The killer | Teen Ink

The killer

May 9, 2016
By EmariFrazier BRONZE, Franklin, Tennessee
EmariFrazier BRONZE, Franklin, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


      This room is dark and lifeless, no noise, no movement. The only sound in the closet is the sound of my enormous heart beating out of my chest. Today can not be the day I die.. Stephanie's party is tomorrow! She would never forgive me. I hear him coming, the sound of his disgusting, dirty, brown boots mocking me as he walked down the hallway. Here he comes, step by step, inch by inch, I can smell his cheap crappy cologne. His scent gives me a headache, a nasty-hate driven headache. Wait, I know that smell, I just can't remember where from. Is it Elijah, Mark, Thomas...Brad?!? He's grabbing the silver, rusty, door handle ready to hurt me or worse, kill me! Why me?!? Why not that girl Andrea from chem class, she called me a brat, she deserves this more. Oh no, he's opening the door, oh god please help.

      Of course this would happen to me, nothing good ever happens in my life. I'm walking down the hallway trying to find an unlocked door so that I can hide somewhere. Damnit, I can't find anywhere to hide. Wait there's a closet I'll go in there. I go to turn the door handle and an earsplitting scream ignites out of the room. I leap forward to cover the black figures mouth. “Shut up!” I whisper loudly “Are you trying to get us killed?!” “I’m sorry I just... I just thought you we-were the killer I’m so-sorry.” her speech was broken up because of her uncontrollably annoying sobbing. I recognize her face but what is her name. What is it?? Oh I know !

        Ugh he smells like that cheap cologne, Great now my headache is back. His cologne was just the scent I smelled from down the hallway but just 10x stronger. I have seen him in some of my classes before but, I could be wrong because I never really pay attention. I think his name is Daniel or Denny or something like that. He's not popular, not because he's fat, ugly, unathletic, or just plain dumb I think he is not popular because he didn't grow up in a normal family with two parents that loved him. He grew up with his mom and three sisters. He was always moving and at one point, he was homeless. His clothes always seem old and even though he doesn't smell, he wears cheap cologne that was probably his dad's from when he was a kid. But I mean, that's just the story I was told, who knows if it's true.
Dylan -
         Skylar! That's her name. Well her designer dress is now covered in tear stains. She is now sitting in the corner of the closet crying her eyes out. We can't do this.. I can't do this. I can't just sit around and wait for this man to kill me I've got to get out of here before I go insane like that man from that movie I watched last week. We need to get out of here and leave the building before he finds us. “Hey prissy pants let's go. We've got to get out of here.” I spit pissed that all she is doing is laying there like a defenseless baboon. “Let’s go!” I almost yell. She shoots up almost knocking over a whole shelf full of cleaning supplies. God why did I get stuck with her out of all people. We are both standing in the tight enclosed space slowly creeping towards the door. I go to turn the door handle but immediately stop when I hear footsteps coming our way. I turn to look at her to see if she had heard what I heard and by the completely horrified look that is plastered on her face I knew she had. I put my finger to my mouth signifying to her that she needs to be quiet. The footsteps are getting closer and closer, so close that I can hear them breathing. I cover skylar's mouth not allowing a single ounce of sound to come out. He goes to turn the door knob ever so slowly like he just wants to let us know that he knows that we're in here.
        He is so mean! How dare he yell at me with his Walmart t-shirt and baggy jeans. I stand up scared that he might hurt me. As I stand I hear footsteps, horrid, terrible, footsteps. I'm so horrified I can barely move. He looks at me probably trying to see if I heard the noise too, and believe me when I tell you that I did. He puts his hand over my mouth to stop any noise from coming out. Wow his hand …his hand is soft. I really was not expecting that. I was expecting his hands to be like, rough and smelly. I snap back into reality when I hear the killer slowly start to turn the door handle and tease our emotions. I see him start to fully turn the handle and stop as if he heard a noise come from somewhere else. He starts to walk away but not before the door starts to slowly open enough for us to see him walk the other way with the gun in his hand. I jumped, scared to see the gun that could possibly kill me. Dylan doesn’t even move, he shows no emotion whatsoever. God, it is like nothing fazes him, but what is he staring at.

That gun, the one that the shooter is holding, is the same gun that the guy held in his shaking hand as he shot my sister. That man, standing in the hallway in front of me, is the same man that held that same gun up to my sister’s chest and shot her right in front of me. He would have shot me too if I hadn’t run away. I’m slowly going numb with rage. Why is HE here, is he coming back for me? Or do I just happen to go to the same school he is deciding to shoot up. He is slowly starting to walk away down the other hallway, his footsteps fading, and I am still stuck standing here bewildered by what I had just witnessed. Skylar hits my arm to get my attention. “We should probably try to get out of here.” she whispers. I just nod in response not sure what to say to her. I slowly start to open the door to make my way out of the dark closet. As I step outside of the dark room, I am immediately blinded by the light and color and I have to slowly adjust my eyes. Sklar and I both start to walk down the hallway looking in every direction as we walk scared of what we might find. We walk fast scared that if we walk too slow he will come back and find us. As we are walking I notice that Skylar is wearing heels that make a lot of noise. I turn around to her and tell her to take her shoes off. She takes them off and we continue to walk. We walk for what feels like hours before we find an unlocked door leading towards the gym where hopefully we can find someway out.

    Yes! We finally found an open door. We are walking and I hear a noise coming from the gym. I stop and look at Dylan who keeps walking. “What?” he asked obviously confused “What is it?” “Um, nothing. It was nothing.” I say not wanting him to hate me even more then he probably already does. We keep walking into the gym to see if we can find an open unlocked door. As we continue to walk into the gym he stops and puts his hand up. He points to the figure in the far corner of the gym walking out of the Men’s locker room. We turn around and sprint out of the gym not caring that the doors are slamming and banging up against the wall for the killer to hear, and by the sound of heavy footsteps behind us, he did. We both sprint down the hallway trying to find doors so that we can escape. How has nobody noticed that we are gone? I thought my friends actually loved me. We see a doorway straight ahead so I run over and try to push it open but it is locked. We start to run down the massive hallway to another door but I hear the sound of the gym doors ripping open behind us. “Run faster!” Dylan yells, scared that we are going to be killed. I speed up and run as fast as I can. I drop my heels so that I can use my arms more and maybe actually not be killed. He is slowly catching up so we do not have time to stop at the next door ,so we turn down the hallway to our left and keep sprinting. We turn two more times hoping that we lost him and I am a little relieved that I found another door opening. God please let this one be open.
I am so out of breath from running what feels like miles to get away from him. We finally are far enough to where we can find a door and get out of here. “I see a door!” I hear Skylar say from beside me. “Right up there.” We both race up to the door but not before we see the shooter running down the hallway perpendicular to the one we are running down. We get to the door and of course, it is locked. This is it for us, it is over, he is going to catch us, and kill us. I never got to say goodbye to my mom, oh my poor poor mother. “Finally!” I hear a disgustingly familiar voice say as I slowly turn around to face him “I finally caught you.” he says only staring at me as if Skylar wasn’t standing right beside me. “I have been waiting for this moment for a long long time kiddo.” he says as he starts to raise the gun up aiming it at my head. His hand shaking the same way it did when he went to kill my sister. Are those footsteps?? I hear footsteps coming from behind him. Someone else is here! I am right someone else is here. As they start to round the corner I see that it is the police. They have their guns aimed and ready but so does he. He starts to pull the trigger and the last thing I remember is hearing a terrible, awful, ear shattering gunshot.

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