The Battle of the Black Blooded | Teen Ink

The Battle of the Black Blooded

October 1, 2015
By TrasfegaLanza BRONZE, Anaheim, California
TrasfegaLanza BRONZE, Anaheim, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the dead of night, a powerful man, approached a seemingly peaceful village called Tanesha.
For that village was once plentiful, yet now the people were starving,
And theft and murder became a daily routine. 
There was a loud knock, shattering the peaceful night air.
The village elder opened the door to see the powerful man. 
“Who are you?” He asked. “My name is Lucas, and I know how to help the people of this village.”
In another village, Sayen, the people who lived there were not greedy, had enough to eat,
And were willing to share with each other
One day, a rider arrived with a message for the Sayen village elder.
“We are coming to take your food, if you refuse to give it to us, so be it, but be prepared to die.”
The strongest and bravest warrior, Thalia, gathered the other warriors.
“We cannot let them near our village and take our food; it’s scarce enough as is;
We must ride out and kill this great evil.”
In a whirlwind of movement, the warriors quickly gathered up their weapons and rode off.
As nightfall approached, they found a campsite near a river at the edge of a forest to stop for the night.
While they set up camp, a group of men set off to find firewood.
Unknown to the men, the forest was the home of a beast under the control of Lucas’ power.
A beast that burst the ground open to reveal itself.
An enormous grassy monster, whose talons were as sharp as another man’s blade.
The men fought off the terrible beast, some of ‘til their last breath.
After the battle the remaining men made their way back to the campsite.
When sunrise came, they all saddled their horses and rode off again.
As the sun was setting, the warriors approached a grassy plain,
They noticed a band of waiting warriors, clad in darkly tinted armor.
A man stood out amongst the warriors. Even from a distance, it was easy to tell that he was the leader.
“Are you the man who sent the message to our village?” Thalia asked.
“Indeed, it was I, who sent the message.” The man replied in a booming voice.
“Why? What happened to the food in your village?”
“People started getting greedy and taking more than they needed.
Now, we will get what we came for and anyone who gets in the way will be killed.” With that said,
Lucas drew his sword and commanded his warriors to attack.
Thalia mimicked his actions.
The cool twilight air was filled with the sickening screams of men, as sword met flesh and bone.
Thalia’s goal was to get to Lucas, but Lucas’ warriors formed a thick barrier around him,
As he sat with an almost joyful expression.
“Lucas, come fight me, you coward!” Thalia yelled over the loud clanging of metal hitting metal.
Lucas jumped down from his horse and made his way towards Thalia.
Thalia lunged at Lucas, aiming for his heart.
But Lucas was expecting just that and dodged the attack with ease.
“Pathetic.” He spat.
“You think you can do better?” Thalia challenged.
Lucas’ eyes shone bright with malice and in a heartbeat,
Thalia’s sword was flung from her hand and,
She was pinned to the ground with Lucas’ sword pressed against her throat
Thalia frantically felt the cold ground for her sword,
Wrapping her hand around her sword, she thrust it upwards, piercing Lucas’ dark consumed heart.
She expected him to bleed a human red, but when she yanked the sword back,
Blood as black as night poured out, unlike any other man’s
Thalia turned around and saw Lucas’ army shaking their heads,
As if they were shaking off a bad dream.
She approached one of the men. “What really happened to your village?” Thalia questioned.
The man answered in a raspy voice. “I’m not entirely sure. One day all was peaceful and the next,
Everyone had gone mad with greed.”
“Do you think Lucas had anything to do with it?”
“Perhaps” The man replied.
Thalia turned to where Lucas was bleeding out, but he was gone.
“How is this possible? He’s dying, if not already dead.” Thalia said, flabbergasted.
“Anything is possible when a person has powerful magic swirling within them.”
Thalia was sure of one thing. In the age old battle of good against evil; the good will always defeat evil.

The author's comments:

This piece is a short epic about the battles between good and evil. In our daily lives, we may not fight evil in such an obvious way. However, the fight between these two old enemies rages on in the background of our world.

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