starlight sparkles new beginning | Teen Ink

starlight sparkles new beginning

April 1, 2016
By Anonymous

starlight sparkles is me a beautiful young princess who loves all living things. some day the whole kingdom will be mine to rule or so i thought until one day this happened. it was october first my first time for school and i was 5 years old,but when i got home my mom was gone. "grandma where did my mom go," i asked my grandma where she wasand she said," she died so now your great aunt's daughter has to take her place," i was really sad but then her corination came and she chose me to go on a mission. i must go on an abandoned island with nothing but animals, plants, and shelter filled with everything i needed to stay alive exept one thing my memory of how to love. 

that's all for now come bak later

The author's comments:

this story is a sneek peek on a trilogy i will make keep reading anf you'll learn a lesson

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