Frost War | Teen Ink

Frost War

December 13, 2015
By Anonymous

  Here, is a tale of a land filled, possibility, endless wonder, and unfortunately….War. This was a time of endless war between the polar bears and their human hunters. This was a mighty war, with too many deaths to count. During this war, not a single bear slept well, for fear their lives would be taken by King Hunter.  He was ruthless human in so many different ways.  This King killed those bears who ran, enslave those that he could capture, and murdered all others.

  Some nights he would have squadrants of men raid bear cities and towns killing the cubs and mama bears and then took the papa bears as captives in order to keep his rule of tyranny.
  Antarctica is frozen tundra with almost no human inhabitants except for King Hunters army. Irony exists in his very name. His name is Hunter and he hunts bears, while trying to expand his power throughout the world.
  It all started with the Frost War… It all started in 2095. The bears were getting more and more intellectually advanced. Australia’s animals were getting so advanced they shown a threat to humans, more-so than ever.

  King Hunter was terrified. As President of the world, King Hunter, launched the attack against the bears in order to preserve his power.
You're probably wondering…. if  he's the President, why does he have the title of King as well ?
This was a dark time throughout the land of ‘merica. The war started when the bears began to learn to talk and fight back against the King.
  King Hunter thought of them as a threat because of their growth in intellect. By 2089, the bears had learned how to steal guns from the american outposts in Antarctica and some of the bears learned how to use them; Advancing from using bows and swords. It was then that king hunter knew they would soon begin to fight the masses of his army and make their conquest of Australia.

  Times were so advanced that Scientist Albert Einstein was brought back to life ten years ago. This seemed unreal, he even remembered his death. But he was researching animals brain waves and figured out how to make the animals hear in  human languages and he spoke to dogs and the dogs to cats etc. by that ten year mark every animal on earth could communicate in a way other than grows and snarls. Because the animals could speak they became more advanced, they made shelters and weapons, but that’s just a little background information.
  Another major battle erupted on the banks of northern Australia when the warrior tribe saw a fleet of naval boats slowly sailing onto the horizon, the warrior tribe was basically the front line of the bear tribe, so they had heavily fortified cities all up and down the coast of the North. After a day or two the ships were in easy sight of the warriors, and everyone was armed and ready for battle. The ships clashed against the icy shorelines and human soldiers were hopping off of each of them armed with hunting rifles and other small arms. Shots blazed almost momentarily once the last of the boots of the Navy hit the ice. One person in particular stood out in this battle, Commander Chalupa from one of the eastern tribes who was sent as a reinforcement for the northern tribe, his weapon of choice was a Bow and Arrow accompanied by an 1835 Ames short sword around his waist. No one knew why he had such an anger in him he fought as if he wanted to see every one of his opponents burned alive. Under his command he only one of his solders die and it was because he was shot by one of the snipers, but it was Chalupas fault he didn't see it coming. Moreover the outcome of the battle was bloody, for the humans.
  In May during the war, the bears had intercepted a human ship and got intel from one of the hostages that there was going to be a huge shipment of arms and ammunition going to support the american campaign in Australia. It was thundering and splashed of lightning burst throughout the sky, yells, whoops and whirls of words were exchanged through the ships hull.
  “organize the ammo we cant have it sparking and killing us all.” yelled the captain.
  “But sir there isn't enough room” replied the crew member.
A a stun grenade toppled  down the ladder onto the floor of the lower hull, these crew members on the lower deck had no idea that their ship had been taken over and they were astonished and blinded by the grenade the crew member was taken with a icy sword gripping against his neck and the same with the captain. The bears tied them up and put them into the brig and changed course to Antarctica. Commander Chalupa had taken the wheel of the ship all night and the night after that, etc… etc…. Until finally they reached Antarctica. when they arrived they were greeted by the other ships that the warrior tribe had captured. Finally they docked the boat and were happy to see their frozen wasteland again.
  Later that day the council of bears met in a makeshift igloo, talking, arguing, trying to figure out a way to find and capture king hunter and finished the war once and for all. After long deliberation the igloo erupted with cheers because they figured our a way to get him.
  The very next day they launched all of their navy to Australia. The night before this they had interrogated the crew member and captain to find the exact location of their HQ.
They rushed the dry ground with their leather boots seized the great metal castle of king hunter and battered through humans with their balloons swords and made the king hunter pay for his crimes in the timeout bounce house. And that billy is how the fluffy bears of the frosty kingdom of magical gumdrops and sugarplums…
  “ Good night Billy.”
  “Good night” whispered Billy.
   And then Billy’s mom left the room, and billy drifted into a wondrous sleep with dreams of possibility endless wonder and unfortunately war…

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