Adventures of Jon Gomes | Teen Ink

Adventures of Jon Gomes

March 24, 2016
By Georgelucas BRONZE, Corpus Christi, Texas
Georgelucas BRONZE, Corpus Christi, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“The cold air is coming.” That is all you heard as Jon was walking home. He had long and stressful day at school. He is a freshman in high school and has a rough time focusing in school. His mom and step dad have been arguing and they are distracting him. He does not like his step dad, Damon, and is happy he has left. But today jon is worried that Damon is going to do something because he has been warning them for weeks. When Jon gets home he notices that something is wrong. His dog, Berkley, is not at the door to greet him. At that moment Jon knew something had happened. He yelled out for his mom, nothing. Jon begins to get frightened, he runs around the house calling for his mom and dog. Jon is panicking, he tries to call the police but Damon answers. “Jon it is me Damon, i have your mom and dog.” “What do you want.” Jon asks. “Well funny you ask, the government has found these really rare coins and I want them.” Damon says. “Ok where can I find them?” Jon asks. “You will need to go to Washington, D.C. first and wait for my call.” Damon says as he hangs up the phone. Jon get on a plane and heads to the location Damon directed him to. The location is the Lincoln Memorial and Jon has to look for a billboard that says “ The enchanting coins (the three rarest coins on the planet). Jon finds the place and rushes in, he then realizes that getting the coins will not be as easy as Damon made it sound. He walks around the place looking everywhere to see if there were any openings that he could take. There were none. There were over 100 security cameras and guards. There were also heat detectors which if you got to close to the coins they would go off. Jon quickly exits and tries to make a quick plan. He calls Damon and tells him his situation. “ If you do not get me those coins you can say goodbye to your mom and dog” Damon says as he hangs up. Jon ,frightened, makes a quick little plan that he is not sure will work. His plan is to dress as a security guard and turn on the alarms. He knows that there would to many people for the security cameras and guards to see him. He also knew that the heat detecters would go off but the alarm is already off so they would be no help. Jon is very frightened while the plan is going on. He gets the three coins and leaves without being noticed. He quickly calls Damon and asked where to meet him to trade for his mom and dog. Damon says “ We will meet in two days on the Statue of Liberty.” Two days passed and Jon is waiting on the top. He sees Damon with his mom and dog and is so happy to see they are ok. Jon quickly throws the coins to Damon. He checks the coins to see if they are the real ones and then gives Jon back his mom and dog. They go their separate ways and Jon and his mom are happy to know that Damon is going to be out of their lives for good now.

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