The Rap Competition | Teen Ink

The Rap Competition

January 7, 2016
By mustafahayder2002 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
mustafahayder2002 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm not perfect; no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. I think you try to learn from those mistakes."

~Derek Jeter

 "You're not a rapper," said Boyce, the most popular boy in school. "Your music video was a fake. I can beat you in rap any day of the week."
"What's your point, Boyce?" said Red. "I can rap well and you know it. Remember the sixth grade when you got a nice butt-kicking in our tournament." The bystanders all went "ooh," knowing well that the coolest kid in school got owned by a somewhat loser.
"You challenging me, Red?" said Boyce," Let's go, today, courtyard, 3:15, right after school. Loser gives the winner 25 dollars." The crowd gasped again. Twenty-five dollars was an awful lot of money for a simple rap battle.
"I ain't afraid to face you, Boyce," said Red, "I'll be there at 3:15. And it isn't for the money; it's to shut your big mouth in front of an audience." Boyce and Red shook hands, staring each other down the whole time. When they broke the handshake, Boyce snapped his fingers and his entourage followed him. 
At the courtyard at 3:15, Boyce and Red met up with the entire crowd. It felt as if the entire crowd was hanging over them. Boyce rolled up his sleeve and tapped his chest, as if to be saying "me first." Red nodded his head and stepped back.
"Yo, bro, what do you know? The loser versus the king and I'm packing a sting. Move back, little boy, cuz I have arrived and I wanna play." He stuck his hand out to a member of his group. He slapped it but whispered something to his friend. Others were silently booing. Some were evening cursing under their breath. They weren't pleased with Bryce's rapping skills. 
Bryce said, "Y'all know I beat Red, right?" The crowd was booing louder than before. Bryce turned around to see his own group back up and headed in Red's corner. Bryce was standing in shock as all of his buddies began high-fiving Red.
"My turn," said Red. "Hold up little man, the hell was that? I know someone better, my own black cat. Brother, if that was a rap, then I'm sorry, but I call it," He held his hands up and then said loud enough for everybody to hear. "A piece of crap!" The crowd erupted with cheers. There was no doubt of the winner.
"I accept cash," said Red in Boyce's face. Boyce stormed off with anger and his clan didn't follow him. They had a new leader.
"Yo, that was sick," said Brian, one of the guys from Boyce's entourage. He was surrounding Red, just like everybody else that saw the rap. "You owned Boyce like he was your own furniture," Red laughed and thanked him. He had seemed to have gotten a boost in popularity immediately after crushing Boyce in that rap competition. it hadn't even been 10 minutes! He had new friends and more attention.
"Here's your money," a voice said from behind. Red turned around to see a huge fist. That was the last thing he saw.


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