Dinosaur Island | Teen Ink

Dinosaur Island

June 9, 2015
By Nateirish BRONZE, Redlands, California
Nateirish BRONZE, Redlands, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life finds a way.

Dinosaur Island

Chapter 1

Derick had just stepped off the boat when his sister tackled him in a hug. “Hey not so hard, you’re gonna break me one day,”
“I don’t care, you’re finally here. I can’t wait to show you around.” Derick was tall for a fourteen year old with black hair, green eyes, and a scar from his right eyebrow to his cheek bone. Today he was wearing a grey shirt and black jeans with combat boots on.
“So how have you been? I heard that you might have a boyfriend now,”
She stands up with a blush “shut up!” his sister’s name was Melany she was thirteen with red hair, freckles, green eyes, and only comes up to his chest.
“So what’s his name and when can I meet him?”
“Ian and never,” she then turned away from him and said, “hurry up before we miss the dilophosaurus feeding.” he follows his little sister as she walks down the dock passing hundreds of people and small dinosaurs that roam the parks walk ways.
They walk into an enclosed area of the park and take a seat in one of the many benches in the stage. A ten foot tall dilophosaurus steps out making soft hooting cry’s like an owl, a man steps out on the other end and holds up a squealing pig, he places it down and it runs as fast as it can away from the trainer. The dilophosaurus chases it to a corner when it thrusts its head down and picks up the pig; for the first time he could get a good look at it. It had red frills on top of its head with backward curved teeth and dark purple eyes; it had dark green skin with thin yellow strips and black, hair like feathers running along its spine. It ripped pieces of the pig off of its body and swallowed it whole; blood was dripping from its jaws when it turned to look at him.
He could tell that it was intelligent, it was evaluating him, he never looked away and neither did it, till the trainer snapped his fingers. His sister said, “It likes you; it only does that with the trainers,”
“What’s its name?”


Chapter 2

Derick and Melany had just left the enclosed area when their father walked up to them.
“What are you doing here Derick?”
“Nice to see you to dad,” their father was a skinny man with red hair and blue eyes; he had freckles and small scar on his lip from when he was three.
“Answer the question.”
“Mel told me to come; she said that she really missed me so I came.”
“How did you get here? I don’t remember seeing your name on the boat list,”
“Mel put me down as Doctor Jenkins.”
His father didn’t like him much, he did not go down the path that everyone else had. Instead of Harvard he chose community, and he chose his own life instead of his dad’s. He turned to Mel and said, “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have gotten him here.”
“I know you listen to my phone calls dads so don’t even try to play the nice guy.”
Derick chuckles a little at that, then says, “I need a favor, I need to get to the dilophosaurus pen,”
“Because I need to ok ,just let me get to the one called Ned.” Derick said irritably.
“Fine but if you get bit, you’re not blaming me.”
“I’m not.”
Their father leaves them there in the middle of a group of people. So his sister tells him, “Come on the cells are this way.” She begins to walk away and he follows her to a building with large glass rooms with different colored dilophosaur either sleeping or running in them. Derick walks up to the one called Ned, it stops running around in circles and stares at him breathing heavily. he stares back and says to Mel without looking away “tell them to open it a little.” Mel tells the guards to open up a spot for Derick. When they open it he sticks his hand through slowly; it sniffs his hand then presses his frills into his hand then yawns and lies down. Derick stumbles back a little and falls, hitting his head on the floor.
“What the heck was that?” Mel was standing over him with her arms crossed in anger, his head hurt and the room was spinning but he wasn’t in the building with the cells, he was in the infirmary. There was a boy standing in the corner of the infirmary, “I touched it, and is that Ian in the corner?” the boy looked up and said “what’s it to you?”  Melany just dropped her arms with a wine, “I’m her brother who happens to be friends with a ten foot tall dilophosaurus, so talk or I’ll have it chase you.” The boy looked scared at that and said, “Y-You’re bluffing.” Mel turned and said, “No he isn’t.” Derick got up and held his head for a second then walked over to the boy he towered over. “Be nice and I won’t deck you,” he looked very scared, “I-I’m sorry, I’m Ian Jenkins.” he had short brown hair with brown eyes and freckles; he was shorter than Mel but he looked like he would take care of her. “I’m Derick, and is your father or mother a doctor?”
“Yes, my father is.” Derick turned to Mel with a smile. “Doctor Jenkins?” She blushed and looked down a little. Then he turned back to the boy, “you hurt her, you get hurt twice as much. Got it?”
“Got it.”

Chapter three
Derick woke up in the hotel room next to his sister. On the floor. He sat up and rubbed his head then walked to the window to see the park deserted. “Strange,” he walked over to the coffee machine and started making two cups of coffee with extra creamer and sugar then woke his sister up and handed her the cup, “How did we get on the floor?” he asked when she woke up fully.
“The doctor gave you sleeping pills and when you took one you said that we should go back to the room, and then you didn’t make it to the bed and I got tired of dragging you so I fell asleep next to you.”
“Oh ok and does the park have a close say or something?”
“No why?”
“Cause there is no one outside at all.”
There was a tapping at the door and a soft hooting sound… like an owl.
“Stay here.” Derick said as he walked towards the door and looked through the peep hole; outside was a dark green arm with thin yellow strips. He opened the door and Ned was standing in the door way with a jacket in its mouth, it was Derick’s jacket that he had taken off on the boat. He held out his hand and Ned dropped the jacket in his hand, Mel was standing behind him and she said, “Why is he out of his cage, and why does he have a jacket?”
“It’s my jacket, I took it off on the boat.” the dilophosaurus walked in with its head down looking from left to right. Then there was a loud roar near the window, Derick ran over and looked out the window. At just under his room’s window was a small looking T-rex, but its arms were longer.
“There is a Nano-Rex outside.” his sister ran over and looked out “But that’s not possible, they are supposed to be on the other side of the island.” She ran over to a computer and started typing things in, after a short while her face went pale, “Someone shut off all of the fences and doors around the park, the cameras are down to. Whoever it was made sure that no one would stop them.”
“Could it be a system failure?”
“No, if it was the phones would be out to, but they still work,”
“Who could have done it?”
“I don’t know but they had to have been working here for some time.”
“We have to leave now,” Derick started walking towards the door with Ned.
“Is there an armory?”
“Yes but it’s by the stegosaurs about a mile from here.”
“Then let’s go.” they left the building from the fire exit and started heading towards the stegosaurus pen.

Chapter 4

They have been walking for five minutes when they heard an odd growl, Ned raised his head and sniffed then he growled back. “We need to run now,” Mel was pale faced when she said this “that call is a velociraptor.” Derick nodded and took off running with his sister. but the Raptors were gaining fast, he dropped and swept his leg behind him and tripped the lead raptor, that made the others fall on top of each other.  Derick barely had time to stand up when a fourth raptor jumped on his back, he feel to the floor and rolled before the six inch claws could go in between his shoulder blades.  Derick stood and ran as fast as he could almost passing his sister until she grabbed his arm and pulled him right. Ned was following close behind when a raptor pounced on it, then another and another.
Ned let out an awful cry as he fell, Derick locked eyes with it; in its eyes he could tell it cared for him, and that he needed him to go. Derrick turned and ran after his sister with tears in his eyes, he passes her and jumps into the armory door and stands there waiting for his sister, once she was in he closed the door.
“What do we have Mel?”
“Fast acting tranquilizer and a few high powered cattle prods,”
Derick walks over and grabs one gun, one cattle prod, and as many tranquilizer darts as he can carry.
“Come on lets go,” They both leave the armory cattle prods first, they hear the Nano-Rex roar and feel the ground shake.
“How good are the eyes?” Derick asks as he puts a dart in his gun.
“Excellent unfortunately, and fast to we have to get somewhere high and tranq it,”
Derick looks around and starts climbing a fence till he is at the top.
“How long does the tranq take?”
“Few seconds.”
Derick whistles as loud as he can and the Nano-Rex hears it and comes running. He shoots it just under the ear and watches it stumble then fall.

Chapter 5

After the Nano-Rex fell he climbed down from the fence, “Come we have to leave and see if anyone is still out here. Do you have like a safety center?”
“Yes but it’s another mile away and the raptors aren’t gone,”
“I know the raptors are still there but we need to get to everyone first.”
“Ok then let’s go.”
Derick started running in the direction his sister told him, and after a short came across an ATV flipped over. He walked over and investigated the crash and found a med kit and a duffle bag full of money and a flash drive.
“I think that this belonged to the guy that destroyed the park,”
“What do you mean?”
“There is a flash drive and about a million in this bag, maybe dad can tell us if he saw someone that had this.”
“Ok then, let’s take it with us. We are almost there just a few more yards.”
She starts running and Derick follows her to the main walk way that leads to the shelter. Once they get there they hear quiet sobbing from inside. Derick knocks on the door and says “Hey can you let us in please?”
The door opens slightly to the face of a scared Ian, “W-what are you doing here?”
“Ian, open the door and let us in please.” Mel was now standing in front of Derick.
“N-no y-you n-need to g-go now.” then he begins to shut the door but Derick sticks his foot in the crack. “Open, the door, now.” Ian closes the door harder so Derick sticks him with the cattle prod. As Ian squirms on the floor Derick and Mel walk in and close the door. On the other side of the room is there father.
“H-how did you get here I thought you were dead.”
“Thanks for looking for us,” He runs up to Mel and gives her a hug, and looks at Derick with a look of distaste. “What are you doing with Jakes bag?”
“Because he was the one that sabotaged the park”
“What do you mean?”
“We found his bag next to an ATV and it has about a million dollars and a flash drive.”
They hear a gun click and turn around to see Ian holding a pistol.
“Why couldn’t you just leave it alone? Now I have to kill everyone here because of you and I won’t-----“Derick was holding the dart gun under his arm, and there was a dart sticking out from Ian’s neck.
“Chase is over now, I had a feeling you were up to no good,”
“Sorry I shot your boyfriend,”
“It’s ok; I mentally broke up with him when he tried to leave us outside.”
“Alright, everyone follow me we are getting out of here”
Derick walked towards the door and opened it as people rushed to follow him, there were a lot of thank you’s and hugs and a few kisses on the cheek. Then when they got to the dock they all got on and started to leave, they heard splashing. Derick ran over to see a mosasaur chasing them, he shot it just below the eye and the beast began to slow and sink.
“You think it’ll be ok?”
“Sure it will.”
“What are we going to do now?”
“I don’t know but we are broke as a joke told by Uncle Ted at the moment.”
“I don’t think we are broke yet.”
“What do you mean?”
“I still have the bag with the million dollars in it.”
“YEAH BOY!!!!!”


End OF The Grand Adventure OF Derick?

The author's comments:

I wrote this for a class project. It was supposed to be a novel but i couldnt get enough words in it.

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