Frightful dream | Teen Ink

Frightful dream

April 7, 2016
By Anonymous

   I woke up with a startle, seeing my brother hitting me with pillow. "You were dreaming," he said.

   Then, I remembered. My friend and I had gone boating. The sun was shining brightly and the sea was clear. We could even see some fishes swimming about.

   Later, a gentle wind blew, pushing our boat out into the open sea so gradually that we did not even notice it. When we realised it, we decided to head for the shore.

   Then, a dark object appeared beneath the water! It was a huge fish. It crashed into the hull of our boat. We were thrown overboard.

   My friend was swallowed up by the huge fish. I was so frightened that I swam for life. Under the water I could see the fish. It was coming towards me.

   Fourtunately, a dolphin came by at the moment. I held onto its fin and it carried me to shore. It was a norrow escape.

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