A Month in a Zombie Apocalypse | Teen Ink

A Month in a Zombie Apocalypse

April 1, 2016
By andrey-berlov BRONZE, Spokane, Washington
andrey-berlov BRONZE, Spokane, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It Started like in game “Dying Light”, me and you appeared in a middle of a village that was on island that was infected with zombie virus. Then for some reason people of the village decided to start a civil war among each other, but everyone was supposed to get a partner, obviously me and you partnered up. Then hell broke out. There was blood everywhere, screams of people being killed; the air was gray from the gun smoke. Then through all this madness my attention was caught by a man fighting a woman and the woman was winning. She knocked the man down on his stomach, and then with a dull knife cut him open along his spine and with her bare hands ripped the spine out while the man was screaming in unhuman voice. I got terrified and grossed out so I called to you in a uptight and bothered voice, “Umm, Vlad, I think that it’s time to get the hell out of here, and the faster we go the healthier we will be…” and you gladly agreed to my offer because lucky for you, you did not see the death scene, you just saw how the woman that killed the man was standing there in the gray smoke, covered in blood, and the man’s ripped out spine in her hand looking you right in the eyes. We turned around and started running. A humongous crowd of barbarians, that’s what the villagers are now called after what they did to each other, were chasing us (like the part in Pirates of the Caribbean when Jack Sparrow was running away from a bunch of natives), and the only reason we got away was because we were running on roofs, and we knew parkour very well. We got to the walls that separated villagers from the zombies and the rest of the infected outside world. We jumped over the fence and landed on top of the Semi-truck’s trailer that was surrounded by a huge amount of zombies. We ran away from the zombies without any trouble, thanks to our wonderful skills in parkour, for two reasons: first reason was because the zombies were dumb as a box of rocks, and the second reason was because there weren’t any fast or spitting zombies…yet. While we ran we talked and argued about where and how we should set up our safe zone. Finally we agreed that our safe zone should not be too high, so we could easily get in it, and it shouldn’t be too low, so zombies wouldn’t be able to get in. We decided that a roof of a ten-story high building, which was about half-a-mile away from us, would make a perfect safe zone. Our conversation got so intense that we didn’t notice a huge gap in between the buildings, we jumped but underestimated our abilities, and therefor flew down from a two story high apartment. Luck for me I fell on a huge pile of garbage, which softened the fall, but as soon as I hit the garbage pile my luck ran out and you landed right on top of me.  To make things worse the garbage pile that we landed onto was in a middle of a bunch of sleeping zombies, that were fast and dangerous, (they looked a lot like Volatiles from Dying Light). We froze, praying that our fall our fall did not wake them up. It didn’t. As quietly as we could we tiptoed past the sleeping Volatiles to the door that led outside.  Then you step on a piece of broken glass which brakes under your foot and makes a loud cracking sound, u look up with lightning quick speed with horror and caution on your face. We knew that luck wasn’t going to be on our side forever and that eventually it’s going to run out,  but we did not expected it to run out when we needed it the most… zombies snapped their heads up and looked at us, volatiles woke up. With wild and hoarse cries we flew out the door and ran for the ten story high building with a bunch of volatiles snapping at our heels. We managed to get away from the zombies when we were climbing the ten story high building, on top of which there wasn’t a soul. Panting we climbed over the edge and leaned on the side of the wall tired, sweaty, but safe and unhurt. After we caught our breath we looked at each other and cracked up. But it wasn’t the laugh of joy and happiness; it was a hysterical and feverish laugh. After we calmed down we found stairs that connected roof and the attic of the building that we were on. We used those stairs to safely get inside the building to look for stuff that we could use for defense. We stumbled on a couple of zombies but they didn’t cause us any trouble, they did not know what struck them. We found a bunch of UV lights, which would protect us from the deadly volatiles at night, and set them up on top and on the sides of our ten story high building. We also found a huge amount of guns, there was everything we could have dreamed of, miniguns, powerful sniper rifles (Barrett .50 Caliber), and even flamethrowers, which we also set up on top of our building, so now it looked like a fortress.
Then one day we were searching for provision. We walked into a building and then I heard music playing, I suggested that we go and see where the music is going from. We found the door from which the music was coming and opened it. To our surprise we found two people playing instruments, one was a guy and the other was a girl and both were about our age. The guy’s name was mark and he was playing cello, and the girl’s name was Sofiya and she was playing violin. We decided to take them to our place. On our way to our safe zone we stumbled upon a group of flesh eating zombies, Sofiya got away cause her violin wasn’t restricting her movement, but Mark wasn’t so fortunate, he got eaten by zombies because he refused to let go of his beloved cello, which zombies got hold of. While zombies were feasting on Mark we used that time to get to our safe zone safely. We had a ton of provision in our storage so there was no need for us to go anywhere.
2 Weeks later:
You think that I am in love with Sofiya, which I’m not, but I keep on telling you that I am not in love with her, and that the only reason we decided to take her to our place was because I didn’t want such a talented musician to die, but you would not listen to me. Whenever you and Sofiya was alone you would try to flirt with her, you would put your hand around her or lay your head on her, and whenever I walked in you would jerk-up and pretend that you were just sitting there and nothing more. And that very annoyed me because you thought I had feelings for her, which I didn’t. Finally you stopped hitting on Sofiya because whenever you tried flirting, hugging, or putting your head on her she would just sit there like a statue and do nothing. Then one day we saw a military helicopter fly over or heads, without any hesitation we both charged after it. We saw the helicopter land and decided to go scout to see if there’s a lot of people, because that helicopter was our only way out of this damned place. But when we popped our heads over the side of the building and saw how much soldiers were there our jaws dropped to our feet. After a lot of debating we decided that we will have better chances if we are going to operate at night. At night time we set bombs on to the gate that kept the zombies out of the military base. Then with making as little noise as possible we carefully sneaked into the army base, which wasn’t hard because they weren’t expecting an attack from humans, heck, they didn’t even know that there was anyone alive besides them. We got to the helicopter and silently eliminated the pilot. Now, if we started the engines the soldiers and tanks would shoot us down in no time, we had to have a distraction. That’s when the bombs on the gate come in. the bombs were supposed to destroy the gates and lure in the zombies and other dangerous creatures of night. And gota say, the bombs did their job better than we expected. When the bombs went off and blew off the gates of their hinges, a giant wave of zombies poured into the camp through what used to be the gates. The military personnel weren’t expecting such thing, they were caught unarmed and unaware, it was a massacre. Sadly we couldn’t stay and enjoy the show, we had to get into the chopper and take air before the zombies got to us, everything went just like we planned, no one payed attention to a huge military helicopter take off.
When we were in the air we looked each other in the eyes and we both had the same question, “Should we take Sofiya with us?” “Naaahhh” we answered out loud at the same time. After about five minutes of flying I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to ask, “Why did you decide to leave her?” “Cause she would ignore me whenever I tried to show affection for her, you?” you replied. My answer was easy and simple, “Because I never liked her.”
Then I woke up and my first thought was, “I can’t believe I actually said that about her!”, and my second though was, “Damn! That was one hell of a dream! I got to tell it to my best friend Vlad!”

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