Life. | Teen Ink


December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

When I was 23 years old everything seemed completely and totally fine.  My mom and dad were happy with their relationship, my brother was dating a really sweet girl, and I was happily engaged to my beautiful girlfriend, Maddie.  We had a nice house with a dog named Chunk and a cat named Fred.  My fiance and I live two blocks from Venice Beach in California.  To bad I screwed it all up.

I work for a Gang called the Two Snakes and I dealt with all of the money going in and out of the gang.  The spending of the big boss and the amount of money we bring a day.  I was in a very dangerous business and had to hide it from my family as far as they knew I was an accountant. 

“Hey Two Chainz” I said.  I just came into the office for the day.
“Look Winston, I need you to do something for me no questions asked you dig?!” He slammed the table.
“Okay when and where?”  I asked.
“Here take these.  They are to the Honda out back.”
“Okay what do I do.”
“Just take me where I tell you to go.”

Once we got to the car he gave me an address and handed me a gun.  Now I’m not new to guns at all I carry one at work and have many at home.  Now when you get one from Two Chainz it means someone might die today.  I was worried I have only shot one person before and that’s because I saw him trying to break into my neighbor's house. 

After an hour drive I started to notice that we were in our rival gang's territory!!!!  I looked at Two Chainz and was shocked. 

“Stop.”  Two Chainz demanded.
“What are we doing here??”  I asked.
“Stay in the car, Winston.”

When I was sitting in the car my mind was racing thinking about all the things what we could be doing here.  It felt like I was sitting in that car for hours and hours but when I looked at the clock it had only been 10 minutes.  I thought we were going to go pick up some product or some money which happens quick. 

Then out of nowhere I see Two chainz sprinting out of the building with two guys chasing after him!!  Then I saw one of them stop and hold up his gun before I could warn him he had already pulled the trigger. BANG, BANG!!!!!  He just dropped.  I didn’t know what to do one of my really good friends just got shot in front of my eyes, I was just stuck there.

“GET OUT OF THE CAR MAN!!!”  Shouted the masked man.

Then I just hit the gas as hard as I could and just tried to take off, didn’t really work out that way.  Turns out that the car was in reverse still and I ran the two guys over. 

“Oh god, what am I going to do I just started a war!?!?!?!?”  I panicked.

I speed off as fast as I could I tried to get home as fast as possible to get my things together.  As I was racing down the highway I called Maddie.

“Look baby just listen don’t ask any questions ok.” I said calmly.
“Get our passports and empty out my safe: the code is 49-99-89-98.  Now once you do that get two bags ready: fill them up with clothes and wait for me to get there. Do you understand?”
On my drive there I could just feel my phone ringing over and over again, it was my Boss.   I was so scared to answer so I just texted him while I was driving.  I just told him that Two Chainz was shot and I killed two of their guys.  He kept calling and kept calling me until I finally gave in and answered. 

It was the worst conversation of my life he just freaked  and told me that we have had an alliance for 6 years and now it’s all ruined.  He told me to come meet him now or I’d have a hit on me, so of course I went.  Once I got there I saw the leader of the guys I just killed and put it together that I was set up.

I pulled out my gun and just started shooting and shooting until I got behind the door.  Bullets were passing to either side of me and coming throught the wall.  I shot I few more shots hitting one of the guys in the legs.  I made a fast break for the car and called Maddie to tell her to wait outside for me.  I sped down the street and pulled up to my house shoving open the door for my love. 

Before she could even say a word I raced down the street towards the airport.  I left the car outside once we got there and we raced inside not even realizing I had a gun in my pocket so I tossed it in the trash.  We walked up to the terminal and I bought a ticket to Puerto Rico under a false name in cash.

“What’s going on baby? Why are we leaving?”  She asked.
“We have to I did something, I will tell you all of it when we get there.” I replied. “Now go to bed I love you.”

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