Soul Saviours | Teen Ink

Soul Saviours

January 15, 2016
By Anonymous

Once upon a time there was a magical land named Mageia. And in this land lived every magical creature you could think of. Unicorns, fairies, pixies, goblins, trolls, giants and all the rest. But most of Mageia’s residents are witches, wizards, and warlocks. Unfortunately there is evil in this land. An evil sorcerer known as Ho-No. He is so evil and dark that he can turn anything and anyone into stone. He is always in disguise so he can then trap and steal poor unfortunate souls. He always either devours the soul to become more powerful or he will make the souls evil to do his bidding. And so one wizard of the name Rainbowman hatched the idea to get the most powerful beings to band together to defeat and destroy Ho-No. The first magical being he got was his bestie Kanos Okeanos. Also known as “The Water Witch”.
“Wait lemme get this straight. You want me to join a group of powerful people to fight and destroy the most powerful and evil being and save all of Reespa?”
“Ok. And I know two people who would love to join.”
“Great. Who or what are they?”
“My two friends Fawn and Ember.”
“They are awesome of course they can help us they are super powerful.”
“Great let's go get them.” And so Rain and Kano were walking through the main courtyard when the heard a sudden scream of terror.
“That sounded like Mako and Ilianna.”Then they run as fast as they can to an alley only to find Ho-No who had just devoured Mako and Ilianna’s souls.
“How dare eat our friends! Because you have killed so many of us we will kill you!” yelled Rainbow.
“You will pay for what you have done!”
“Well then fight me right now and see if you escape alive” Laughed Ho-NO. Then Rain and K.O ran and attacked Ho-No.
“Rainbow Narwhal blast!”
“Omega Tidal Wave!” They launched a full frontal attack straight at Ho-No but, unknown to Rain and K.O Ho-No had already escaped back to his lair and they were attacking his dummy.
“Wait Stop!” interrupted K intrigued. “This is a doll. We were attacking his dummy he already escaped!”
“Damm it! And now he’s got two of our friends!”
“We should get to Ember and Fawn. Now!”
“Yeah. You’re right. Let’s go.” And so they ran as fast as they possibly could until they finally arrived to Fawn and Ember’s cottage.
“Guys we need your help.” exclaimed K.O. while bursting into her friend's cottage.
“What’s wrong?”asked Fawn and Ember in unison.
“We are looking for powerful beings like you two to help us stop Ho-No.” replied Rainbow.
“Yeah we’ll help and we’ll get Mako and Ilianna to help.”
“ummm…. About that,” started K.O. not knowing how to tell her friends the news “ well you see. Ho-No devoured Mako and Illian’s souls and we tried to stop him but he escaped and now their gone and he’s stronger and we need your help.” K.O said really fast and out of breath.
“Then let’s get that little @#$% and shove a @#%$# UP HIS @#$$%#@ UNTIL HE”
“Whoah Ember simmer down, we will defeat Ho-No and save or friends. So who else is gonna come with us.” asked Fawn
“Well I could ask Windy.” replied Rainbow
“Great idea. Let’s All go get her.”added K.O. And so they went searching for Windy who happily agreed to help them and now that they had enough powerful beings they could journey through Ho-No’s lair and defeat him.
“Fawn will you do us the honor of giving us a ride to Ho-No’s lair.” said Rainbow
“But of course.” And then Fawn turned into a giant magic griffin, a creature that is half lion and half eagle and they flew toward Ho-No’s lair where unknown to them he was expecting them and setting traps. Once they arrived they walked in slowly. They made their way through a weird dungeon and once they got to a bridge that crosses the lava lake a giant dragon appeared about to toast Rainbowman and his friends when Kanos Okeanos blasted him with a water pulse and then Fawn turned into a giant dragon and started fighting with Ho-No’s dragon
“RUN SAVE YOURSELVES!” Rainbow and his friends had to leave Fawn to the mercy of the dragon. Then they ran through a giant cave when it started to collapse. Then Windy made a small bubble to protect herself.
“Windy what are you doing!?”
“Run! I can handle this.” They then ran away and started to climb and behind them they heard the cave collapse. Then Rainbowman, Ember, and Kanos Okeanos were the only ones left. When the arrived at an exit they saw Ho-No standing in front of a cliff. Kanos Okeanos then blasted him with a giant water blast only to find that he switched with Ember just in time.
“NO!!!” cried Rainbowman
“I just killed Ember.” whimpered K.O
“And now your friends souls are mine!! I will devour their souls, control my minion army, and rule all of Reespa!!.
“You won’t get away with this. You may be able to take their souls but you cannot take their powers.” Rainbowman and K.O joined hands and absorbed their friends powers. While Ho-No absorbed their friends souls. Ho-No became giant, thunder and lightning boomed. Ho-No was about to kill Rainbowman and K.O. When they started to combine their powers with their late friends’ powers to form a giant sword. They leapt up into to the sky and landed their swords right into Ho-No’s chest he screeched and fell to the ground. Then all of the souls he stole were free and flew out of his chest to their owners bodies. Ember, Fawn, and Windy came running toward Rainbowman and Kanos Okeanos but then they fainted after giving back their friends powers. They woke up two months later everyone was happy and celebrating.
“They great Ho-No is dead!” The villagers chanted. The gave our heroes awards and they lived their life carefree with no more evil. Or so they thought.

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