The First Rodeo | Teen Ink

The First Rodeo

February 19, 2016
By Jacksonls BRONZE, Manitas Springs, Colorado
Jacksonls BRONZE, Manitas Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sure was dim. As I arrived on my horse in the pity of a town they call Desertville, I shook my head and spit. This place was worse than I thought. But I would take it.

          You see, when I was chased out of Cactustown by those Indians, a half dead man informed me of this town to take shelter in. This very man had been shot with a bow and arrow in the riot.
       He said he was heading toward this town. Not sure if he made it. What a mess.
               Anyways, all of the people in my previous town were either chased out or dead. Good thing I had almost no family or friends. Well, I had my uncle Buck. Or my two friends Earl and Fitzgerald. My goal was to find them, or start over completely.

        This town. It was god awful. Looked like less than 100 people lived there. I decided to save my opinions for later and ride in. Almost there.. and then. Some guy screaming runs out in front of me. He immediately gets trampled by my horse, and then gets up and runs away.
    "Imma Crazy Joe!" 'Crazy Joe' laughs hysterically. He is wearing nothing but rags.
             Crazy Joe kind of represented what the town was like in its own way. In a way that was a lot more messed up than I ever expected.
      This town was kind of the normal western town. Couple buildings, water tower, tumbleweeds, that kind of thing. The nearby cactuses swayed back and forth, seeming to mock me.  Something about this place was eerie. I saved my judgement for later, hacked a loogie, and then spit it on the ground.

           My horse galloped to the local lodge. Luckily I had my change with me when the raid occurred. I had enough for a one nights stay. Not thinking, I quickly took it. Now I had nothing for food. At least I had somewhere to stay.
"Howdy Partner. Name?" The clerk asks
"Bennie Oliver" I reply.
I hand him the remaining cash I have.
" That's good enough for me. Just in case, take this broom. Crazy Joe has been known to come through people's Windows, so watch your back kid."
I shudder, thinking about that backward excuse of a man.

     The desk clerk hands me a key. Giving a slight nod, I  walk to my room, only to find c***roaches outside the door frame. I almost throw up everything I had previously to eat, which was basically nothing.
        Sighing, I set my possessions down. Oh wait. My possessions were back in Cactustown. Where the Indians had raided. They had my stuff. I sigh again, lay down,  and let sleep take over, hoping it will let me forget the hell I had been through.

        I wake up and find the last thing I expected to see. A person I knew. Crazy Joe. He screamed and laughed and I screamed( well, in a manly way.) He has somehow gotten through the window. I hit him with the broom and he runs into the hall, out of my life. Then I saw him. Uncle Buck.
        I show a puzzled face and he returns it. This man, a grizzly bear of a man, with a cowboy hat and boots, would mess you up if you even thought about him. Luckily, I was family. I jump into his arms with joy(forgive me, I thought the man was dead.) After a moment of awkward silence, he drops me and we fill in the blanks of each other's lives . Then we celebrate and decide to go to the saloon.)
         "Where you been, Bennie?" He asks
   "Too many places to count. The raid has rather messed up my plans." I say.
         "Couldn't relate more." He sips his beer.
  In that moment, the Indians were only 10 minutes away from wrecking havoc on          Desertville.

                 They burst in, and immediately point at me. He has a tomahawk ready to throw at my face. I put my hands up, and give a slight nod to Uncle Buck.
       He tosses me the pistol, and I take a shot without aiming. The bullet whizzed... And it hit a stranger in the foot.
      That pig of a man squeals and falls to the floor.
            In that same moment, the Indian man chucked his tomahawk. It hit my drink and knocked it over. Now I was pissed.
      I get up and sprint, throw over a table. Uncle Buck follows with another gun. The Indian man and his comrades try to ledge their tomahawk out of the bar table.
       Taking advantage in the second that lasted forever, I stand up from my kneeling position and take the first shot. BANG!

              One of the Indians falls to the ground. The other mumbles something to his partner. Probably a curse or something. He finally succeeds in getting his tomahawk out and whirls it towards with a lightning fast speed. He misses me, but hits Uncle Buck in the thigh.
         Uncle Buck growls and chugs his beer (yes, he brought it.)
Then, out of pure adrenaline, he throws his beer mug and hits one of the Indians in the face. He shrieked and fell. The other Indian tries to run.
        It's just a footrace from there. He runs out of the saloon, we chase. He has enough time to saddle up on his horse. Not completely.
             He hits the horse with a whip, and with a neigh, the horse gallops off. The Indian bobbles up and down on the horse.
              Now remember,my horse was all the way across town. We eventually lose the savage of a man. He gallops off into the sunset, we knew he had failed. Uncle Buck and I turn around with our heads down. Well, he limps. I mean, for god's sake, he had taken a tomahawk to the thigh.
             A hard fought battle, now lost. But then... A loud bang, it seemed like the loudest one I had ever heard in my time. We whip our heads around and get a glimpse of an Indian falling of his horse. In utter shock, we hear a wild laugh. No, not Crazy Joe. A man with a wooly beard, holding his rifle high above his head. Only could be one man. Fitzgerald. We run over to give him a pat on the back. Oh wait. Gotta spit first.
       They say revenge never fulfills your expectations, but this time it did.

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