the passage | Teen Ink

the passage

February 15, 2016
By 23techno BRONZE, Dalhousie, Other
23techno BRONZE, Dalhousie, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I and my little pet cat “Robin” always used to go to a park named as Rosewood Park. This park was situated a few meters away from our house.  At the centre of the park, a city water tank was situated. Some people used to climb upstairs and click some beautiful pictures of the city. Our neighbour Miss Katherine had a flower shop parallel to that park. Miss Katherine wasn't much friendly towards children and consequently my conversation with her never exceeded a normal greeting. She was a strange scary old lady. I remained scared of her furious face and had never intended to speak to her. But once, something unexpected happened.
                                    One evening, long hours of play with Robin made me forget about the time. Night fell. I with my cat went to that flower shop and asked Miss Katherine for a bouquet of flowers for my teacher’s farewell. It was a silent transaction as neither of us wanted to converse. I wanted to reach home as early as possible. Robin was also shivering with cold. We took our flowers and started running to our home but suddenly a heavy blizzard hindered my way to home. I lost my way. After some time, the snowstorm stopped and we saw that we were at the core of the woods. It was quite dark to see, but after some time a yellow sparkling light appeared blocking my view for a few moments. After its disappearance, I noticed that Robin was absent. I could see a wonderland in front of me. You may also call it a crazy-land or consider me crazy. I could see the Giraffes somersaulting, elephants flying with their huge ears (though it seemed crazy), lions of the size of an ant, and the ants hunting a rabbit like wild dogs but as I went nearer, these objects disappeared. After a few minutes I heard a thump and then I understood that the things I was thinking in my mind were the things I saw, just like hallucination. These were illusionary and I wondered what was going on. Then I thought about the real world and my little cute pet cat Robin.
                                      An image started forming in front of my eyes; this time a sandy place appeared in Robin’s absence. I looked all around and I saw that it was a beach but as I turned around, I found myself on an island. Beside the sea shore I saw a cave made of sand. I went closer and tried to touch its wall and surprisingly it was real. I was happy that it was not an illusion but I was sad that I couldn't find Robin. In the search of my pet I went in the woods, I started roaming here and there but in vain. Suddenly I saw someone passing through the woods. I cried for help but my voice could not reach that person. I started running behind him and I was shouting and crying for the help. As I followed, the person seemed closer to me. I felt exhausted and my legs gave way. And suddenly that man turned back and looked at me and he saw that there was a snake behind me; he saw that the snake was coming closer to me and the snake bit me. As the snake hissed, the man pulled out his rusted iron dagger and killed the creature with metallic scales. I think I fainted after that. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a tree-house then I saw that man holding anti-venom. I slid off the bed with a thud and landed hard on the ground. The man didn't pay any attention.
“Hey kid, what’s your name?” he asked gravely. I said, “It’s Alex.” I also told him about my lost cat and the place I belong. That person showed interest in what I was speaking. After I had finished my story he held my hands and told his name to me, he said “I am Sean.” I was happy to know his name. Night fell and Sean gave me some berries to eat and asked me to sleep. 
                                    Next morning when I woke up I saw Sean cooking our breakfast. He wore a loose blue shirt with denims and his look created turmoil in my mind. I wondered why I was living with a stranger. I woke up from my bed and I asked Sean that he should help me to find a way for my place. He agreed and a forceful smile broke over his face. I gazed at his bald head which showed a spectacular tattoo of a dragon. I controlled my laughter. I ate the breakfast and then I and Sean started the journey. Moving through thick woods and neophytes, we reached many beautiful places. Sean told about his adventurous father who was dead long ago and told that he originally belonged to Manhattan but was marooned on this island by his own crew. Sean decided to live on this deserted place anyway. I finally became aware that this island lay somewhere in the Pacific and was unreachable intentionally. I wondered how I reached this place. He told me that a passage opened to this place once in many years to a person who had no intention of reaching here. He confidently boasted of this knowledge gained from a book he had found on that island. He even claimed that his crew members would have never been able to return to their home place because he and his crew must have also reached this place through a “passage” and the book specified that no person could return through waterways.
                             I had reached over there unintentionally preceded by a set of illusions. That is true. I felt irritated. Well, we travelled for many days. On this island Sean took me to a valley where I could really see the mythological and extinct animals like unicorns, dodo, dinosaurs, and dragons. This place was really miraculous. We survived on this island after our efforts. But at last Sean saw a huge pink coloured rock which was acting like a barrier to enter an unknown cave. Sean and I started breaking that rock and suddenly I heard a cat’s voice, then I saw someone coming out from a hole in that rock. We both got excited and therefore I and Sean started cutting the rock like a race-car. Now the rock had broken and we were able to see someone staring us from inside of the cave. Now that creature came closer to us and surprisingly it was Robin my little fluffy cat. This cave was only the way to real world. And now I and Robin went inside the cave But Sean did not came with us, he stayed there alone on that island. There was still the mystery that why he stayed on that Island. I carried many memories with me till I returned home. I wonder how old he was because I haven’t heard about pirates in my life expect in stories or maybe…. The place was altogether an illusion.        

The author's comments:

"My first article as a beginner."

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