Honeyglow Stuart | Teen Ink

Honeyglow Stuart

February 26, 2016
By Anonymous

 Long, dark brown hair flowing steadily behind her as she ran. feet pounding on the pavement, panting, hazel eyes frantically looking for an escape route from this alley. Slowing down, she took a sharp right turn, almost slipping on the puddle she stepped in, gasping, she hid behind a garbage can, steadying her breathing. Honey listened closely, doing a double take and almost falling backwards when she heard heavy footfalls closing in on her hiding place. “Honeyglow, come out, come out wherever you are!” The voice sang lightly, deep baritone voice bouncing off the brick walls, sounding from every angle.
     I gasped, still breathing heavily from the chase, slow but sure footsteps coming closer, until… “Aha! There you are!” Jay’s voice screamed right next to my ear, I screeched, falling forwards, a small chuckle resounding from behind me, “WHAT THE HECK JAY!!!” I yelled at the blonde laughing next to me. “How do you even do that?” I questioned after calming down my frantic heartbeat, “It’s all smoke and mirrors.” He replied, quoting LeBlanc from League of Legends. “Yeah, right.” I huffed, standing up slowly, my 5’7” form barely reaching the chin of Jay’s 6’1” height. “Let’s just go home.” I sighed, starting our long trek to my dad’s cabin.     

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