Revenge | Teen Ink


March 10, 2016
By Mmcclellen BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
Mmcclellen BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

*Ding Ding*
I am going to make this abundantly clear. I want no contact with you from here on out. I don’t want a reply to this message. I don’t want you to contact my family in any way, shape, or form. The text from Shelby read, instantly making stream come out of Haley’s ears. Her blue-gray eyes flooded with tears. She immediately rushed to grab her car keys and ran out the door even though it was 8:30 on a Tuesday night.
She drove the 34 seconds it took to get to her best friend’s house. Haley sprinted into Christina’s front door, tears flying off her cheeks. Christina was used to Haley coming into her house unexpectedly, but usually not bawling. She was completely taken by surprise.
“What in the world happened?” Christina exclaimed.
Haley just showed her the phone screen. Christina turned red and looked up at Haley in surprise.
“What did you do?! Why would she say that now? Didn’t she just send you a text saying she missed you the other day?”
“Yeah, see!” Haley screamed, sliding her and Shelby’s previous texts up. “I literally do not understand” Haley busted into another series of obnoxious tears.
“It will be okay boo thang, don’t you worry. We will get revenge.” Christina said, embracing Haley in a comforting hug.
After about an hour of food therapy, Haley and Christina started plotting their revenge. Christina pulled out a notebook and labeled it “Project S”.
“Alright, this b**** need to die. We need to burn her down ASAP.”
They concluded a nice plan consisting of a few shenanigans that they would perform on the following Friday. The next few days, the girls just gathered their supplies and laid them all out on Christina’s bed. They had a 2 gallon jug of gasoline, a huge poster with Shelby’s fact on it that they stole from the school, string, a lighter and a package of Oreo cookies.
Friday approached quickly. The girls stayed at Christina’s house and acted asleep in bed until 1 am came. They snuck out the back door with a duffel bag full of their supplies extremely quietly and took Haley’s car to Shelby’s house. The first thing they did was split the cookies in half and wrote on their front door with cream. They wrote backwards to them so then Shelby’s family could read it from the inside. It read “Screw you, fat lard”. They then put the string onto a lighter and put the other end on the door handle. They laid out the poster on their front lawn and put the lighter next to it. Then they spilled some gasoline on the poster of Shelby and then made a trail to the front door. The remainder of the gasoline stayed in the jug. They just positioned the gas to sit on top of the front door so it would fall on top of the person who opened the door.
They rang the doorbell and sprinted to their car a block away, waiting for the show to start. Shelby answered the door and was drenched with gasoline. The lighter lit and the house caught on fire along with her parents. Christina and Haley sat in their car listening to Maroon 5 and chuckling.
“Now you’ll never have contact with her again for sure!” Christina smirked as they left the neighborhood.

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