Journey of a pair of shorts | Teen Ink

Journey of a pair of shorts

June 2, 2015
By Ellie Gall BRONZE, Waxhaw, North Carolina
Ellie Gall BRONZE, Waxhaw, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I knew we were about to go on a trip. It was early in the morning, Ellie’s dad took the suitcase I was in, and put it in the car. Ellie came out of the house and told her dad  “Wait! I want to get something out of my suit case!”. To my surprise it was me she wanted. She put me on, and put the other shorts she was going to wear into her suitcase. She fed her fish and left the house. As soon as Ellie and her family were all in the car, we left.  After a fairly short drive, we arrived at what was called “the airport”. There were flying machines everywhere. They made loud booming noises that kept me alert. Before I knew it, I was on an airplane taking off. The ride was bumpy and long, but I felt relaxed.
When we arrived to our destination, everything was different. Outside of the airplane were many trees, which I had never seen before. They were tall and had long leaves. I also saw many of these animals with big ears and long tails, they looked so cute! They were apparently called “Monkeys”. It took us a while to get out of the airport. I had to be patted by a strange woman, and scanned by a machine. We rode in a van for about an hour. It was strange to me that in this place the driver sat on the right side of the car.
When the van came to a stop, everyone stepped out. It was like paradise. There were pretty white buildings that overlooked the ocean. The water was clear, and a beautiful shade of blue. Ellie and her family were all excited. Ellie stepped in the water to see how warm it was. I was hit with a wave of water, it was refreshing and very warm. Ellie and her family sat down at a bar on the beach. Ellie spilled some of her smoothie on me. When everyone went to check out their rooms, Ellie washed my stain off. The rooms were very nice, with white beds and a tropical setting. Ellie hung me up to dry for a while. As I hung on the balcony drying, I saw many interesting sights. There were many animals I had never seen before. There were boats with sails that said “Resort Guests” on them. The beach stretched in every direction, and the land was very hilly.
The sky began to darken, I was completely dry but Ellie still left me on the balcony. Everyone left for dinner while I remained hanging there. After a while the wind began to pick up. What was a nice breeze turned into heavy gusts. I was pretty high above the ground which frightened me. All of the sudden I began to fall. I tumbled through the air and hit the ground with a smack! “Ouch!” I landed on some rocks. I was close to the ocean water. Then it began to rain. The rain made a stream on the rocks and it pulled me into the water. The ocean water was choppy and carried me further and further from the land. I sank to the bottom on the sand, but luckily the water wasn’t very deep. I would slightly move when the waves passed over. I was afraid of never seeing Ellie again.
Soon I saw the night turn to day and a few hours passed. People began to swim in the water. Then a figure began to approach me. It was a girl with long brown hair and dark skin. She picked me up and looked at me with fascinated eyes. I could tell she was happy to find me. She took me out of the water and hung me on a tree to dry. It took a few hours for me to dry. When she came back she tried me on. I fit her almost as well as I fit Ellie. She lived here for sure. She showed her mother that she found me. Her mother was excited as well. I found that the girl’s name was Eloise.
I wondered if Ellie was looking for me. I was pretty sure she was, but I knew it was probably going to be difficult for her to find me. I hoped this would be temporary, but I had a feeling Eloise was going to be my new owner. Her life was very different from Ellie’s life. I noticed that she spent most of her time helping her mother with chores and hanging out on the beach.
Eloise wore me to a market the third day I was with her. It was a crowded place with a lot of items for sale. As I gazed around I suddenly stopped and fixed my eyes on something. There was a sign on a telephone poll that said “Lost Shorts!”. It also had a picture on it, a picture of me! I could not believe it. Ellie was so worried about me, she made signs in hope that someone would find me. Eloise saw the sign as soon as I did, and gasped. She knew right away that I was the pair of shorts that were on the sign. She looked around to see if anyone was watching her, but they weren’t. She ripped the sign off of the wall and took it home. She showed it to her mother with disappointment. Eloise’s mother told her that she needed to return me to Ellie. Eloise agreed it would be the right thing to do. I was very happy knowing I was going to see Ellie, but also sad because I had a nice time with Eloise.
The next day Eloise washed me then brought me back to the resort. Although Eloise was sad to give me up, Ellie’s ecstatic reaction assured her it was the right thing to do.
Ellie showed her family I was back. They were happy for her and I was happy too. They all thanked Eloise before she left. That was the most adventurous experience of my life.

The author's comments:

This piece is one I had to write for my creative writing class about an experience from an object's point of view. I visited Jamaica last summer and that is where I got the idea for the setting. 

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