Big Boy and His Buddy | Teen Ink

Big Boy and His Buddy

October 9, 2015
By Daynekoontz12 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Daynekoontz12 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Big Boy and His BuddY                                           

It was the beginning of the day when Tony as usual met up with his friend john.  Every morning they meet up and walk together.  They have done this every morning since middle school. John is one of the nicest kids, everyone knows him and can get along with him. He is also the only kid that ever knew Tony’s secret of destroying people who have gotten away with crime.
Tony doesn't usually like talking about crime because both his parents abused him as a child.  After taking tons of beatings from his parents, he moved to his grandparents house.  Tony loved his grandparents even though he didn't see them much because his parents were always mad at them.  Sometimes he would want to see them so much he snuck out and WENT to his grandparents, risking the beatings he would get if he would get caught.
Finally John showed up and they began their walk to school.  On the walk to Bridgeway High School, Tony and John talked about the big test they had today in Mrs .Evens class. Everyone hated her including Tony and his friend. Each of them thought they could pass the test.  As the walk came to an end, the two friends separated and went their own ways to class.
The day went on as normal as it could.  When each class period ended he thought of the big test he had coming up in his last period. The class periods almost as if they were slowing down and telling                                                                                                                                                        him to think about his last period of the school day.  It was the end of his sixth period and he started to sweat he was so nervous. He walked in Mr. Evens room  and saw the massive tests smashed against the wooden desks.
He waited at his desk as told to the day before.  As the minutes passed he tried to relax and get into a good and relaxed mood.  The teacher instructed to start the test and everyone hesitated and paued in shock that this is now or nothing.  He opened the heavy booklet and noticed that he knew much of the answers on the first two pages.  Tony started to fly by the beginning part of the test thinking of why as                                                                                                                                                                           
I wasn't even concerned  about this test.  Then the next part came and the monster of a test started to get harder. 
Then almost every question on the test became a challenge to pass.  He started to get more nervous that he wouldn't finish in the two and a half hour span.  During this time of feaking out and not answering any of the question Tony starts to act weird by throwing his hands up and down side to side. The teacher came over to ask him to stop, thinking it was a joke.  She asked
Tony replied, "NO THIS IS NO JOKE"
Tony then blacked out without any warning.  He was rushed to the nurse were we was taken care of.  Later that day he was fine and was taken home.  Once he got home he went to the refrigerator that had these special drinks called k20.s.  These drinks helped keep him stay strong and in a good condition to fight crime.
Each morning before school Tony gets his research done.  His research manly consists of names, locations, people that help camit crimes that they have gotten away with.  Since Tony got home from school early he got more research done.  His research consisted of names and faces about this crime of robbing people's homes while they are away.  His research states that this robbing spree has taken  approximately two hundred and three thousand dollars worth of damage and things stolen.  Tony found out that the man behind all of this is a famous gang leader that goes by Shadow Walker.  His real name is Bobby Santos.
Since Tony knows almost everything about Shadow Walker,  planned to take him down that night.  Toney's plans usually have him take down his suspect right before or even sometimes during a crime.  This time Tony is going to need his friends help for this take down.  He usually doesn't need help from anyone in his missions.
Both John and Tony liked to keep their identity a secret.  By doing this they both came up names they can use during their times of being superheroes.  Tony first came up with his name of Big Boy.  He thought this would be a good name because of how well he could stand up after everyone that happens to him and ow well he can respond.  John then thought it would be a cool name if he put Side Boy.  He wanted this to be his name because he was Tony's side man.
Night came upon them fast and the two went to the point of where Shadow Walker's next victims house was at.  The area was familiar to the two friends because this is where they hung around much as a kid.  Lots of memories shot back at them while sprinting to the spot of ambush.
They waited almost a hour before the crime started to happen.  Shadow Walker and his crew jumped out of the three vans and sprinted into the vacant house.  Then after they went into the house Big Boy and Side Boy hid behind the massive statue standing about ten  yards from the three vans.  The two had to stay well hidden or one of Shadow Walkers members would spot them and sprint from the seen.
About five minutes passed while hiding behind the statue when the front door opened and crew members started walking out with just about everything in their hands.  They would steel anything from makeup to massive television screens.  Once they saw their main suspect walk out the door both John
Tony jumped on him not letting him get away.
Shadow Walker wasn’t resisting them which seemed weird to them.  They checked his face to see if it was him and it wasn't.  They must have jumped on the wrong guy thinking it was Him.  Tony and John looked up to see Shadow Walker sprinting down the middle of the dim streets.  Tony sprinted after him while John got a bike out of the garage and also took off after him.  The chase was neck in neck because it was hard for John to take down Shadow Walker off of his bike.  As the pursuit veered to a wooded area John saw a piece of wood and had an idea.  He then turned around as Tomy was still chasing him down.  John went full speed at this log and ramped it like a car.  John lunged off is bike and onto Shadow Walker. 
The two friends carried him back to the vans because Shadow Walker was all tied up in rope and tape. 
"No running away this time" said Tomy
There was one can left for the three to take back to his apartment.  On the ride home Tony drove extra slow making sure there was way for Shadow Walker to escape.  They took the most direct route to the nearest jail.  Tony and John both relied that everyone will be so happy for the two of them since they caught a wanted feline.  When they neared towards the jail Shadow Walker was almost crying because his life was practicly over. 
Once they got to the jail they called for extra help not letting Shadow have any chance for escape. They turned him in as the biggest catch Tony has ever gotten in his career.  Shadow also Had a reward for his capture of 2,000 dollars.  Both John and Tony also made it in the newspaper.
After Tony and his friend were all excited and the night came to an end, school came the following morning.  They walked together and whenever they saw someone they knew who they were.  It was even more overcoming when they walked in the school and everyone had a standing applause.
The day went by and everything went perfectly fine.  He walked into Mrs. Evens om and to finish his test.  This time he did it with ease.

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