The Assassin | Teen Ink

The Assassin

March 3, 2016
By Anonymous

Chapter 1
I was an idiot. That is the only thought that went through my mind as I walked down the dark street. I was so smart to take that dare. Stupid friends I had that challenged me to walk down a dark alley at midnight. Stupid me for accepting and walking down that dark alley at midnight. And stupid me for getting lost and ending up in the hood. That is totally the place a teenage girl can get killed. The puddles on the broken sidewalk soaked my sneakers, causing my toes to feel like blocks of ice. Great for running if I had to. I kicked the nearest garbage can, numbing my already cold toes. I turned the corner, mumbling and staring at my feet. I suddenly heard a sound.
Not a scream, more of a muffled yell. I looked up to see a figure holding a gun to another's head. Terrified, I ran back around the corner. Maybe I could get help. I looked around me, noticing that all the lights were out in every home I could see. The only light was a flickering lamp post a ways from where I stood. I looked back around the corner.
"I swear, I don't know where they went. They were just gone! Please don't kill me! Please!" There were two men, one pointing a gun at the other.
“You have three seconds, and then I’m gonna’ lose my patience. One, two, do you know where they are yet? Thr..”
“Okay! I’ll tell you! Just don’t kill me, Just don’t kill me.” I didn’t know who this man was, or why someone would want to kill him, all I knew was I wanted to get out of this place I turned, planning to run.
“Where are they?”
“ In Durmont! They are at 1211 Halcrox Way! That’s all I know! I swear.”
“Didn’t I tell you not to lie to me?”I watched as he shot the gun. I heard a scream, but I wasn’t listening. I knew that address. 1211 Halcrox Way was where I lived.
“You” I turned to see the man who shot the gun staring at me.
“You shouldn’t be here. You should be asleep like a good little girl.” He started walking toward me. I turned and ran.
“I will catch you! You can run, but you can’t hide! Come here little girl!” This man was creepy. That was a weird thought considering he was chasing me.
By the time I found my way back to my friends, I was shaking with exhaustion and fear.
“Hey Madeline! See, that wasn’t so bad. All that fuss over one little, tiny dare, and.. Oh no. Maddy, what happened happened?” My friend Sheila had been with me since we were little. She always knew when something was wrong, and it wasn’t hard  to tell.
“I need to talk to you!” I grabbed her arm
“We can talk here. Actually, it is where no one will hear us!” She said. I just kept running. Sheila was the kind of person who would think I was joking if I told her there was a murderer chasing us.
I kept running. It was only a few more blocks until I reached my house. I ran by the ice cream parlor down the street. A Fire Engine raced by, it’s sirens screaming. I ran faster when I noticed the fiery glow in the distance. One more block. Turn the corner. I ran to my house, only it wasn’t a house anymore. Instead there was a huge fire in my front yard.
The rest of the night was a blur. I remember that at one point in time a police officer came and got me and took me to his car. I remember Sheila giving me a hug and telling me it was all going to be alright. What was going to be alright? Where it was my parents? Where was I? This couldn’t be my house. I had to be in the wrong place. I was asleep. All this was a horrible nightmare. And Then I felt a wave of pain in the back of my head and the world slowly went out of focus as I drifted into darkness.


Chapter 2
I opened my eyes and the world slowly came into focus. I looked around. I was asleep on a hard wood bench in a police station of some kind. Why was I here? I sat up abruptly and was welcomed by a wave of pain. I felt my head. There was a large bump there. What was I doing here? What happened last night?  It all came rushing back. The dare, the murder, the fire. My parents. Where were my parents? Why was I here instead of  being with them? Why did I have a large bump on the back of my head? One of the police officers noticed I was awake

“The girl’s awake!” He yelled. The whole station stopped what they were doing and stared at me. A middle aged woman walked out of an office.

“Everyone, get back to work!” She yelled. I noticed a badge on the front of her jacket. She walked over and sat down next to me.

“um, hi.” The woman just stared at me. “Hey could you tell me where my parents are? I haven’t seen them since last night and I don’t know what happened with the fire. Can I please talk to them at least?”

“No.” Now it was my turn to stare. How dare she?

“And why not?” I asked.


“Because Why?”

“Because your parents are dead.”  A wave of emotions hit me. They were dead?
They couldn’t be. They were alive and well when I left last night. They couldn’t be dead.

“It will all be okay.” She sounded as though telling me the grade on a test instead of telling me my parents are dead.

“Now, tell me, what happened Last night?” I glared at her through the tears.

“What do you care? Why would it matter?”

“Because, you watched a man be murdered.” My jaw dropped. I didn’t tell anyone about the murder. My parents thought I was at a party. How could she know?

“I-I don't know..”

“Blast it Girl! You have no clue what you saw!” There was a pure rage in her eyes. I wondered where this sudden outburst came from.

“I Never Told ANYONE about the murder. How did you find out?” The woman just stared at me.

“You don’t know?” She finally asked.

“I don’t know what?”

“Your history and your destiny, why did your parents never tell you?”

“Tell me what! What did my parents never tell me?”

“Follow me.” The Woman stood up and walked in the direction of the door she came through. When I didn’t move she grabbed my arm and pulled me up out of my seat.

“Where are you taking me! Let go! I don't even know your name!” I screamed.

“Cathrine, my name is Catherine.!” She pulled me through the door and quickly closed and locked it behind her.

I looked around me. I was in an office. There was a neat desk in the middle of the room and a comfortable-looking sofa along one wall with a picture hanging above it. It appeared to be a normal office, but the way Catherine was locking every window and door in sight, it seemed more like a prison.

She closed the last set of curtains and walked over to me.

“What I am about to show you, you will never tell anyone else about. EVER. Understood?” I quickly nodded my head. She smiled. It was the kind of smile that you could never trust.

She walked over to the picture and lifted it off the wall. Behind it was a tiny door with a lock. She pulled a key out of her pocket and unlocked it. With a faint click, the door swung open, revealing a leaver. Catherine pulled it and the desk moved, revealing a staircase beneath it. There was no light, only a lone flashlight hanging on a nail.

“ Follow me, and watch your step.” Catherine said. I reached for the flashlight, but a hand stopped me.

“what are you doing? I can’t see in the dark!”

“You used to never need a flashlight.” This woman was insane. Why was she acting like this?

“What do you mean I never used to. I Have never met you before.”

“I could explain, but for now I will just tell you this: Your memories, your life, they are not real. You aren’t who you think you are.” I was right. This woman was crazy. My memories were real, weren't they?

“If you know more about my life than I do, tell me this: Who am I?” A smiled passed over Catherine's face.

“You, my dear, are an assassin.”


Chapter 3
“An assassin? What are you talking about? What are you saying? Who in the world do you think you are to accuse me of killing innocents?” To my surprise Catherine started laughing.

“I don’t see what is so funny.”

“None of them were innocents!” Catherine had stopped laughing and the serious look was on her face again. I was still mad.

“Who do you think you are!” I yelled at her.

“Who do I think I am? Who do you think you are to question me?”She yelled back.

“You seem to be the only one who knows!” Catherine took a deep breath and blew it out.

“You are right, I know that this is too much to take in at once. Just calm down and follow me, okay?” I looked at the stairway that had appeared from under the desk.

“You promise everything will be explained? Even how you knew I saw the murder?”

“Yes.” I thought for a second.

“Okay” Catherine walked down the stairs into the dark. I had no choice but to follow.

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