The Fight | Teen Ink

The Fight

November 10, 2015
By xxsavannahhhxx BRONZE, Fort Rucker, Alabama
xxsavannahhhxx BRONZE, Fort Rucker, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stay Gold" -Johnny Cade

    As I stand before the giant doors of the arena I’m absolutely terrified. What is coming will be really horrible.
   “Now entering Emma Price!” the announcer yells. The doors open for me and the crowd cheers. I walk inside for the first time. There is bleachers surrounding the pit, which is where I was. The sky is dark and gloomy but I love that.
   “Now as her opponent, entering is Scarrlet Hail!”
Who I’m guessing was Scarrlet walks out. She looks really horrifying. She has scars on her face, jet black hair, huge muscles, and she is super tall. I am getting nervous. I’m way shorter than her, not as strong, and not as intimidating. Out of nowhere, it starts to storm.This is going to be hard, I thought. “ Sorry folks but the new rule is no fights during a storm,” the announcer says.
   “YES!” I accidentally scream out loud.
   “Awe, is the little Emma scared?”
   “No Scarrlet, I’m not.” I reply casually and walk out of the arena.

    I walk back to my cell room. In case no one’s noticed I’m a gladiator fighter. I was around five years old when they took me. My parents just let them, they never really cared about me anyway. I was trained for eleven years so I’m sixteen now. I made quite a few friends here but they always end up getting too hurt to continue and get kicked to the streets. A rough world I do live in. We are all supposed to start competing at age eighteen, but they thought I was trained enough. I hate hurting people though, that’s why I was so scared. Or what if she hurt me?! I can’t live like that. Sometimes I wish I could just run away. I feel tears start streaming down my cheeks. Why did I get cursed with this, so many people won’t have to go through this so why do I? Eventually, I fall asleep dreaming about what my life might be like if I get to leave.

    “Wake up!!” My eyes burst open to the sound of pans clattering together. I look up at the clock, 5:00 the clock reads. I get up and get dressed in uniform. It’s a black dress with a red cape scarf . I walk out of my room exactly five minutes after waking up. I go to the training room to get some sprints in before my battle. As I walk in the room I see a boy that looked unfamiliar. He looked as though he had been crying. He looked about fifteen, and had black hair that covered one eye. No one seemed to notice him but me. I walk over to him slowly.
   “Hey, are you alright?” I ask quietly.
    “No! Now go away. Leave me alone,” he shouted at me.
    “ My name is Emma. What’s yours?”
    “Did you not hear me, leave me…” He looks up at me for the first time.
“Um… sorry for yelling, my name is Connor,” he said.
    “It’s okay, so why are you crying?”
    “My parents sent me here.” he started sobbing again.
    “Hey, it’s okay. C’mon.”
I put my hand down for him to grab and led him to the main lobby. When we got there, there was a fight going on and the security guards were trying to break them up. Connor looked terrified at the sight, so I led him to my cell instead. A girl suddenly walks in the room.
    “Emma, you’re needed in the arena,” she said and walked out.
    “Connor, listen stay here until I get back, you got that?”
    “Yeah,” he said.
I walk out of the room and head towards the arena.

When I walk in, the place is already packed with people. I look around with the feeling of being surrounded. Scarrlet walks in and smirks at me. “Fighters, are you ready?” the announcer asks. “Yes!” we both reply.
    “Fight!” he yells and the crowd goes wild.
Scarrlet lunges towards me and I dodge her. I swiftly turn around during her recovery and throw a punch. It hits her directly in the face. You could see the fire of anger in her face as she jumps up and hits my stomach. It felt as though I just got it with a metal pole. I fall to the ground with a thump. I quickly recovered as she was about to jump on me. She jumped on the ground instead and I tackled her. She struggled beneath me and I had my arms locked. “I give!” she screamed. I got off of her to see her wrists forming a bruise. I started to feel guilty as she was taken away. The security guards start to lead me out of the arena. They shove me back into my room and I see a boy in there. “Emma, are you okay?” he asks.
    “Um, who are you?” I ask him curiously.
    “Connor, remember?” That’s right, it’s Connor. I told him to stay here during my fight. “Oh yeah, right.” I start to feel super light headed. I fall to the ground and everything goes black.

    “Emma, Emma please wake up.” I hear someone say. Who is Emma?
   “Excuse me? Who is that?” I ask. I was so confused. Where was I anyway?
   “It’s you, and I’m Connor.” the boy says. Just then a person that looked like a doctor walked in. “Why can’t she remember anything?” Connor asks.
   “She is suffering from severe amnesia,” the doctor replies. So I have amnesia, what a weird word.
   “Will she ever remember?” Connor asks
“No probably not,” Remember what?. I’m so confused.
     “How is that possible?”
   “The amnesia she has is very severe Mr. Lake, there’s nothing we can do.”
I think they failed to notice I’m still awake. I had no clue who they were and they’re just ignoring me! How dare they? I start to feel my body shake and my stomach turn to knots. I let out a scream and the doctor rushes over to me.
    “Emma, are you alright?” he asks me.
    “Does it look like I’m alright, Mr. something?” I reply angrily.
    “Why is her stomach bruised?” Connor asks.
    “She was in a severe fight. Call the nurses in here!”
Connor sprints out of the room as I’m laying here almost lifeless. To be honest I was pretty terrified. I couldn’t die now! I have a family, right? Everyone has a family so where is mine? The door flies open and a lot of people run in and surround me. They start unwrapping the thing around my stomach. When they are done, everyone in the room gasps. My stomach it is blue, purple, black, and it’s bleeding from the cut that runs down it. They start operating on my stomach, stitching it up mainly.
    “What is amnesia?” I suddenly blurt out.
    “It is when you forget everything,” one of the doctors reply.
They finish working on me and Connor runs in a hugs me tight.
    “Can’t breathe,” I quickly breathe out.
    “Oh, sorry.” Once he lets go I catch my breath and my eyes suddenly go wide. If I can’t remember anything, I’ll never get to live my life to the fullest. I start to ball my eyes out. What am I going to do? I’m probably like twenty years old. My childhood is gone.
    “What’s wrong?” Connor asks.
    “I’ll never get my life back!” I sob out. Connor walks to the other side of the room and grabs a book from behind the chair.
    “This might help.” I take the book from his hands and open it.The first page shows a baby. I’m guessing this is about me. I turn the page to see a little kid sleeping. The next page shows me at age five as people are taking me away, what? I was taken away? The next page is me at age eleven training with a smile on my face and friends surrounding me. Then it shows me at age sixteen in the battlefield fighting. The next page is me here in the hospital. The fight must’ve been the one I got hurt in. Just then the doctor walks back in the room.
    “We have some news Ms. Price,” he says.
    “Um. Yes?”
    “Mr. Lake, could you please leave for a moment?”
    “Yes Sir.” With that Connor leaves and the doctor turns back to me.
    “As you know Ms. Price your amnesia is incurable.”
    “Yeah, I know.”
    “The thing is we will have to keep you here FOREVER!” he yells.
When he says that nurses come rushing in with a blanket and I scream.
    “Connor! Connor! Help!”
    “He can’t help you,” the doctor chuckles. The nurses move closer to me. They lift the blanket up and throw it over my face. My screams are now muffled. I hear Connor’s screams outside the door. I start to feel dizzy.
    “I’m sorry, Connor,” I whisper before letting the darkness engulf me.

                         Connor’s POV
   She’s gone. Emma is in the hospital room, gone. There’s nothing I can do anymore. I feel the hot tears start to stream down my face. She was the one person who actually cared about me. The one human in the world who liked me for me. I’ll never get that back. Emma Price is gone.

The author's comments:

I wrote this story in hopes to not only entertain others, but to also make them feel something.

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