also like him.
“Um no why?” I said it smiling.
“Oh… well how about Bri?” My heart literally dropped hoping that what he said was not true”
“Um no? Why are you asking about her?”
“Because this is why I wanted to talk to you because I like her and when she invited me I thought she felt the same way” Right after he told me that all I felt was disappointment and was mad that I went through a lot of trouble finding Elliot a babysitter and that he was scared of being left.
“Look I thought you were a nice guy ,but know that I really know what you're capable of I was just expecting more. Oh and by the way I know for sure that Bri does not like you. I mean who would?” I felt like crying but I thought that he was not worth it. I called Isaiah because I just wanted to go home with Elliot, but when I was walking towards my car I noticed that my car was gone. I looked through my bag to see if I had my keys with me and I did but wondered who took my car and how. I was even more worried that I had no idea where my car was and where Elliot was. I called Isaiah seven times and not answering, at that time the sun was going down and getting dark. I saw Bri and ran to her, I told her what happened and that I couldn’t find Elliot and my car was also missing. The party was so big that felt like the size of a mall. I saw a kid running with a balloon and when I saw his face was Elliot. Elliot was with Isaiah and then they ran to a forest. But so many people and it was hard for me to get through and lost them, but I knew that they were somewhere in the forest. Somebody was calling me and the number looked familiar. “Isaiah?” I heard murmuring and the voice was Elliot that was struggling or something. Then I heard someone crying and knowing that was Elliot. I thought about calling the cops or something. “VANESSA, VANESSA, VANESSA” I knew he was in trouble but why? Who could of done this? I got another call from Isaiah. “Hello?” “So did you see your car missing, oh and also Elliot.” “Why are you doing this?” “Don't trust anybody ‘VANESSA’ “ At the end I heard Elliot and Isaiah hung up. “Vanessa! Wake up!” I woke up.                

The author's comments:

I once did dream this story. Something that I will never forgot. 

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