spirit beasts | Teen Ink

spirit beasts

March 22, 2016
By AJK133 BRONZE, Corpuschristi, Texas
AJK133 BRONZE, Corpuschristi, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time a good witch named Meckan Jordana, had five gemstones with special powers: fire, earth, air, ice, water these gems were passed down from witch family to the next but it is believed that they were stolen by a member of the watchers clan the watchers believe the crystals should not belong to not just one group but the power of the crystal should be utilized by all.

Five siblings AJ stone, Ethan stone, JC stone, Cednee stone, and Aleeshia stone, went on a field trip to a geological dig site.  At the site, each sibling went in different sections of the dig.  A.J. found a red stone, then Ethan found a white tone, J.C. found a green stone, Aleeshia found a blue stone and Cednee found a clear stone.
I. said, “Wow, guys look at this.”
Ethan shouted, “Man, you have a stone too.”
In fact, all of the siblings had a stone and showed it to each other.  They noticed that inside each stone was an animal symbol that started to glow when the stone became warm.  The hotter the stone became the more their body took on the form and color of the stone and animal inside.
After the field trip everybody went to AJ’s house and JC said, “What are we going to do now?”
I said, “I say we see what happens and maybe we will get powers, I mean this town does need superheroes and maybe we will become vigilantes or something.”
JC said, “I’ll talk to mom and see if she can make us some costumes.” After he said that their whole bodies were covered in costumes, AJ had a red and yellow with a phoenix shaped helmet, JC had a forest green and night black costume with a turtle shaped helmet,  Ethan had a white and light blue with a polar bear shaped helmet, Aleeshia had a blue and turquoise and a dolphin shaped helmet, and Cednee had a clear sparkled costume with a hawk shaped helmet. When we all transformed into our costumes the ground began to shake I thought it was an earthquake but when I looked out our window and saw something coming toward us it was our animals that were in our crystals my animal came from a dormant volcano, JC’s animal came from the forest, Ethan’s animal came from Antarctica, Aleeshia’s animal came from the ocean Cednee‘s animal formed in the wind and emerged from wind to animal. We all went outside to check out what was going on and when we went outside we all touched our animals and we teleported to this island it was surrounded by water and this huge volcano so there was something for all of us JC had his forest I had my volcano Ethan had his snow Aleeshia had her ocean and Cednee had her geysers. Like I was saying we went to the center of the island and there were paintings animal paintings on the wall each with a hollowed out hole in it we placed our crystals in the hole and WHOOSH the ground began to rumble and suddenly a whole mountain split in half and there was this room we were all scared to go in there but I said, “come on guys lets go.” I took the lead and walked first then came JC and the rest inside there was this room full of weapons and gadgets and computer screens JC was good with tech and me I was good with weapons Aleeshia said,” look at all this stuff we have everything we need to become super heroes.”  We all agreed with her and then I said,”ok guys listen up grab your weapons and your gems and follow me.” But by the time I said that everybody was saying this and that but we were interrupted by the glowing of the weapons then an axe flew into my hand and words began to show on the handle it read AJ you have been chosen to lead the spirit beasts and to save evil from a threat no human no army no mortal can withstand only you five must save earth. Then we all looked at each other and were thinking the same thing and I threw JC his club weapon. I threw Ethan his Sais then I threw Aleeshia her crossbow and I threw Cednee her mace we hopped on our spirit animals and teleported back to town before school. School started and we went to school and had our first period then my started to beep I took a look at my phone and it was an enemy indicator and I told my siblings and we went off to the island and JC looked up the indicator and we saw that it was a bad guy we went to the sight and fought the bad guy and we done it so good that we made it back before class ended.

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I like my work

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