The Dive | Teen Ink

The Dive

February 24, 2016
By gwegg212 BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
gwegg212 BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
how are ya

There is a small island in the Caribbean that is home to many attractions such as the weather, beaches, fishing, hiking, swimming, and scuba diving. It has a population of just over 500 people, which is a lot considering how small it is. The island is 200 miles north of Puerto Rico and is known for it’s coral reefs. There are several reefs that surround the island, all with hundreds of different sea creatures and the most popular one is called the bowl reef which is where all the tourists go. A man by the name of Greg Bone knows where all the best spots to dive are where the tourists do not go, he knows this because he has been diving here for 10 years. Greg loves to dive because of all the colorful and unique creatures that are down there but his real motivation is to try and find treasure that can make him wealthy.
It’s 7:30 am when Greg hears his alarm clock go off so he gets out of bed and opens up the window to feel the air and look out the window. The sky is clear, the sun just came up over the volcano that sits in the middle of the island, and there is a warm breeze that hits his face. Greg quickly eats some breakfast, gets dressed, puts his scuba diving gear in his car, and is on his way to search for treasure in the waters of the Atlantic ocean. Greg is feeling lucky today and thinks to himself that today maybe the day his life changes.

“How ya doin today Mr. Bone?” asked Vin, who is a native of the island and goes diving with Greg.
“I’m feeling good buddy, did you remember the tanks?” The tanks allow the diver to breath underwater.
“Yes sir, where are we headed to today?” replied Vin.
“The wreck.” exclaimed Greg.
Vin gasped, “Are you sure, if we go I will not dive I will only keep watch.”
The wreck is on the east side of the Island and only the most experienced divers go there because of the harsh conditions there. The waters are always rough, there are strong currents, and the waters are dark. It is called the wreck because there is a sunken WWII battleship that is around 75 yards long.
Greg and Vin set off in the direction of their destination, it will be an hour boat ride to get there.
“What’s the plan Greg?” asked Vin
Greg stated, “I have heard rumors around the island that there could be treasure on that ship, if there is I’m going to find it Vin, I’m going to search that boat from end to end, top to bottom.”
“But sir what about the conditions you know they’re going to be harsh there, it will be hard to see down there.”
“That's why I brought the spotlight.” Greg exclaimed, the spotlight is a large flashlight for underwater.
They are about 15 minutes out and the weather is already getting worse, the sun is gone because of the dark clouds, the waves are getting bigger, and the water is dark. Greg has only heard stories about the wreck, he has never been there and he is anxious to dive there. There is legends that some divers never came up from the water when diving there.
“This is it, we’re here. Are you sure you still want to do this?” asked Vin
“Of course I want to, this could change my life.” stated Greg.
The conditions are as bad as people say, there is strong winds, dark clouds, and choppy waves. Greg put his gear on and is about to go in.
“I’ll be up in 45 minutes to an hour.” exclaimed Greg.
He dropped off the boat into the dark water there was a quick blur until Greg could see normal. It is very eerie, Greg can not see very far in front of him so he turns on his spotlight. He looks around and sees nothing until he flashes the light downwards, he sees a dark figure so he swims down towards it, it is the sunken ship and it is about 85 feet down. Greg has an odd feeling, he does not like the feeling of himself being the only one in the water, he feels like there is something else down there with him. Then he sees a figure to his right moving towards him so he shines the light at it, it is just a sea turtle. Greg thinks to himself, “At least there is some life down here.” He moves to the ship, he starts to search the ship and he shines the light all around. Then he sees it, there is a large chest towards the end of the ship and he gets to it. Greg opens up the chest and shines the light in it, the chest is filled with gold and Greg is filled with joy. All his hard work is finally paying off he grabs the chest and starts to swim up toward Vin. Greg sees another shadow coming towards him, he thinks it is another sea turtle until it starts to get closer. He shines the light on it and he sees a huge 15 ft. Tiger Shark coming towards him. Greg is trying to stay as calm as possible but the shark won’t change its course towards him. He thinks it is going to attack him so he starts to swim as fast as he can to the boat, he is only 10 ft. from the surface when he feels a strong sensation in his leg and he is being pulled back down, the shark latched onto his leg and the shark is so powerful it ripped his leg off with ease. Greg is still kicking with his one leg and he reaches the surface of the water. He knows it won’t be long until the shark comes back so he screams at Vin to help him. Greg gives him the chest and Vin pulls him up into the boat and he sees the shark coming towards the boat. The tiger shark is almost as big as the boat so Vin hurries as fast as he can. The shark hits the boat and almost knocks Vin in the water, but he got the boat started and sped up to get out of there. Greg is losing blood fast, his leg is ripped off from the middle of his thigh and they still have an hour boat ride. Vin wraps his leg with towels and is trying to get back as fast as possible.
They get back and Greg is passed out, Vin gets people to help him until an ambulance gets there. Greg survives and Vin visits him in the hospital.
“Do you have the gold?” Greg groaned
“Yes sir I put it in your house.”
Greg smiled and fell asleep satisfied because he knew all his hard work finally paid off.

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