The Race | Teen Ink

The Race

March 30, 2016
By evan.leonard15 BRONZE, La Palma, California
evan.leonard15 BRONZE, La Palma, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“On your mark, get set, go,” yelled the announcer. Off I zoomed down the straight away, passing by the fans with their ear plugs in as they cheered me on. I glanced over at my opponent to see he was still with me, neck and neck. I buckled down and charged on.
“TIME, 3.52 seconds, a new record,” yelled the announcer, and the crowd roared as my parachutes diploid. I am Lightning McQueen and I am speed.

The author's comments:

Growing up Cars the movie was a big part of my life and I was a huge fan. Lightning McQueen was the main character so I wanted to create some type of image for the reader of about his life. 

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