The Dragon War | Teen Ink

The Dragon War

April 27, 2016
By jefffffffffffffffffffffff BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
jefffffffffffffffffffffff BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I walked down the hall I noticed the door was open. Ever since that day I moved there the door was locked and closed. I tried to refrain from getting mad and kicking the door (hey I couldn’t help it) so when it was open I walked inside the door and it shut behind me and a voice said,” Welcome Brandon Murphy, we have been waiting for you.” I noticed that he had a meter in his voice as if he was an old or broken machine or was cheaply made. After that he talked in a rhyme scheme so it was hard to understand him. His lights dimmed and flickered and he said to take his hand. I took it and as soon as I touched it flashing pain lanced through my body. It felt like cold fire that burned and was ice cold at the same time. An iron clang filled my head and then I blinked coming to myself and as I looked at the dragon and a cold feeling formed in my stomach. Then a tendril of thought entered my mind that emitted a ravenous hunger. I looked at the dragon took out my lunch and set it on the floor and the dragon lunged forward and snatched it up in a single gulp. After that it felt as iff a huge woolen blancket had been removed from around my mind and there was a pressing darkness, so I expanded my mind and felt and orb that occupied a space and as I opened my eyes I saw that the dragon occupied that space.  I said hello and the dragon c***ed its head at me and had a questioning look in its eyes. I fed it and sat there for a while. I had to go home before anyone noticed that I was gone.
After a few days the dragon could speak in English very well and did not communicate with pitchers and smells but with sentences and words so that I knew was a sign it was growing in not just size but maturity and smartness. The dragon’s growth was explosive and it was soon too big to find in a big bird house so I was forced to build a giant hut for it witch took about 4 days. It was located by the woods witch where creepy and shadowy so it would not be discovered. And a quick routine was quickly established. I went to the hut feed the dragon and hurried back. My brother asked why are you spending so much time outside I shrugged and started to make shore I was not being followed to the shelter. One day I was walking towards the hut two strange hooded figures started walking towards me.  As they took there hoods they turned out to be like ravens that are in a human’s body. My dragon growled and flew at the strangers but they dodged and brought out thin leaf like blades and cut and slashed at her and when she got a cut on her leg the same spot on my leg felt like It had been the one cut not the dragon. I got so mad that something brock within and a memory of the word Jierda came back to me. As I shouted the word two beams of light shot from my palm and they struck the strangers and snapped their necks with a satisfying crunch and they flew back about a 100 yards backwards. As soon as they landed I felt dizzy and I collapsed on the floor. My dragon flew over to me and put me in her claws even as the world went black. I woke up in a wooden dome and I tried to sit up and I couldn’t move my legs and arms. The dragon was sitting nearby and a voice said “you almost killed your self don’t try that again” I strained out the thought out the word yes and it nodded and a study amount of strength seemed to flow from the dragon into me and I was soon able to sit up and look around and I asked What was that I did and it replied “you used magic Brandon you used magic!” Then I stood up and felt a little dizzy and she walked over and put out her tail for support and I noticed a figure that was sitting at the edge of the dome and I said “who are you?” He turned around and said “ahh Brandon your finally awake” He motioned for me to come over to him so I staggered over to him and he said You are very powerful even though you don’t know it but you are the only one who can know stand before Queen cilice and live to tell the tale. The DRAGGONS are the ones that sent me to find you and your dragon. He muttered a word and the world warped and shimmered and we appeared in a big cavern and he said “you may ride your dragon now” as soon as we walked through a door I heard a crowd and then the world went black.

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