Shipwreck Island | Teen Ink

Shipwreck Island

March 18, 2016
By Anonymous

There is a man named John Everdan. John is 24 years old and a news reporter. He also has a friend named Frank Jones. John and Frank are reporting why there were so many shipwrecks happing this year. If John and Frank don’t get this report done by the next month his is going to be fired, his boss said. “I don’t want to be fired, this is my dream job and I always wanted to be a reporter”, said John. “Well if you want to stay as a reporter then get the report done by next month”, exclaimed his boss.
“I’m really starting to hate my boss.”
“Well try harder, Frank said.”
“I don’t know what else to do Frank.”
“Well, you can go on a ship and see why ships are crashing into a middle of nowhere.”
“Ok, but I don’t know where these ships are even crashing.”
“Look at the internet, John.”
“Oh snap! They crash in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. “
“So are going to the Atlantic Ocean to do the report?”
John started to pack his suit case. John told Frank to stay and stall Mr. Smith, the boss. John said to Frank was, “if Mr. Smith asks where I am, tell him that I have the flu. “Frank said, “Are you nuts! He isn’t going to believe me that you have the flu for a month.” So John told Mr. Smith that he is going to the Atlantic Ocean to his report. Mr. Smith approved him going to the Atlantic Ocean.
John drove his car to the dock. He got out of the car and put his suit case in the boat. He started the boat and drove to the Atlantic Ocean nonstop. When he arrived he just saw a big flat of water with boats inside of it, all destroyed and wrecked. Once John got there he saw a lot of boats and ships wrecked in the ocean. He got his camera and took pictures of the wrecked ships.
He drove some more toward the boats to get a better view but he got pulled in towards into the water. “It’s a whirl pool”, he said loudly. He knew this would happen because once you want a better view of it you eventually die seeing it. He started to panic. He saw a fin rising up from the water and saw the shark coming after him.
He started thinking of a plan. He looked around outside of his surroundings to see if there was land to escape the terrifying hungry beast of the water. He saw an island and started swimming towards the island. The shark sensed he was in the water and started to follow him so the shark could eat him.
He couldn’t see the shark. Maybe the shark left, he thought. This is my only chance to get over that island before another one eats me alive. He swam to the island nonstop. The shark found and tried to eat him but John saw it coming behind him he tried to dodge it but the shark bite his foot. He started to swim fast and got on the shore of the beach. He was tired, hungry, and bleeding. He got some seaweed and tied it up his foot so it would stop bleeding.
“I never saw this place before”, he said. He started to looked around the place if he could find or build a shelter to sleep. He noticed it was about to be night time. He found some broken down wood and some rope. He started to build his house up a tree.
He remembered that he had a cellphone, just in case he got in trouble. He tried to call Frank but there are no cell towers so he can’t call anybody. I hope that Frank knows I am in trouble because I said that if I don’t call you soon then I am in big trouble, he thought. Frank didn’t even notice that John is gone because of the realistic dummy John put in his office. John went to sleep.
He woke up and looked for food. He got out of his treehouse and thought some ways to protect himself if predators were coming to eat him for food. He made a flint stoned spear made out of flint stone and sturdy wood. He walked in the forest slowly and quietly. He saw a deer and hid behind a big old rock. He charged with his spear towards the deer and killed it painfully. He tried to carry it but it was to heavy to pick up. He cut up the deer by cutting the legs and head. He only took the body home. He reached home and started to make a fire and fried the deer’s body and ate it. He made the fire by getting some flint stones and some wood. He got a normal rock and a flint stone and started to bang them together, eventually making.
He made a boat after a few months of gathering wood and thick seaweed. He gathered some foods for his trip because it going to take some time to go back to New York. He hunted down some more deer and rabbits for the trip. The boat was almost finished to go in water. He gathered some more thick wood and thick seaweed. He tested the boat if the boat can float on water. The boat works and floats on water, it was a success.
It has been almost a month. He started to panic because he will be fired without even a single person knowing he disappeared in Shipwreck Island. He started to back his bags and put it in his wooden boat. He got on the wooden boat and started to paddle away from shore. He paddled fast and away from Shipwreck Island. He paddled so fast that he was already exhausted from rowing the boat back and forth.
The sail took for two months to just get out of Shipwreck Island to New York City. He almost ran out of food to eat and water. He wouldn’t drink the sea water because of how salty the water tasted. He was tried paddling and almost gave up but he didn’t. He wasn’t going to die in the middle of the ocean because of starvation. His life flash before his eyes thinking that he isn’t going to make it. He almost lost hope that he isn’t going to be home keeping his job and seeing his family. He got so much confident in him, he paddled so fast that he couldn’t even feel him arms moving.
He found New York City. He got some help from the coast guard. When he got New York he got some new clothes and went to his boss office to give Mr. Smith the report. He didn’t get fired and kept his job until he died. Until another report came to his hands.

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