The exciting move | Teen Ink

The exciting move

October 16, 2015
By Beau.rose BRONZE, Wesley Chapel, Florida
Beau.rose BRONZE, Wesley Chapel, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They heard something in the he forest. It looked like a manly figure. They ran!

Chapter 1: the exciting move

"Where are we,'' mom asked.
hearing rustling in the bushes and the woods, I stood motionless,"mom do you hear that?"
She stopped just as if she was trying to copy how my body looked. We saw a figure that seemed to be an outline of a man in between the two large trees that had collapsed side by side,"run!"
I was born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida until I was 14 - that's when my father was offered a job to be a boss for a firm in Fairbanks, Alaska. I wasn't sure about going to this far away place called Alaska for many reasons, including the fact that I would have to make new friends, and have to endure the abundant amount of mosquitoes.
On July 7th 2014, we packed the last household items in order to move. Me and my mom packed the dishes, while my dad loaded the large amount of possessions into the car. Plate by plate we put bubble wrap around them to keep them from smashing on the long car adventure we were about to have.
My father came in the door smiling, "We are all loaded up, lets hit the road."
Mom, rushed to sort everything into the right boxes, "We are almost ready. Honey would you be a dear and help your father carry these last few boxes to the car?"
I hesitated for a second because I wanted to help in the kitchen, "Uh, sure"
After we got the last boxes into the car, mom came out wearing white shorts that went down half past her thighs, a white button down that had some left over ravioli from last night's dinner, and a visor that looked like she got it at an baby store. the only thing that the hat covered was her bangs.
I was in a funny mood and decided to mess around with her to make this trip even more interesting then it already was, "Come on mom, that hat hardly covers your forehead."
"Jimmy, you should accept my fashion statement. Look at me, I'm like one of your teenage friends you always talk about.
"Mom, none of my friends look or dress like that what so ever."
After I messed with her for awhile, I gave up trying to annoy her. Even though she is my mom, she has a mind like a teenager which is full of comebacks and I didn't dare get burned again. I sat down in the car, put my seatbelt on, and waited for my family to get inside.
At approximately 10:07 am, we left our house. At least it was our house, you know, before we had to leave. The house stood on a small roundabout with a few cracks on the sidewalk that stood in front of the medium sized mailbox. My room was on the second floor which is exactly twenty-eight steps above the first.I have lived in that house since I was born and I remembered every detail, from how many rooms were inside, to how many different colors were used to paint the house. I missed it already, but I always tell myself, "everything happens for a reason," and tried to move on. After ten minutes or so of driving on the normal road, we got on the interstate and started to pick up momentum.
Mom looked back at me with a big smile, "might wanna sit back and relax. We got a long ride ahead of us."
I sat quietly after that, watching my favorite show of all time, "the Big Bang Theory." My eyes felt heavy, but I tried to fight it because this was my favorite part of the show, but right before I finished my eyes closed shut and I was forced to sleep.
It was dark and the car was buzzing down the road alone with no one near, no house in the distance. We were in the middle of nowhere, with fifty-three miles until the next gas station.
The car tumbled down a hill, and I woke up in a panic. I heard nothing from my family as we went down the hill, only a few screeches from the vehicle. We came to a complete stop after what seemed to have been a lifetime of falling.
My mom rushed out of our Camry with fear in her eyes, "Jimmy, are you okay?"
The car was okay, but needed a new paint job, plus a new windshield. I got out with a relief in my voice, for I was ecstatic we were still alive, "where are we?"
Still in the car, dad smelt a scent that seemed like fuel. He checked under the car to find gas leaking from the tank, "uh, I don't think we will be leaving anytime soon." Me and mom had a conversation spilling our thoughts out, saying what we should do,"mom, what should we do? I think we should all split up and look for help, what do you think?"
"I think that's a good idea. Let's see what your father has to say about that."
Dad, already listening in on the conversation joined in, "yes let's try that. Jimmy and mom you guys go back towards the forest. Maybe there is a house on the other side, I'm sure whoever lives at a house will have gas."
"Okay dad," I said with excitement, but to be honest I was scared. I was scared we wouldn't make it to daylight. "Dad, while me and mom are gone, where will you go?"
Dad looked at me without emotion in his face,"I will go up the hill and walk down the street until I find someone that can help. We will meet back here at day break, and make sure you two do not get lost, okay?"
"Okay dad," I screamed as me and mom walked off into the forest on our scavenger hunt for someone who could help.
Me and mom walked through the forest trying to find someone and batting off the mosquitos as they tried to pierce our skin with their long pointy noses.
She looked back at me and saw I was struggling,"come on, you have to keep up so we can find someone and get back before day break."
I looked at my phone and tried to turn it on, but I noticed it had died from the many episodes that played while I slept,"man, I wish our phones weren't dead, that would really help if we got into worse trouble than we already are in."
She looked at me with disbelief in her eyes, "Ha, it wouldn't matter, there isn't any cell service out here."
It was getting really late and my legs were starting to hurt bad,"mom, we have been walking for hours. Can we take a break?"
"No honey, you have to keep up. out here things can be dangerous and we don't know anyone out here. We have to be awake and aware."
Her words hurt me. I didn't know if we would be safe and make it through this. I tried  to keep up after she told me that. My legs were shuffling and hurting, but I took the pain.
"Where are we,'' mom asked.
hearing rustling in the bushes and the wood, I stood motionless,"mom do you hear that?"
She stopped just as if she was trying to copy how my body looked. We saw a figure that seemed to be an outline of a man in between the two large trees that had collapsed side by side,"run!"
We ran as fast as we could trying to escape the large shape hurdling toward us trying to catch us. It was like we were all having a race and the car was the finish line.
We made it to the road with more cuts and bruises then we had ever had before in both of our lives. Police surrounded the car along with emergency vehicles. We heard a voice calling something or someone's name. The shadowy figure stepped out of the forest panting for its life.
"Ahhh, dad," I shouted. He ran up and hugged me and mom, happy we were all safe.
The ambulance checked our skin and bodies to make sure everything was okay,"it will all heal with time," the paramedic said.
We left that night in a police car to go to a hotel with our car left on the side of the road where it lay waiting to be towed the next day

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