Life on the flip side | Teen Ink

Life on the flip side

September 8, 2015
By Mysteriously_anon BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
Mysteriously_anon BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Groggily I raised my heavy head. DIIING. Ugh what now, I thought to myself as I looked over at my illuminated phone. “Great, he’s back” a groan escaped my lips as I read mitches harsh words. Why does he have to be so, so rude and pigheaded. I snickered at myself as I thought of secret scenarios of me humiliating him. “Thomas, breakfast is ready” my mom sang up to me in her typical peppy singsong voice. Sighing, I threw on some clothes and started on the long tiresome journey down the stairs. DIIING. Heaving a great sigh, I quickly checked my phone. Instagram too? Really Mitch. I wondered if it was all the money that caused him to think he was entitled to put others down. No matter how many times I apologized or said he won. He always came back. Always meaner than before. After clearing the last stair, the smell of bacon and waffles filled my senses. With a watering mouth I happily asked “what’s the occasion.” In a soft and almost in audible tone mom answered “no reason, just felt like a waffle day” we both chuckled softly.
HONK HONK. Who could that be? Walking over to the window I peered out and saw my best friend. Why was she here? It wasn….. It was. Darting upstairs and grabbing my backpack, I sprinted down the stairs taking two and three at a time. Flying out the door, I slid into the passenger side. “Sorry didn’t know the time” I breathed out heavily. Mariah laughed “yeah, yeah whatever.” She quickly backed out of the drive way and peeled out of our neighborhood. As we pulled into school I quietly cursed. Another day. With HIM. We pulled into the school parking lot and the first person I see is Mitch Wilson.  Sadly he saw me too and started to walk over. I hopped out of the car and started walking away quickly, hoping that I could walk faster than him. He caught me without breaking a sweat and pushed me down “Oh, Sorry didn’t see you there, Tom.” He said walking away while laughing. Today was going to be fun.

The author's comments:

I am not much for long stories so i make some small ones like this a lot. i will continue and write longer stories as i grow more comfotable with teenink

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on Sep. 17 2015 at 9:10 am
ash_larkins BRONZE, Waxhaw, North Carolina
4 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The secret of becoming a writer is to write, write, and keep on writing." ~Ken MacLead

Great work! Can't wait for more. Hope you can get a chance to read my action/adventure novel the Vision of Time and its sequel The Reversal of Time.