Oh The Things You Will See At WalMart | Teen Ink

Oh The Things You Will See At WalMart

May 27, 2015
By Andrew FLautt BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
Andrew FLautt BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Oh Walmart is the place that is magical for shopping and has everything right? It is so nice and lovely, and everyone can find anything they need right here at our Wal-Mart! Literally, I mean we have just about everything here, but what I focus on is the Outdoors Department, and you will find me behind the counter, with my nametag on my uniform that says, “Andrew. Outdoors.”.  I walk in everyday for work hoping to see the daily “Wal-Mart clown” is what I call them, but it is whoever I see while I work that is just looking outrageous and shouldn’t be out in public looking like that, and hopefully I can see that today. Today after I walk into my average day at work I see some hooligans messing around in the electronics department across the store so I call for a spot check on the area with security on its way. Security sneaks their way over there and see’s these idiots shooting Nerf guns at each other. Security giggles at them slightly because they are full adults playing with kids toys in Walmart.
The two men are caught by security and then they are asked to leave the store for today because of the goofing around and playing with the items that they weren’t intending on purchasing. Us workers at Walmart basically relax and talk to customers and ring people up on the register, not too hard of a job. But what people don’t really get to see the real strange things that occur at the most random times. So a couple hours after the Nerf incident, I am walking back in from my break and my department is right by the car department right next to the door, and I spotted some movement on this aisle as I had passed but it looked like a dog for the first glimpse I had of it. I grab my walky-talky and turned down the aisle quickly. My face lit up as I realized what it was. It wasn’t a dog, it was a six foot long, dark, scaly, ugly, alligator. I called for backup on the Tire Aisle “Important Emergency, Alligator in the store, aisle 3, Tires, come now”.
Now this thing started taking off as it saw me start to follow it around the store so I ran down the other side of the aisle hoping to meet up with the gator and wrestle him with backup to tie him down. As I am running, I’m thinking about I am risking my life with this gator over this little Walmart job. I turn the corner and run down the aisle and see if he is still moving down the main aisle. Slowly checking his sides he is still strolling down and doesn’t even see me. Only inches away from my aisle now he has no idea I am about to sneak attack him and his head passes the front of the aisle and I just plop right on top of the alligator and put all my weight down on the top of his head smashing it down on the ground while animal control has been called and we start to tape its mouth up and tie its feet together so it cannot get loose. Animal control had come to pick the gator up and put it in the wildlife reserve north of town, where they are in a good safe environment. So like I said before, working at Walmart has sure made me see a lot of different outrageous things that you would never even think about ever happening at one of the largest superstores nationwide.

The author's comments:

Its just simply amazing

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