Battle of the Projects | Teen Ink

Battle of the Projects

April 11, 2016
By crazy.for.bananas BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
crazy.for.bananas BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Yasuo is a man of resolve, an agile swordsman who wields the wind itself to cut down his foes. This once-proud warrior had been disgraced by a false accusation and forced into a desperate fight for survival. When the world turned against him, he had done everything in his power to bring the guilty to justice and restore his honor.
Formerly a brilliant pupil at a renowned Ionian sword school, Yasuo was the only student in a generation to master the legendary wind technique. Many believed he was destined to become a great hero. However, his fate was changed forever when Noxus invaded. Yasuo was charged with guarding an Ionian Elder, but, foolishly believing his blade alone could make the difference, he left his post to join the fray. By the time he returned, the Elder had been slain.
Yasuo had always wanted to talk to his brother about the crisis that had occurred. To have his brother forgive him for what has happened. Yasuo realized that the death of an Ionian Elder was his fault and wanted his brother’s forgiveness. While wandering the lands for the next years, he had always wanted to search for his brother, to once again for the protection and love that has always been given, but instead he felt hatred.
Yasuo spent the next several years wandering the land, seeking any clue that might lead him to avenge himself to attack Ionia, his homeland. All the while, he was relentlessly hunted by his former allies, continually forced to fight or die. His mission drove him ever forward, until he was tracked down by the one foe he dreaded most - his own brother, Project Yi. Being bound by the same code of honor, the two bowed to each other. Silently they circled one another under the moonlight. When they finally charged forward, Yi was no match for Yasuo; with a single flash of steel he cut his brother down. Yasuo dropped his weapon and rushed to Yi's side.
Project Zed appeared moments later, only to have heard Yi telling Yasuo the reason why the Ionians had turned against him. Zed thought, “Yasuo, my brilliant pupil. I’ve always known that it was never you however the council just wouldn’t listen to me. Oh how you have suffered.” But P. Zed never thought that it was wise to tell Yasuo that. He jumped down using the shadows and allowed Yasuo to see him. There they had fought. But sword vs shuriken had shown us that steel line was better than steel circle. Minutes later, Project Zed had breathed his last.
Yasuo was in despair of what had just happened. He had killed his professor and his fellows ---- no wait, his past citizens had thought he killed the Elder. Project Yasuo continued to walk towards the direction of Noxus. He was going to avenge his professor and the Elder and come back to be renounced as a citizen of Ionia once more. Yasuo had been forgiven by his brother Yi, but that did not change the fact that he had killed him.
But before he could leave… Yasuo buried Yi under the rising sun, but could take no time to mourn. Others would be after him before long, just like his professor had shown. His brother's revelation had given Yasuo newfound purpose; he now had the clue that would lead to the true killer. Swearing an oath, he gathered his belongings and, with one last look at Yi's grave, set out with the wind at his back.
Before long, Yasuo had finally reached the Noxian gates. He walked past the guard gates, with 2 guards that slumped over. He was finally in Noxus. Time for Revenge…

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a video game that I had played. I was inspired by three of the characters which were inside of the game and decided to write a little storry about this game. All names from this story are from Riot Games.

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