I am Alive. | Teen Ink

I am Alive.

October 14, 2015
By _jared,X3 BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
_jared,X3 BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I Am Alive.

Clouds of dust flood the remains of the
unpopulated city, down below. There lies the
reason why I climb the tops of the
colorless buildings that remain. That is, until
they become identical to the rest of the civilization.
Broken. Fallen. Destroyed.

The only other survivors of this tragedy either
climb high, like I, or creep around in the deepest
trenches of the earth’s crust. But either way,
it doesn’t matter, none of em’ are the slightest
bit friendly.

I’ve been looted, too many times to
count with my bloody, cut fingers. I’ve lost many
resources, and equipment, leaving me with a couple
feet of rope, the ripped clothing on my
back, and the gun my holster contains. Though, it’s not
all that useful. bullets are as rare
as my chance of survival.

Death is the easiest way out,
but surviving will take all you got.
But for now;
I am Alive.

The author's comments:

"I am Alive", a poem based off one of Jared's favorite videogames, is about a thriving city falling, due to thick, dusty clouds. the main charactor, who's name is not mensioned once throughout the entire game, makes his way through the unpopulated city by climbing the tops of the remaining buikdings, and taking risks. The writer of the poem is 13 years old, and has been obsessed with the game for two years.

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