The Season Maidens | Teen Ink

The Season Maidens

March 23, 2016
By Anonymous

 There once was a world filled with magic and monsters. In this world, there were four traveling sisters that have helped everyone they had met.
Deep in the land of Cyprus, there was an old farmer and his huge farm. This particular old man prefered to stay indoors and away from being outdoors as much as possible. He thought everyone would think his house was abandoned and that no one would bother him.
One day, a tall, bright, and young maiden appeared under an old oak tree just outside of his house. He looked at her and watched her, as she sat in a meditative position, most of the morning. The old man sat in front of his window, in shock, before he finally called out to her. “You there, young maiden. Why are you here in front of my house and on my land?”.
Her eyes shot open in shock once the old man called out to her from the open window of the small cottage. She slowly turned to face to old man and gently smiled at him from her position. “Hello there kind sir, my name is Winter. I am just waiting here for my three sisters because we are on a journey.” she quietly replied to the old man.
He watched her suspiciously for a moment, then nodded after she responded to him. After a few longer moments of time, he got up from his chair by the window. He walked away, to get something from the back of his house, and lock the door. When he came back, he saw a second maiden who caught his attention with a soft and joyful giggle.
Silently, the old man sat back down in his old wooden chair in front of the window. He wondered what the second maiden found so humorous. A moment later, he realized that she had been laughing at him the moment she saw him walk into her sight. Quietly he said “Why have you came here to my land and what is it you are waiting for?”
Within a short period of time, she finally decided to reply, “My name is Autumn, and I am here waiting for my sisters. For we are on a long and tiring journey.”. She stood up slowly from her spot, next to Winter, after replying to the old man and his questions. He silently nodded after she replied with such courage and a powerful voice.
The old man grew tired and decided that he would rest for only a short period of time. He slowly shut his eyes, and drifted away into a light sleep for a long time. When he awoken, a third maiden appeared under the tree talking to the other two maidens. After a moment of staring at the three of them he finally said “You there, are you with these two maidens and on a journey as well?”
She nodded without looking at him. The broken down garden behind the tall, old oak tree caught her eye. Within seconds, she began walking over to the supposed garden and picked up the brown leather bag that she had brought with her and her sisters. Silently, she began to fix the wooden picket fence around the dirt plot and plowed the dirt. Each step she took made it look as if she was gracefully dancing and planting each seed in the recently plowed dirt.
The old man watched the young maiden work in awe. After she had finished planting all the seeds, she sat back down with her sisters under the tree. They all seemed to have fallen asleep under the oak tree. The sun slowly began to set over the horizon violet and blue hued sky.
He silently leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. Time slowly ticked away as he slowly drifted to sleep. The very next day, he awoke to see all three sisters working on the farm. He looked out the window to see the third sister sitting by the tree. After a moment of watching her, he called out to her “Maiden, what is your name?”
She turned to look up at him and smiled brightly as her face lit up like a star. “My name is Spring and thank you for letting my sisters and I to stay on this farm for the time being.” she replied happily. Slowly, she stood up with her leather bag and turned to the garden.
The man looked over at the garden as well and saw beautiful, healthy fruits and vegetables growing there. He stood there in shock at how fast the crops had grown. It seemed as if she was a magical being sent as help. Moments have passed and he sat back down in his rocking chair. He then watched the three sisters as if they were a gift from a higher being.
Hours have passed and the old man has fallen into a deep sleep. He then awoke about midday. As he looked out the window, he saw all three sisters setting up a large table as if it was for a dinner party. Slowly, time ticked by and they all beckoned the man to come outside to join them. He thought of staying inside and watching them. Then, he looked at the door right next to the window he is sitting at.
Finally, he decided to come outside and join the three sisters for dinner. As he sat down with them, he saw that there was one chair at the table that was empty but had a plate in front of it. Puzzled, he stared at the place at the table. He heard footsteps coming from the path leading to the table.
When he looked up, he saw a beautiful, tall, and bright woman walking toward the table and smiled at all of the sisters. In a soothing and musical voice she asked him “Have you been letting my younger sisters stay here as they waited for me?” as she sat in the empty chair.
He continued to stare at the young woman as he nodded in utter silence. Moments later he finally spoke “What is your name and are you the oldest sister of all four of you lovely maidens? Why have you all came here and helped me and my land?”
The woman stared at him in shock then looked over at her sisters then to the land they were on. She took a moment to think of a response then finally said, “Honestly, we haven’t helped you at all but you have helped us.” He stared up at her in confusion after the response she had given him.
He didn’t question them any further but instead, he gotten up from his chair. The old man summoned all of his power and split them with all of the sisters. Then he had realized that they were all named after the seasons and figured the oldest sister must have been Summer. He watched all of them play with their newly given powers and smiled at him happily.
Each of them thanked them and began to leave the land of the old farmer. They had promised to visit their new friend every year, but still help everyone they came in contact with like they had helped him. As they left, they all realized that since they have helped the old man he gave them a reward but tenfold. They all learned a valuable lesson those days.
If you help the ones in need, you will be given a special reward that is good for the soul and your future.

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