The Inevitable Fate | Teen Ink

The Inevitable Fate

March 21, 2016
By karisotaku BRONZE, Beaufort, South Carolina
karisotaku BRONZE, Beaufort, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A girl sings in a field shrouded in darkness. She appears sorrowful and pained. A bitter-sweet melody rings. A strange figure emerges from the surrounding green trees. For it had not the appearance of being human nor animal. It was an entity so strange. It was Fate. The young lady sung louder, sadder. At this sudden explosion of sound, the creature writhed in pain. It’s figure contorted into scathing poses. Fate charged towards the child. She was crying profusely by now, but singing in a whispering symphony followed by her previous echoes. Fate nevertheless charged on, willing the girl to stop, to quiet the night. The wind started to cry as well. It whipped wildly in just a few seconds.
Just as well, another figure appeared. He was an older man. He screamed an unintelligible name. He ran and ran on, towards the young girl. He was locked in a race with Fate. They ran on and on, screaming. At last, a conclusion will be reached. Who would win this race?
The man lurched forward while Fate lagged behind. The man picked up the child and ran farther away. But Fate was catching up. He quickly ran up to the duo. The girl cried and cried. Fate was on their tail. Fate reached out a hand, binded with a Red String. In a last resort attempt to save the child, the World. He threw her to the side and turned away screaming, “ Don’t forget my Sacrifice, World!”. A blinding white light lit up the field as Fate collided with Sacrifice. World was saved in the end, but at a dreadfull cost.

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