The Streak | Teen Ink

The Streak

October 9, 2015
By JoJo01 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
JoJo01 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

11 September 2015
The Streak
It was a dreary day downtown in Queens.  The only thing Dane could hear is the tip tap from the rain hitting his window. Dayne looked around his room and all he could see was his dog, Lighting, lying right beside his bed looking at him in a strange way. Dayne felt bad for his dog because he never spent a lot of time with him. It's been a year since Dayne got struck by lightning and was gifted with super speed and super strength. Ever since then Dayne has been running across town protecting the city. Today seemed different than the rest, like something big was going to happen today. He got out of bed to make a pot of coffee.
Dayne got into his car to drive to work. Dane is a detective for the police department in Queens. He is a Detective by day and The Streak by night. Both of his jobs protect the city. Queens has a lot of villains; from the really petty ones to the ones who are very dangerous. Some of the worst villains in Queens are: The Executioner, Time Walker, and the Anti-Streak. All of which are the Streaks worst enemies.  When Dayne got to work he noticed that on the most wanted list there was every one of their names. But he had something else on his mind, lunch. He was having lunch with his best friends Jo Jo and Iris. Iris wasn’t an ordinary friend. Dayne has had a crush on her since the first grade.
It was finally time to go to lunch. Dayne met Iris and Jo Jo at Flat Top Grill, it was their favorite place to eat. They went in and all you could see was a crowd of people waiting to be seated. Good thing Iris called in early and made a reservation. They were shown to the table and then ordered drinks. Dayne got a T-bone with french fries, Iris got a salad, and Jo Jo got a triple cheese burger with a side of fries.
Meanwhile, The Executioner, The Anti-Streak, and Time walker were having a meeting to find out how to defeat The Streak. They formed a plan to join forces to defeat the Streak. They didn't know that Jo Jo ,The Flash, was having lunch with The Streak that day. 
The three villains hacked the TV networks and they said that if the streak doesn't come at three o'clock to the Empire State Building, they were going to blow up New York. Dayne looked up to the TV screen and then turned around and looked at Jo Jo.  Dayne got up and walked to the bathroom and Jo Jo followed him. Once they got to the bathroom they checked in all of the stalls to check if anyone was in the bathroom. They started to run in a cyclone. When the cyclones departed, Jo Jo and Dayne were dressed in their costumes and became The Streak and The Flash. They dashed to the Empire State Building to protect New York from the dastardly trio. All three of them were at the top of the Empire State Building looking down and they noticed that the Streak wasn’t alone. They took a closer look and noticed that it was the Flash. They panicked. They didn't think he would show up. They finally settled down and figured he couldn't do anything to stop their plans. The two speedsters ran up the building to confront them. They stood face to face waiting for someone to make the first move. The Anti-Streak turned around and started running. A second later The Flash dashed to catch him.
Time Walker watched as the two speedsters ran. He turned around and noticed that The Streak was coming at him as fast as he could. Time Walker opened a time portal and escaped from the Streak’s attack. Time portals can teleport Time Walker anywhere at any time. The Streak turned his head and looked straight to the Executioner. The Executioner looked straight back at him and made a taunting motion with his hand. The Streak made a B-line for the Executioner. The Executioner timed it perfectly and hit The Streak with a hard uppercut. The Streak hit the ground hard and got the wind knocked out of him. He forgot the Executioner got injected with the same kind of serum as Captain America but more intense. He received super strength and his mind became more enhanced. The Streak had to strategize to defeat this adversary.
Meanwhile the Anti-Streak and The Flash were running across the Pacific Ocean. The Flash ran and was right beside the  Anti-Streak now. He looked over and said,
“Not so fast,” and The Flash punched him as hard as he could. The punch was so powerful that it knocked out the Anti-streak. The Anti-Streak stopped dead in his tracks and started to go under the waves. The Flash made a hard u-turn and ran back to get the anti streak. The Flash picked him up in his arms and started running back to the empire state building.
Time Walker was still in his time portal when he found the exact moment where the Streak and the Executioner were gunning it out to defeat one another. Time Walker jumped out of his time portal and was going straight for the Streak. The Streak turned around and notice that the villain was coming right for him. He stepped out of the way and Time Walker fell right into the Executioner instead. The Executioner got mad and threw him straight into the air. The Executioner stood up and as soon as he looked up the Streak was charging at him. The Executioner watches as he charges at him and whispers under his breath saying,
“Ah ----.”
As soon as he says that, the Streak punches him right in the face and knocks him out cold. Time walker came plummeting back to earth and landed right on top of the executioner. When Time Walker hit the Executioner, it brought him back. The streak leaned over and knocked him out again. Finally the Flash showed up with the Anti Streak and threw him right on top of the pile of villains. The two heros searched the villains for the detination remote. They found and put it on the floor and destroyed it.
Shield showed up to pick up the three villains because they couldn't be put in any ordinary prison cell. The two heros watched as they took the villains on board. They looked at each other and both said,
“Oh ---- Iris, she is still at the restaurant waiting for us.” They both started running to the restaurant. They ran back into the bathroom and they changed as fast as they could. They walked back to their table and sat down. Iris asked,
“What the heck took you so long? You were in there forever.”
“Sorry,” they both said in unison.
“It's a good  good thing the food just came so it is still hot,” Iris said.
They all started to eat. While  they were eating a guy walked out of the bathroom rubbing his hands together and laughing. He was Prism, one of the worst villains in the world. Now he knew the identities of the two heroes. 

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