Delta | Teen Ink


April 29, 2016
By onefish BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
onefish BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                                                 Chapter 1

  Delta Wealth sat at the lighthouse mid-day as the waves crashed thunderously against the rocks. Her raven hair blew as the sunset peacefully on the horizon of Maine. After finishing her long shift at Denny’s, her brother, Perry, called her inside to play Monopoly. Perry was not one known forgiving up, as for Delta, she would do anything to protect the ones she loves.
  In the middle of their game, the house phone shook violently against the wall. She automatically knew what the call was, she ran faster than a rocket ship taking lift off into space. “ Delta Wealth,” the deep voice asserted,” it’s Mr.Regal. He’s trying to steal the God’s powers, especially yours. I believe he will be victorious this time. We need you to finish him off, once and for all, Delta.” Slowly, Delta hung up the phone. As she
walked back towards the living room, Perry yelled with a prideful voice, “Delta! Delta! I won! And you said you would beat me this time but look who won.”
When Delta walked closer towards Perry, a bleak look showered upon her face.
  “ Oh, I get it. You’re going to be leaving soon again huh?” Jeez, for an 11 year old I wouldn’t expect someone to be so angry, she deliberated. The last thing Delta wanted was for Perry to feel more lonely, she could already tell he felt like a tiny plankton in a sea of thousands of krill. Delta knew for the world’s sake, she must gather her courage and strut on. “ You know what Perry? Why don’t you come along too?” As Perry’s face transferred from the ground, both of their icy eyes made contact. He looked brighter than the Fourth of July. “ We are going to Brazil.”

                      Chapter 2

  Perry and Delta take a taxi to Augusta State Airlines to take their 3,330 mile journey to Manaus, Brazil. As they boarded the plane, they took a 5 hour nap so the trip would seem faster. The siblings woke up startled by the descending plane. While exiting the plane, the air conditioned air met with the humid muggy air making them feel a bit dizzy as they deserted the plane. Manaus was more beautiful than Delta would have expected, but she knew she this journey wouldn’t feel that way sooner than later.
  Delta took Perry’s sweaty hand and brought him behind a tree. I need to get him to sleep again without him knowing my powers, Delta pondered for a few moments and got it.

“Hey Perry look at that cool bird.”

“What? Oh whe-”

Before he could finish his sentence, Delta used her power to make him fall asleep. She walked into the forest carrying Perry so she could meet the wise Piña at his cave. “Hello the one and only Delta. I see you have brought your brother?” Nodding softly, Delta couldn't help to notice his lava red eyes and electric blue hair that shot at her making the 100.5 year old seem 50 and crazy.

“ So Delta, I heard Mr.Regal is coming to steal yours and the others powers?”

“Yes and I need your help, I don’t know how I will be able to defeat him.”

Piña handed Delta a charcoal necklace.

“ The necklace will turn red when you are close to danger, good luck.”

“But P-.” 

Piña disappeared into smoke before Delta could state her question. Well, i guess I will figure it out myself, she slipped her necklace on and picked up her brother and left.

                      Chapter 3

The charcoal necklace flashed with bright colors and a white light carried them to a new area. Perry fidgeted and shot awake and looked confused by their new surroundings.

“Where are we Delta?”

“I think we are in Tallahassee, Florida. Look.”

A big sign as huge as a whale had bold letters that spelt WELCOME TO TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA! “Hey Delta! This is the place where that famous billionaire lives. Do you think we can meet him?” Delta looked around, she rationalized how could such a villainous man live in such a friendly neighborhood? “Maybe. Let’s get something to eat, there is a Taco Bell down the street.”
  “Get me a taco Perry,” Delta walked towards an empty booth with in her sight. “Hey,” a familiar voice flattered. Delta turned around and saw a 21 year old man with dirty-blonde hair. Her frosty eyes gazed into his chocolate brown eyes. “Hello Joey,” Delta added sarcastically,” long time no see.” He gave her a death glare,” You have nothing to fear, I won't take your lunch money.” Back in the 6th grade Delta remembered how Joey would steal her dollar fifty. Even though Joey stole her money, there was always something about him that made her attracted to him. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the same feelings for her so they had to remain friends.

“So, what happened to you after 6th grade Joe?”

“Well, I was in a deplorable car accident my limbs were damaged so they replaced them with titanium.”

  She didn’t know how to react to this horrific news, luc
Perry was coming with the food. “See ya around,” he left to booth quietly.


                       Chapter 4

  Walking out of Taco Bell fuller than a turkey at Thanksgiving, they continued down the street. A tingly sensation tricked on Delta’s neck, she looked down and saw the necklace change to red. “Delta, can we please visit Mr.Regals mansion? It’s one of the biggest in the world!” She strategized for a moment and realized that would be the only way to get in.
  They walked up to the mansion, it looked as big as the White House.   People left the house but the Wealth’s entered the big oak wood door suddenly, the door slammed loudly. A man stood at a picture of a father and a son.” This is me and my father you know,Mr.Regal?” Perry looked amazed while the look of betrayal creeped upon his sister’s face. “Your time has come Delta. Time to show the world who you really are!” Delta looked at Perry, they shared a horrifying expression. Joey started sprinting at Delta but he froze in the air. Perry stood underneath Joey with the sword from the wall in his chest. “Delta,” Perry spoke shakily, he looked down at his stomach. “PERRY NO!’’ Delta tried to use her powers as his lifeless fell to the floor, but she didn’t have that kind of power to save him.
  Suddenly, a shadow appeared aside of her. Before Delta could turn, she was knocked out cold.

                      Chapter 5

  Delta lies on the ground as she enters a coma like sleep. She has a dream that her powers of being a God are being exposed to mankind and destroying the society. When she realises she is sleeping, she jerks up quickly and discovers Mr.Regal is in her presence. Delta moves swiftly using some of her powers to make sure he doesn't catch her. He isn’t looking, I can just push him down this steep slope.
  Mr.Regal is shoved off of the steep slope of his house. Feeling accomplished, she starts to head home. People finding out about her powers or not, she thinks it might not be such a bad thing. As Delta reaches Maine, she walks towards her house. Walking up the stairs she thinks, life will never be the same without Perry.
   Delta sits at the end of the cliff once again. Her mind flashes back to all of the horrors she has witnessed. Perry. Mr.Regal. Joey. Each one felt like a fresh scrape against her knee as each stone she threw sunk into the blue water. She had never expected so many consequences of being a Goddess, she felt weak and sore and tired. Something then was caught in the corner of her eye, later followed by the snapping of a branch. As she turned, the shadow on the man’s face seceded, revealing the gaunt face of Mr.Regal. Delta stumbled to stand up but Mr.Regal shoved her down. She tried to spark her power but she was just too weak to think. Mr.Regal kick her head and she dropped down the cliff. Surprisingly, her two hands caught on to the ledge.

“Delta, it’s too late. Give me your powers!”

“No, your fight is over Regal.” She jumped and pulled him down the cliff with her. She released him as they fell rapidly, but she stopped. Delta began to float. Powers! More than she could have dreamed.


                       Chapter 6

  Delta found herself in the God headquarters. “ Good job Delta. You have honored us and saved the world. You were truly the only one who could do it.” A ball of light floated to to Delta. Colors of vivid yellow sparked around her. She felt more powerful than she has ever felt in her life. “Thank you,” she cried. She headed out to go back to her house in Maine. When she went to the teleporter, a shadow behind a podium peak out. “Delta?” The voice sounded more familiar than ever. “Perry?” He stepped out behind the stand and walked to her.

“You’re a God too?”

“Yes i have always been a God, i just never wanted to tell you. I never knew you were though.”

After all she has been through, she knew her biggest reward was getting her brother back.

The author's comments:

  Our story is about a 21 year old girl named Delta who is a god,but she fears that others will find out her secret. Mr.Regal, a billionaire, is seeking her power. From there, Delta and her brother are on the run from him, with the help of a mentor on the way. Warning! This story has  tragic events distributed in the story. Delta is definitely a nail-biting story that will hopefully entertain many Huskies!

My group and I made this story to give an exotic twist to a story that follows the Hero’s Journey story structure. We have made this story to have a little bit of everything-love, action, mystery, intrigue. This short story is definitely worth taking a look at, and I think it’ll be a very entertaining novella.

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