The Flight | Teen Ink

The Flight

December 15, 2015
By _JOSHUA7_ BRONZE, Stockton, California
_JOSHUA7_ BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

After a good night's sleep, Paul wakes up full of energy,it is ten o’clock and he felt hungry.  He then calls his friend Angel to see if he will be able to join him for breakfast.

“Hey, Angel How are you doing this morning?”
“I’m doing well what about yourself,” said Angel.
“I’m pretty good, hey, I was wondering if you would like to join me for breakfast.”
“Yeah, that would be great.”
“Okay, see you then, Angel,” said Paul.
After the brief conversation with Angel, Paul begins to get ready, he puts on gray pants with a black shirt and black shoes.  Paul wasn't paying attention to the time and notices that it’s ten fifty and now all he has time left for is to brush his teeth and put on his deodorant and cologne.  Paul then rushes out of his house and drives to the diner where they will be having their breakfast, he arrives at five minutes after eleven o’clock.  They then get inside to order their food.
“Have you heard?  Boss said that we'll be having a new a new pilot joining us this upcoming week,” said Angel.
“Oh boy, I wonder why.”
“Maybe they are going to get rid of one of us,” Angel said with worry. 
“Probably not, we need all the pilots we could get at this airport,plus you shouldn't be all that worried,we’re like the best pilots in Philly,” Paul said boastfully.
“Yeah I guess you're right,” said Angel.
After their long conversation and the delicious food they went their separate ways.  When Paul got home it was one o’clock, so cleaned his pilot that was at the airport.  After Paul was done, it was six o’clock, so he went home, took a shower, ate pasta, bread, and drank green tea. He then went to go watch the Football game, that was on TV and happened to fall asleep doing so. The next day Paul woke up at seven o’clock and started his day, he went to brush his teeth, put on his clothes, do his hair, and make his breakfast.  While making his breakfast he calls his sister.
As Paul continues to get ready for work he starts to eat his breakfast that contains; toast-oatmeal-and orange juice, at six fifty Paul leaves his house for work.  It takes Paul fifteen minutes to get to work,he then gets to work with ten minutes to spare so he begins to talk with one of his coworkers.
“Hey how are you doing this morning Lexy?”
“Oh I'm pretty good,” she answered.  “Thanks for asking.”
“It's my pleasure,” replied Paul.  “Where are you flying to today?”
“I think boss wants me to do the one from here to New York,” said Lexy.
“ Oh boy won't that be fun.”
“Yeah I guess,” Lexy said sarcastically.
“Okay. well, I gotta go i'll see you later on.”
“Okay see you later Paul.”
On this day the new pilot had arrived.  Everyone but Paul was excited to meet him.
“Hey, everybody, I’m Tommis.”
“Hey Tommis,” everyone said.  After a few days Tommis had settled into the new environment.  Everyone seemed to love him, except for Paul.
“Hey. Your’re the the new guy right?”
“Are you excited for your new job?”
“Excited to get you fired,” said Tommis.
“Okay,” Paul said slowly.
As the weeks went on the co workers and the boss seemed to love Tommis more and more, but not Paul.  Paul had began to realize that Tommis was out to get him.  He had caught Tommis always at his desk looking for something, but never at anyone else’s, but for now what Tommis was doing he wouldn’t let it get the best of him.  It was now Wednesday and Paul and Angel had fly.
  “  where are we flying to again?”
“Oh my gosh Pauly, we’re flying to Indiana,” said Angel.
“Wow for real, that's like a ten hour flight” said Paul.
“ Well… I think we might need to get a hotel there and just fly back when we wake up.”
“Yeah that seems reasonable, just let me go tell boss what we have decided to do.”
“Okay,” said Angel.
“Hey boss, umm after the flight that me and Angel are taking to Indiana, we were thinking that it wouldn't make sense if we came back right after the flight, so we wanted to know if we could just spend the night there and come back in the morning.”
“Yeah I don't mind if you guys did that.”
“Okay boss see you tomorrow.”
“Okay Paul see you then.”
“He said he didn't mind,” said Paul.
“Okay let's go then we are running late.”
As Paul and Angel walk to their plane Paul is thinking about why wasn't he invited into the room where their boss and the coworkers were talking about the new guy.  When they get to the plane there are a bunch of people waiting.
“Welcome everybody, you may now enter the plane,” said Angle.
“Finally,” a part of the crowd said.
After letting all the passengers in on the plane Angel and Paul went on.  It took thirty minutes to get everyone settled and to get the plane started.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking, sorry for the long wait, but on behalf of the flight crew I would like to say thank you for choosing the PIA.  We will be arriving at the FAA airport at around eight o’ five.  Please keep all smoking items put away.  The bathrooms are located in the far back left, there is only one family bathroom, so please don't use if only by yourself, there is one restroom of both men and women’s.  Okay everybody we are set to take off, so please be seated and remember that the airbags are just above you if needed to be used,” said Paul.
“You ready to go?”.
“Yeah, let's go,” said Angel.
When taking off Angel begins to turn on all the controls.  After flying for awhile Paul decided to put the plane on cruise control.
“I'm going to take a little nap, okay Angel.”
“Yeah okay.  I'll be awake.”
While Paul is sleeping Angel goes outside to check on the passengers and to get something to eat.
“How’s everyone in here doing,” said Angel to the passengers who were awake.
But there was no answer.  So he went back to the where Paul was.  It was now eight o’clock and Angel wakes up Paul to give the announcements to the passengers.
“It’s time already,” said Paul.
“Yeah, so get out there.”
“Umm hey everybody, it’s time to wake up if asleep, sorry the lack of communication during the flight, but we’re in Indiana right now with the plane descending at one hundred thousand feet, we will be arriving at the FAA airport in around ten minutes, and this is your captain signing off,” said Paul.
After fifteen minutes of descending they finally arrive at the airport.
“Okay everyone this is your captain for the last time.  We’re at the FAA airport, and I would just like to say thank you all for choosing this airway as a way to get to Indiana, each and every one of you, the doors are now opening everyone may leave peacefully and safely goodbye.”
After watching all  the passengers leave the plane Paul and Angel leave as well.  They go to the FAA airport where there are the employes and other pilots.
“Hey guys, do you know where might be the closest motel or hotel,?” said Paul.
“Oh yeah, there is one just up the road.”
“Okay thank you.”
Then Paul and Angel begin to make their way to hotel.  When arriving at the hotel Paul asks if Angel could make the reservations while he goes to the bathroom.  After using the restroom Angel is waiting outside for Paul.
They quickly make it to their room and order room service, then go to bed. After sleeping through the night Paul and Angel wake up at ten o’clock and leave right away.  On their flight home they eat their breakfast that they got before they left.
They then began to make their way through Indiana and approach Ohio in four hours of flying.
“We are halfway there, this way back seems faster,” said Angel.
Another three hours have passed by and they were arriving at the PIA.  After getting off the plane and saying goodbye to their boss they both went home.  It was five fifteen when Paul got home and he felt a little dirty so he went to go and take a shower.  After his forty minute shower he goes out to pick up some pizza to eat.  When going home he calls his parents, but there was no answer.  The next day Paul went to work a little earlier than usual, and when he got there he say that Tommis was messing up his computer.
“What the heck are you doing?”
“Shut up!”
They then began to fight and within thirty seconds of their fight, their boss came to where they were.
“What’s going on around here.”
“Stupid Tommis was messing up my computer,” said Paul angrily.
“I would never,” said Tommis.
“Yeah, he wouldn’t do such a thing.”
“Wow boss, I see how it is, this new guy comes and disrespects a veteran for this place and your’re okay with that?”
“Just go somewhere and calm down.”
Paul then leaves the airport and doesn’t come back till the next day.
“Hey mom and dad I just wanted to check up on you guys to see how everything is going, but you guys didn’t answer, so call me back when you have the chance, bye love you guys.”
For the next few weeks Paul goes to work, he then gets paired up with Tommis, the new employe to go and deliver packages to Australia.  It was going to be a twelve day flight, so they packed a lot of food to take with them.
“Are you ready,” said Paul.
On the third day of their flight Paul assigned Tommis to watch the controls and to fly the plane.  Tommis didn't keep track on where they were heading.  Paul was in the bathroom at that time, when he came back Tommis was asleep and they were heading for a mountain.With no hesitation Paul grabbed the yoke and tried to to steer them astray from the mountain, but it was too late.
“Tommis… Tommis wake up, we're going to crash.”
Within a few seconds Paul and Tommis grabbed two first aid kits and ran to the back, preparing for the impact.  The crash was bad, but they survived, with not much food to eat Paul and Tommis were stranded. 
“You had one simple task to do and you couldn’t even do it,”said Paul. 
“Shut up, you wouldn’t have done better.”
“Yes I would.”
After a few days passed Paul and Tommis decided to leave the plane, their cellphones had no service so Paul and Tommis went towards a river.
“I was watching a survival show about a year ago, and it said that rivers and streams like this lead to civilization, now I don’t know how true this is but it’s our only hope,” said Paul.
They then began to construct a boat of some sort to ride across the river.  They gathered thick sticks that were around them and went back to the plane to go get some ropes to tie the the sticks together.   When they finished it was dark, so they went to the plane to get one last goodnight’s sleep.  When woken up by something in the forest Paul then reminds Tommis to grab some food from the plane.
Paul and Tommis then move quickly to thier boats,
“Lets just hope these stay afloat,” said Paul.
As they made it down the river Tommis then begins to go astray.
“Aye, where you going.”
Without a anwer Paul shouts at him again.  Tommis was far ahead by the second time he shouted at him.  Paul then starts to chase after Tommis with his wooden paddle he had made.
“You  better get over here or when I reach you it won’t be a happy ending for you,” said Paul.
After chasing Tommis for seven minutes, Paul then catches up.  He then begins to fight with Tommis until he knocks him out with a rock.  Paul then carries Tommis to the land where he sees smoke.
“I think there might be people just ahead,” he said softly to himself.
As he carried Tommis on his shoulders he could hear chants as if he has accomplished more than self respect, but the respect of Tommis.

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