White Thunder | Teen Ink

White Thunder

March 11, 2016
By Gaddy1 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
Gaddy1 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Everitt Taylor, and I am about to die. I really didn’t want to go out this way, I always pictured my-self dying while sky diving and both of my parachutes didn’t open, or some cool story like that, not in some dumb ass plane crash.
(3 days earlier)
“What the hell are you doing with your life Everitt?” My mom says to me while I am packing my suit case. “You are 19 years old and have a dead end job! You don’t even save your money for anything important. I mean for god sake you still live at home with your mother.”
I guess she has a point. I have been out of high school for a solid year and a half and work at Green Yard, Green Life, a lawn care service, making $13.78 an hour mowing lawns for the businesses and residents of Casper, Wyoming. My mom is upset because I chose not to go to University of Wyoming, and get a degree, so I can get a 9 to 5 job and raise up a family in the boring state of Wyoming. Instead I chose to pursue my passion for adrenalin.
“Mom, I am doing something that I love and loving what I do. I am happy. At least I’m not a burn out stoner or drug addict, I’m and adrenalin addict.” I shoot her a smile and she just rolls her eyes.
“Well what about money?” My mom is the worry type and I can’t blame her. She grew up in a suburb outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. She was a straight A, cheerleader with a bright future and a scholarship to Stanford. She ended up messing around with the captain of the football team, my dad, and she got pregnant with me. My dad took off and went on to play college football, he promised my mom he would call her when he settled down but he switched his number and even lied about the school he went to so she couldn’t find him. Luckily my mother got a job as a model after I was born and she did that until the company fell through. My mom was desperate, months overdue on rent and bill plus a 4 year old, times where tough and my mom thought the only way she could provide for me was prostitution. It wasn’t the brightest part of her life but God has a plan and he used a pastor at a breakfast diner to lead my mom to the light. The next day we packed up everything and drove until the car broke down and that it grown up with my mother and we have been through a lot together.
Being the only type of family my mother had I think that was another reason she doesn’t like when I leave. Apart from being a lawn boy, I also have a gift of being able to capture images and make the view feel like they are in my pictures or videos. Some of my pictures have been featured in magazines like National Geographic and Traveler and I recently have been hired by Red Bull to shoot a promo video down in the Chile on backcountry snowboarding. Everything I have done in my life I have worked for this a chance to make it big time and possibly get a contract with Red Bull.
I finish packing up my cameras and winter gear with my mom begging me to stay here in the back ground. But I give her a hug and a kiss and grab my bags and leave for the airport.
                In early November the air is cold and dry. The drive to the airport is longer than I expected, my flight is schedule to leave a 7:45 and the clock on my dash reads 7. A 22 hour flight is what waits in my future.
The plan takes off from the small center town of the USA and heads south. I read over the emails again to verify the plans. Jonny Jackson is getting on the plane in Texas and from there we will fly down to Chile and meet the rest of our crew.
Hours pass and between periodic thirty minute naps I would read The Travelers Guild on the Chile Mountains. The things that you can see from the base off the mountain but the views that truly matter are on the top.
“We are experiencing some turbulence up ahead. If everybody could please fasten your seat be…” Suddenly everyone on the plane jolts forward and oxygen mask fall in front of everyone. The plane begins to sway back a forth and screams eco through-out the plane. A flight attend flies over my head and slams into the side of the plane. My Pepsi suddenly floats in the air just as I do and I get the feeling you get when you are on a roller-coaster and it suddenly drops and your stomach is turned upside down. The plane in free falling to the ground and my life flashes before my eyes. All my first run through my mind because I am almost certain that this will be my last. Just as the back of the plane rips off everything suddenly goes black.     
My name is Everitt Taylor, and I am about to die. I really didn’t want to go out this way, I always pictured my-self dying while sky diving and both of my parachutes did open, or some cool story like that, not in some dumb ass plane crash.
My eyes are heavy and I cannot open them all the way. The sun shines brightly through the clouds and the cold crisp air prices my checks and nose. I lift my right arm up to block out the blinding sun and my eyes come too. Snow surrounds me and I recognize the sensory of where I am. My plane, flight 436, has crash landed on the Mountains of Chile. I so not know which mountain I am on nor can’t I find where my plane is. The blood and adrenaline rushes throughout my body. I sit up and swivel my head, what I am looking for, I have no idea. Maybe some other people survived or hopefully I can find the crash sit and wait there till the rescuers come.
“HELP, IS ANYBODY OUT THERE! HELP!” I scream and it echoes throughout the mountains, the only response I get is a wolf howl back.
I am on the south side of the mountain but it is still freezing and by the looks of the sun it is about to be night fall and temps here can get down to -20 below zero.
A thick black smoke rises from the west and I decide to go and start my decent down the mountain towards what I think is the crash. With no resources and night falling fast I quickly accept the fact that out here I am at the bottom of the food chain.

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