Animal Hero | Teen Ink

Animal Hero

October 9, 2015
By Tanyata BRONZE, Silver Lake, Indiana
Tanyata BRONZE, Silver Lake, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                 Talinn Flanna lived in a beat up town. Not too many people but the people that were there were very poor. The weather was brutal; humid and hot all day then freezing cold at night. Very little grass and most of the grass that was there was dead or almost dead. There was tons of animal cruelty and strays all over the streets. The houses were beat up too. Most of them look like forts made out of sticks and plastic tarps.
Talinn Flanna hated the town she lived in. Animals were dying and getting killed left and right. That’s why she was there. She saves the animals from the harsh environment.  After she saved them she would heal their mental and physical wounds then send them to houses that were far away from there.
Talinn had three best friends; Lexll, Somort, and Andrese. Lexll was more the girl who jokes around and gets close to getting in trouble but she never does. Somort was the kind one and was always happy. Andreas was like a brother to all of them. He was kind of like Lexll but at the same time he was like Somort.
                 Big T was Talinn's archenemy. He was called this because he was big and was known for trapping animals and animal fighting. Talinn hoped to never get a alert that Big T was out of jail because when she was little he killed her parents during a mission they were on that Talinn was still too young to go on.
The day started out as a usual day; Talinn would get up and check her phone for any text for any animal cruelty alerts. There wasn’t any so she got ready to go to hang out at the shack where all her friends would hang out in the morning till 12:00. Talinn could fly so she flew there.
This is when her day went way off track...
                It was about 11:00 when she got an alert that she was hoping she would never get ever! It said that Big T had escaped from prison again and was looking for some animals to trap. Tallinn left right away without even saying goodbye to her friends. She knew how dangerous Big T was and knew that could be the last time her friends saw her.
                Big T had already caught almost twenty dogs and he was getting ready to make the dogs fight. He had everything set up and all the dogs lined up. There was probably ten other villains there to watch and bet money on the fights.
                  The thing is Talinn had no idea that there were other villains there which maked her situation worse.
                When Talin arrived she heard people yelling and dogs yelping and growling. It broke her heart. She knew she had to not fail at this mission.
                 Talinn snuck in the back door. Talinn was so good at sneaking in the dogs couldn't even hear or smell her come in. Seeing all those helpless dogs made her mad. She thought about seeing her parents here and them dying.
                 That was it, Talinn had had enough of Big T. She snuck up behind him and she was in luck because all the other villains there stood no chance with Talinn so she wasn't worried about them. Talinn put a cloth over Big T's mouth and he passed out. At that point one of the villains yelled
     "HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!" And all the villains ran after her…
                   Talinn needed to rescue the dogs somehow so she dragged Big T into a empty dog kennel and took all the weapons off of him. Then she left.
                     Talinn flew to where she had left her friends and luckily they were still there. She told them what was going on and said she needed their help. They all were kind of weary at first but they all decided  they really needed to save the dogs.
                       Talinn put a bubble around them with her powers and flew them over. There plan was to get every villain in every empty dog cage and take there weapons.
                     It wasn't easy but they got it done. Talinn's friends had to be really careful with the villains because they had no powers. They called the cops to come pick up the villains and take them to jail.
                     They had to figure out how to get all the dogs to her house. Talinn had already asked Somort to go back and get the dog cage's set up back at her house so they just had to figure out a way to get them back.
                      After twenty minutes of thinking they finally decided to take advantage of Talinn's powers and just bring groups of ten dogs back in a bubble at a time. It was hard because the dogs were scared and wanted to fight. Talinn just sent Andreas and Lexll back to her house to help Somort and getting the dogs in the cages.
                      At the end there was about forty dogs. It took them about two hours but they finally got it done. Now they had to work together dog by dog and rehabilitate them.
                     Talinn usually took more like three dogs just because it was easier for her to rehabilitate them with her powers and all.
                     There was about five dogs that just wouldn't cooperate and Talinn had to spent extra time with them. On most of the dogs she spent one to two days on but on those five dogs she had to spend a week on. They had just been beat up too bad. They had wounds everywhere and looked like they’d been in the ring at least five times.
                       The sad thing was not all of the dogs survived. They had gotten either a disease or a really bad infection in one of their woods and died. They had to burry the dogs who did die. It was a tragedy.
                        Once they were finished they started selling the dogs. They had to give some of the dogs away for free because they were just so beat up. They sold all the dogs but four. It was a coincidence because there was four of them. They all took one. They couldn't tell how old they were because of how beat up they were but it didn't matter to them.
                        Talinn named her dog Rascal because he was really such a Rascal . He was a black Lab.
                        Somort named her dog Sweetie because she was so sweet. She was a Rottweiler
                        Lexll named her dog Princess because she acted like one. She was a Great Dane.
                        Andreas named his dog Bub because he acted like he was friends with everyone and always wanted to greet people.
                        Luckily all there dogs got along and they all became best friends. Their dogs came everywhere with them. Talinn even sometimes brought Rascal with her on some missions.
                         At the end of it all they decided to move away and start a shelter. They cleaned up around their old home town and now there are almost no homeless animals. The villains were sentenced to life in prison and were never seen again. But don't forget those weren't all the villains so Talinn was never done with her job to save animals.

The author's comments:

We typed this in class and i felt it was one of my best stories i've wrote.

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